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Copy/Paste issue with MathCAD 8.0


Copy/Paste issue with MathCAD 8.0

I typically do all my work in a textbox and recently I cannot copy equations and text together and paste below inside the textbox. I would do this all the time but now it doesn't work. I can copy from a textbox and paste outside the text box, but this is inconvenient.


Anyone have any insight into why this may be happening now? 




Attach sheet - 


Hi there, 


There is nothing really you attach. I did miss type my situation though. I do all my work in a Text Block not a text box, but I imagine it makes no difference. 


Inside the text block I can type freely and initialize variables and work with those variables all inside the text block. This should work for you also. I used to be able to copy any content inside the text block and paste it below also inside the text block. Now all the math content will not paste inside the block. 


I can copy math content from inside a text block and paste outside of the text block fine but pasting math content copied from inside a text block and pasting it further down inside the text block no longer works. 




So you have a Text Block. Then you are putting a math function inside the text box?


I did that and i can copy and paste fine. 


No issues found.


Ok, so I might have to re download mathcad or something and see if that fixes it.


Thanks for checking this for me. 

Reinstalling MathCAD did not work. I have attached my file with a brief example. 

If I hold the SHIFT key and click on one of the formulae in the text block, it highlights all of the data in the text block and it will copy and paste correctly.  I don't know if that helps or not.


Yeah, I noticed that worked also, but it's nice to copy and paste entire chunks of work and just change a few things than it is to type it all out. I can just adapt, and work on the canvas and just add in text boxes when necessary, but that doesn't have as clean of a look.  

23-Emerald III

I guess you're the first to notice this behaviour.

In my Prime 8 it works (not) in the same way as you describe.

You apparently cannot select the text AND the math expressions sufficiently for them to be copied and then pasted into the same or another text box or text block. In order to copy the (embedded) math regions over, you have to select them separately in order to copy and paste them over.

However if you paste the selection onto the canvas, outside of a text region, it pastes all (text AND math), as a new text region.

The same behaviour occurs in older versions of Prime (I checked Prime 3.1 and 4).

Are you sure it worked previously? Then it may be due to an update of MS dotnet...(and it's certainly NOT due to an update of Prime). However, if it never worked like you might expect, then it's a bug in Prime, dating from the introduction of allowing math regions in text (probably Prime 3).

I'd say, report this as a bug.




Yeah, I have been working this way since at least MathCAD 6 so it was immediately noticeable when it stopped working. I just thought the program needed a restart at first, but apparently not. Thanks for your input. 

I have the same issue just starting in MathCAD Prime 7 about 10 days ago. I use this functionality all the time and it has really broken my work flow. Have no idea why it just stated. 

this is new broken behavior. I used this functionality of copying text and math together and pasting in a text region without issue until 10 days ago. Its broken my work flow completely. It has been working fine for me from Prime 4 onwards i would say.

5-Regular Member

I don't currently have Prime 8 installed: I'm using Prime Express.


Copying mixed text and maths blocks within a text block has also been part of my workflow.  It ceased functioning properly this morning, literally while editing a document!  I'd cut and pasted one section in order to edit, and it worked fine.  Repeated with another, and the maths blocks are being ignored.


As has been observed, restarting MathCAD doesn't help.


It would be very helpful if a fix could be identified since this makes copying and pasting blocks extremely cumbersome.

I just opened a support case with PTC, lets see if anything happens. This is a fundamental problem to how mathcad operates with windows due to recent updates. Its not a new problem as it affects all versions of prime.


I have just noticed article.

Martin Hanák


I have several problem. And date several too. You can try to reset applications to default state by standard windows 10 function. And then never install NET 7.0 (uninstalling doesn't have effect). I tried several times and think that problem with NET 7.0.

Please, write here, if you tried too and problem wasn't in NET 7.0.

Thanks for info but this is not related to a legacy product that is no longer supported by PTC. Id prefer to concentrate on supported current versions. Uninstalling .NET 7 is not a realistic solution. There is a reason why .NET is updated.

23-Emerald III

Without suggesting to imply that the cause for the behaviour is .net:

It would not be the first time that an update of .net creates errors in certain applications that use .net....



I was wrong, It's not .NET 7.0. I reset my win 10 again yesterday, nothing was installed except Mathcad Express 7.0. At first it works normally, And today the bug appeared again.


Is there any hope that PTC will fix Microsoft's bug (december 2022 update presumably)?

I also have this problem in MathCAD Prime As I have only started working recently with MathCAD, I can't state if it had newly appeared.


It is a very severe bug that seriously impacts my productivity, as I can't copy/paste text blocks with math from template files into my current document, or even with the document itself. Only the text is copied, I have to go back and copy each math element separately and insert it manually in the text block at the right location. 


I hope PTC can announce a fix or at least a workaround soon.

This is caused by a security update in some Microsoft .Net components related to .Net Framework 4.8. There is a fix for it described in


You have to download the script from that page and execute it power shell. It worked for me!

I raised this error with mathcad a while back and chased up yesterday.


They are aware if it see below, I understand mathcad prime 9 will resolve it but they are also working on a fix. I'm going to wait for a fox instead of going through the command line and messing about with my registry 


As per R&D analysis & checks, Microsoft’s workaround resolves this issue. Following command needs to be executed in command prompt in Administrator mode


reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Windows Presentation Foundation\XPSAllowedTypes" /v "DisableDec2022Patch" /t REG_SZ /d "*" /reg:64


(Above command source KB5022083 Change in how WPF-based applications render XPS documents - Microsoft Support)


Please have a glance at below article for more information


Unable to copy paste text and Math region in Text block if windows Update KB5020872 for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 is installed on machine




5-Regular Member

I upgraded to MathCAD Prime 9 yesterday but, disappointingly, it doesn't fix this issue.

I only have MathCAD Express (the free version), so can't see the article in the link.  Does it say anything interesting?

23-Emerald III

As I understand it, it should be fixed by disabling a patch from Microsoft, not by a newer version of Prime.




5-Regular Member

The previous post had indicated that PTC were aware of the issue and would have it fixed in MathCAD Prime 9.


PTC haven't fixed it.


I wouldn't expect software this expensive (for those that have paid-for licenses) to need OS patches to make it work properly.

@CS_7175918 wrote:

The previous post had indicated that PTC were aware of the issue and would have it fixed in MathCAD Prime 9.


PTC haven't fixed it.


I wouldn't expect software this expensive (for those that have paid-for licenses) to need OS patches to make it work properly.


according to the fix is planned in Mathcad Prime (in March 2024 ?).

To confirm this information I suggest you to open case at PTC Support.

Martin Hanák

Thank you! It works!

(It's strange, but it didn't work out the first time - I ran scripts, installed updates, but it worked only after the second register edit)


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