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How or where to find the parameter that controls the automatic generated champfer inside the assembly definition in EMX? I would like it to be visible always when i build up a moldbase using EMX.
Hello Clement,
sorry for my late reply.
Here is the Answer to your question.
Got to the folder <emx_install>/components/<unit>/plates/<supplier>/udf and open the file feature_data with a text editor.
You can individually handle all features of the plates of a certain supplier.
You can now handle the feature behavior for each type individually but there is also a chance to change feautre behavior for all palte types
By default the CHAMFER behavior is set to TRUE for ANY type of plate.
If you simply change the value to FALSE the chamfer is the by default not visible in all types of the change supplier.
In my example alll plates from Meusburger won't have this chamfer anymore.
Be carefull with changes at this file and do back ups before doing changes.
It is also important to think about the shape of plates that are shipped by the supplier.
If you decide to hide any CAD feature in the plate (HOLES, CHAMFER) which will be available in the plate which was ordered from a supplier may cause issues.
Regards Thomas
Hello Thomas,
Thank you so much for your answer. Just what i needed:)
Best regards Clement