NcSimul hands down. In my opinion Vericut is not even in the same arena. I have used both and the dynamic abilities of NcSimul far exceed that of Vericut. Top to bottom, I could not find an area where Vericut was superior. My major issue with Vericut is the foundational architecture. They have issued several improvements but without a complete rewrite of code, it will remain built on old tech. We have been using NcSimul for 6+ years now and I really cant complain about any of its functionality.
We started out using NcSimul with Pro/NC and about 3 years ago we made the switch to Delcam Powermill. At that time NcSimul did not have an export function that worked with Delcam. Our purchase agreement with Delcam was premised on that fact that they would work with NcSimul to develop a export function that would work seamlessly. After about a month of Beta testing we ended up with a simple GUI export tool that works perfectly.
We manufacture components for the Defense and Aerospace markets and we have never had a crash due to a bad simulation file. Just remember, your simulation is only as good as the machine models and control files within NcSimul and or Vericut. Depending on the kinematics and complexity of your machines, those files can be easy or complex to create. All of our machine control files where created and edited by Spring/NcSimul.
As for support, I deal direct with the Boston office as well as the HQ in France and I have never had an issue. If you have high level support questions then ask to speak with Philippe, he is the Technical Director and really knows his stuff.
If support is your only concern, in regards to which software to purchase, I can only state my own experiences. The major support comes in the first couple of months using the software. After you get the hang of it, you probably wont even call them anymore. We had them come down and spend a week training our manufacturing department and that is something I would highly recommend. After that, we had a few changes that we wanted to make on how certain TCP machine codes, G43.1 - G43.4, were handled within NcSimul. Then we moved to Macro B coding and things of that nature. As I stated previously, it comes down to how simple or complex your machines are, 3 axis is cut and dry and it moves up from there.