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There appears to be an issue with the combo box with regard to exponents.
1. When inside the box the Exponentiation (Xn) is greyed out and I have to type it by hand (^) when entering values. This however puts the box on red alert and it either refuses to work or crashes.
2. It also looks weird as if something's wrong.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
Attached is a Prime 7 file.
Hello Raiko,
You're doing only one thing wrong. That is: to use the combo-box (with other than simple units).
See here for further information.
Hello Luc,
thank you for your answer and the link. It's not a bug it's a feature!
Weird that such a basic functionality isn't supported in a software that deems itself to be the CAD of mathematics.
After observing >10 years of (lack of) development of Prime, nothing is weird in my perspective...