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As advised by Forum members, I'll be much better served by using vectors instead of ranges.
I want liAux to be a vector of numbers generated by a Date array. ONe column of the date Array is used to generate one number of liAux
JD should be a 2D array. the rows being the day of the year and columns being hours of the day. So i can pick a day and time and get JD from it.
I have hit a roadblock even before I started. See attached file
I haven't had the time to study the worksheets you have posted, but from the attached I see the following issues.
I have updated the source file above. still can't get it to work
The last line is the start of the program. there are 11 pages worth of equations to be converted to vectors.
Here is the original file using ranges. this is the reference file.
One thing i'm worried is finding roots of the equation that are vector dependent.