Ah, MC13's incorrect "correction". Bit of a nuisance, that. If one needs to one can break up the offending assignment into two parts, which MC13 can handle.
You can't draw actual bars in the spherical plot. They would have to be a pyramidal construct. You could, for each cell in the histogram, define a square centered in the cell with an area proportional to the count in that cell, and then map these squares onto the sphere. These figures would connect through the point at the origin. But since the shapes are a bit irregular, I'm not sure how visually compelling that would be.
You can interpolate a surface through the counts. That would result in a figure logically similar to the stem graph you've been using, but as a continuous surface. The biggest issue is at the borders, where the two hemispheres meet with reversals. That has to be taken into account when doing the interpolation. I would start with the counts (suitably scaled) at the center of the grid boxes, then interpolate the grid points. After that it's a simple grid and further interpolation is simple (if needed).
� � � � Tom Gutman