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24-Ruby IV


You ask me, why does the PTC take away the good old Mathcad 15 and give us in return Mathcad Prime?

You ask me, why does the PTC take away the good old Java Community and give us in return new Lithium Community?

I will answer - it's all done because we have a lot grave sins.


Do you have another answer?



The only answer is that you've given.

Sad, but true.

We live in times of the number of the beast for it is a human number. It's number 666


@vlehner wrote:

The only answer is that you've given.

Sad, but true.

We live in times of the number of the beast for it is a human number. It's number 666

Pierre still went into society, drank as much and led the same idle and dissipated life, because besides the hours he spent at the Rostóvs’ there were other hours he had to spend somehow, and the habits and acquaintances he had made in Moscow formed a current that bore him along irresistibly. But latterly, when more and more disquieting reports came from the seat of war and Natásha’s health began to improve and she no longer aroused in him the former feeling of careful pity, an ever-increasing restlessness, which he could not explain, took possession of him. He felt that the condition he was in could not continue long, that a catastrophe was coming which would change his whole life, and he impatiently sought everywhere for signs of that approaching catastrophe. One of his brother Masons had revealed to Pierre the following prophecy concerning Napoleon, drawn from the Revelation of St. John.

In chapter 13, verse 18, of the Apocalypse, it is said:

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

And in the fifth verse of the same chapter:

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.


The French alphabet, written out with the same numerical values as the Hebrew, in which the first nine letters denote units and the others tens, will have the following significance:

      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   k
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
       l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s
      20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90
             t    u    v    w    x    y
            100  110  120  130  140  150

Writing the words L’Empereur Napoléon in numbers, it appears that the sum of them is 666, and that Napoleon was therefore the beast foretold in the Apocalypse. Moreover, by applying the same system to the words quarante-deux, * which was the term allowed to the beast that “spoke great things and blasphemies,” the same number 666 was obtained; from which it followed that the limit fixed for Napoleon’s power had come in the year 1812 when the French emperor was forty-two. This prophecy pleased Pierre very much and he often asked himself what would put an end to the power of the beast, that is, of Napoleon, and tried by the same system of using letters as numbers and adding them up, to find an answer to the question that engrossed him. He wrote the words L’Empereur Alexandre, La nation russe and added up their numbers, but the sums were either more or less than 666. Once when making such calculations he wrote down his own name in French, Comte Pierre Besouhoff, but the sum of the numbers did not come right. Then he changed the spelling, substituting a z for the s and adding de and the article le, still without obtaining the desired result. Then it occurred to him: if the answer to the question were contained in his name, his nationality would also be given in the answer. So he wrote Le russe Besuhof and adding up the numbers got 671. This was only five too much, and five was represented by e, the very letter elided from the article le before the word Empereur. By omitting the e, though incorrectly, Pierre got the answer he sought. L’russe Besuhof made 666. This discovery excited him. How, or by what means, he was connected with the great event foretold in the Apocalypse he did not know, but he did not doubt that connection for a moment. His love for Natásha, Antichrist, Napoleon, the invasion, the comet, 666, L’Empereur Napoléon, and L’russe Besuhof—all this had to mature and culminate, to lift him out of that spellbound, petty sphere of Moscow habits in which he felt himself held captive and lead him to a great achievement and great happiness.

Leo Tolstoy "War & Peace"

I believe it has something to do with avarice and greed.


And if the invisible hand of the Free Market cures all ills, how long must we wait for gridlines and logarithmic scales in plots?

25-Diamond I

@tfinks wrote:

I believe it has something to do with avarice and greed.

That may be true, indeed.



And if the invisible hand of the Free Market cures all ills, how long must we wait for gridlines and logarithmic scales in plots?

How long does it take you to go out, buy and learn another companies math software?

BTW - logarithmic scales are already available even in Prime!


@tfinks wrote:


  how long must we wait for gridlines and logarithmic scales in plots?

From one my article: 

Рулоны миллиметровой бумаги – это неплохие обои для квартиры… математика. В одной комнате они могут быть простыми, в другой – логарифмическими только по одной оси (полулогарифмическая бумага), а в третьей – по обеим осям. Кстати пол в холле штаб-квартиры американской математической ассоциации выстлан плиткой в форме пятиугольников. Поиск и классификация многоугольных паркетов является наглядной и интересной задачей теории замощений комбинаторной геометрии.

Sorry - the google translation - correct please!

Rolls of millimeter paper - this is a good wallpaper for an apartment of ... mathematics. In one room they can be simple, in another - logarithmic only on one axis (semilogarithmic paper), and in the third - on both axes. By the way, the floor in the lobby of the headquarters of the American Mathematical Association is lined with tiles in the form of pentagons. The search and classification of polygonal parquets is a visual and interesting task of the theory of tilting combinatorial geometry.

See please what I have in my room on the wall:



In my room at the door i have...


WhatsApp Image 2017-07-07 at 12.01.30.jpeg


...a delicious cool beer.Smiley Very Happy


Yes! We have a lot sins - grave and not so grave.

I remember that when the first computers with a primitive printer appeared, some programmers began to write programs for such a plan: "Hello World, see my naked woman!".
Printers were essentially typewriters. It was a whole art and science - to choose such letters and numbers, so that the woman looked like a woman...

In those days it was sharp and piquant, now it's vulgar...
Oh, our sinful sins...



I remember too, as i was a student we programmed this in Pascal and TurboC++.

Each student has to programm one sequence and at least we linked all routines-That was fun!

And yes, we had to use our phantasies and now, today, it's vulgar. Sad but true.

Great memories!


ASCII-Art still is done and has its community.



But it is better to use with Mathcad not the ASCII (Word) art but the Salesman Problem art.

One example


Not sure what I am supposed to see here (apart from Mona).

@WernerExinger wrote:

Not sure what I am supposed to see here (apart from Mona).

We can wee the way of Saleman Problem!

There was an animation on this problen in Java Forum.

But now only this


@ValeryOchkov wrote:

@WernerExinger wrote:

Not sure what I am supposed to see here (apart from Mona).

We can wee the way of Saleman Problem!

There was an animation on this problen in Java Forum.

But now only this


Yeah - senseless and the link in that post does not work because of wrong permission settings.

While animations may look nice, far better than an animation is a clear description along with the worksheet itself.


I am aware of the Travelling Salesman problem but I didn't see the connection to Mona.


@WernerExinger wrote:

@ValeryOchkov wrote:

@WernerExinger wrote:

Not sure what I am supposed to see here (apart from Mona).

We can wee the way of the Traveling Saleman Problem!

There was an animation on this problen in Java Forum.

But now only this


Yeah - senseless and the link in that post does not work because of wrong permission settings.

While animations may look nice, far better than an animation is a clear description along with the worksheet itself.


I am aware of the Travelling Salesman problem but I didn't see the connection to Mona.


Can you paint Mona so


@ValeryOchkov wrote:

Thanks, Werner!

He is me?

If you didn't lie in your old Jive profile - yes.

Made by this tool:

Output gets better if you allow enhanced character set and higher resolution. Furthermore it would help to prior edit the (original) pic and enhance the contrast.




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