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Why i can't start PTC Mathcad in Creo 4.0 M020 in Application Tab?


Why i can't start PTC Mathcad in Creo 4.0 M020 in Application Tab?

Why i can't start PTC Mathcad in Creo 4.0 M020 in Application Tab?

Here are my operations:

  1. I install Creo 4.0 M010;
  2. I install PTC Mathcad Prime 4.0, it is success to start PTC Mathcad in Creo 4.0 M010 in Application Tab;
  3. Then i uninstall all compoents of Creo 4.0 M010, and install Creo 4.0 M020;
  4. it is fail to start PTC Mathcad in Creo 4.0 M010 in Application Tab, just like the picture below;Smiley Sad


How to repair itso that i can start PTC Mathcad in Creo 4.0 M020 in Application Tab?


And what about Mathcad Prime 4.0 reinstallation?

I tried reinstall the MathCAD and it works, it's OK. but if we can find a quick way such as "a registry value" or "a setup method", it will be better when we meet this problem next time. I tired to use the Microsoft(R) Registry monitor to find what Registry keys and value the Creo Parametric read and write when i run the insert MathCAD table files, but it doesn't work, i sitll not find the way.

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