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Is it possible to use colan (:) symbol in literal subscripts for defining variable in Mathcad Prime directly ?
@OM_10154742 wrote:
Is it possible to use colan (:) symbol in literal subscripts for defining variable in Mathcad Prime directly ?
Not directly, as far as I'm aware. I've tried a few workarounds, such as using a Unicode subscript colon, but there isn't a subscript colon. However, one possible workaround uses a variant of the colon character.
The text string is: (@ID g (@SUB l꞉k))
Modify it as needed.
You can use the usual colon character if you put the subscript text into double quotes
A somewhat startling observation: If only part of the subscript text is set in double quotes, the order is changed
Interesting. It further seems to strip spaces outside of quotes and possibly use the space as some form of grouping break.
This is clever. I knew about inserting special characters and I know about the underlying equation notation, but I never thought of putting the two together. Here are some use cases that I've been wanting to apply for some time now. I'm sure there are infinitely more.
Neat. It's also possible to automate the production of suitable strings by concatenating appropriate substrings.
Alas and alack, my long-standing request to directly create variable/function names has not been implemented, so the last part, the tiresome manual copy/paste, is still an unwanted drudge ... although, I suppose one could Autokey, or similar, the process.
The functions unichar and unistring are simple functions that convert a decimal/hex number into a Unicode character or string, respectively. I'd post the worksheet, but it's rather a dreadful mess and I'd be ashamed to visit it upon the web.