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I just upgraded to the full Edition to MathCAD Prime 9.0 from MathCAD express (MyCommerce Order Number: 860697573 ). I received a license file and I successfully upgraded my MathCAD Express to the full edition on my work computer.
Does my single user license for the full edition entitle me to a HOme use license as well?
Theodore F. (Ted) Wiesner, PhD PE
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemical Engineering
Texas Tech University
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Vladimir,
Many thanks for your quick response to my post.
In going through the procedures at the links you posted, I think all I did was transfer my work license to my home computer. Now I can work at home but not at my workplace.
I think the problem may be related to the fact that my license manager does not show home use licenses available. However, the home use policies do indicate that a home use license comes with a single user license.
Do you know how I can procure the home use license?
Hi Ted,
1. I would recommend contacting the seller who supplied you with this license to clarify this.
2. Also you can create a new Case here - "Mathcad Support Center":
Hi Vladimir,
Again, thanks for your help. I found out that my home use licenses were not showing up because I didn't click the "+" sign to the left of the product column. Clicking it exposed 2 home licences.
Best regards,
I'm glad you solved it.