Community Tip - Want the oppurtunity to discuss enhancements to PTC products? Join a working group! X has moved to Problem is, it won't load.
What's odd is that the help linked to Creo still goes to ( and it still works fine.
Clicking one of the arrows yields this:
Tom Uminn Thank you for bringing this to our attention - I am contacting the support team.
Hi Tom,
Thanks for reporting this. I've made contact with our Business Systems team and requested their urgent attention to it. Problem is reproduced in house and does indeed seem to be related to the recent move.
We'll have an update on this shortly.
Thanks Peter Case. I noticed a new theme was rolled out to eSupport portal today as well. I do like that!
** Update **
The issue has been fixed and the links are up to date.
Thanks again to Tom Uminn for reporting it.
Not for me. At least not yet...
Is anyone else experiencing the same issue as Tom? Things are working on my end.
It errors on my work internet, BUT on my phone, not through work wifi, it came up just fine.
And then I just re-tested and it worked just fine on my work internet.
Okay, it's working now. Disappointed that it breaks the middle mouse button (can't open product specific support page in it's own tab.)
So is the Creo Schematics link:
On the All Product Help Centers page, this link is redirecting to which is then redirecting back to the new page. (Double redirect.)
It probably should just go straight to the main page so the user don't see this:
Thanks a lot Tom for reporting those issues,
I've reported the 2 broken link and the unnecessary extra hop on the "all help center" page. We're also looking into what we can do for the redirect
Thanks Pierre Maraninchi. I just tested them again and they are indeed working correctly now.
P.S. Please keep the "" redirect. It's much easier to remember than "" when trying to look up help documentation at other people's computers.
Pierre Maraninchi, I just ran into another problem. Help docs referenced by the knowledge base are now pointing to invalid locations. I think this might be due to the same change.
Hello Tom,
Thanks for discovering and quickly reporting this. The underlying issue here is separate to the change of location (Base URL) for the help centers, whicih is covered by a redirect. There were in fact some further changes deeper in the file structure of the Creo 3.0 Help.
Re-indexing will resolve this issue for Search, and that should happen in the next day or so, but there are also some ~250 public articles which are also affected. I'm checking now whether this can be resolved in an automated way, or whether manual updates to the articles are required.
In any case, root cause is identified and we're working on it.
Hi Tom,
The reindex is now complete and the "Doc not found" issue for the Creo 3.0 Help Center topics in Search has been addressed.
Still working on the articles with broken links.