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Collaboratory - Planet PTC - PTC Commutity Java - PTC Community Lithium

24-Ruby IV

Collaboratory - Planet PTC - PTC Commutity Java - PTC Community Lithium

I try, try, try use this again, again, again



I see the same thing. Or did. I gave it a security exception, so now it's OK. This is the second time I've done that though.

But by the migration from Collaboratory to Planet PTC we nave not this problem!


I tried to tech support on this. I believe they need to fix the old link or remove it.

Now (2017/07/26)


Thats the internet! The link which works today may be broken tomorrow.


In this case the cause is a wrong (or better - an incomplete) certificate used. The certificate includes "" but erroneously not "". Give it a try - delete the "www." part and I guess your link will work OK.


Fortunately this problem can be fixed very easily and PTC is aware of it and the issue is #3 on their high-priority-known-issues list. So I guess you can expect that the old links will work OK again in the near future.


Not sure though how long they intend the redirection to be alive. As you will remember when we switched from the old collab to the Jive platform, the old mathsoft links worked for quite a while and then those redirections eventually were killed.


This is a known issue. They are working on it

So you found this list Smiley Happy.


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