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I am struggling to plot the 3D directional spectrum (formula shown below) in the attached worksheet. I have plotted the 2D spectrum but need to display the 3D spectrum with theta ranging from zero to 360deg.
Any help with be much appreciated.
Sorry it should read 2D. I am looking for something similar to below.
Thanks Fred that is very helpful. It's not exactly what I'm looking for but very close. I'll come back with a little more information.
Mike Armstrong wrote:
I am struggling to plot the 3D directional spectrum (formula shown below) in the attached worksheet. I have plotted the 2D spectrum but need to display the 3D spectrum with theta ranging from zero to 360deg.
Why should theta range up to 360°? The function D.w in your worksheet would return zero for theta greater than 90°.
Attached a try without create mesh using the quickplot facility. You simply have to avoid that the first parameter is zero, so in my plot its running from 10^-10 up to 2.
The function however seems not to resemble the one from the Excel plot.
Cheers Werner, that's a little closer. I believe it is similar but only displaying half the wave cycle.
The spectral density values seems a little low if I'm honest as the formula might not be fully correct. I'll have to check again in work tomorrow. I have just had a little play with the plot settings and it looks closer to the Excel plot.
Running theta from -90 to +90 will give the full spectrum, but it looks like it has a rather sharp edge!?
That does looks better again. Could you upload the worksheet please. I cannot seem to replicate the graph you uploaded.
Very nice, cheers for the help.
You are welcome.
Just notice that your spectrum is not symmetrical around theta=0, so you won't get even the half for positive values of theta.!?
I also noticed that, thanks Werner.
I have only had a little time to continue working on this, so it's not finished. Should have the finished worksheet shortly.