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See the Top Community Engagers and the Top Noteworthy posts for the month of December.
Top December 2022 Community Engagers:
@Werner_E @HelesicPetr @avillanueva @VladimirN @MartinHanak @ttokoro @LucMeekes @Shashi_Preetham @TomU @KenFarley @EdvinTailwind @Dale_Rosema @jensc @ValeryOchkov @StephenW @BenLoosli @OnurNalbantoglu @Eike_Hauptmann @Dayna_M @AlfredFlaßhaar
Below are some of the top engaging or most viewed PTC Community topic threads for December 2022! See if your community username made this list! Or, read more about a topic that interests you!
1. Creo: @J10119210 asked how to pain the part at the asembly or sub-assembly level so that its color is also automatically. Great contributions by @StephenW @kdirth @EdvinTailwind @MartinHanak @Patriot_1776 @KenFarley
2. Creo: @MH_10366957 received an accepted solution from @ysinitsyn for topic Toolkit Scripts Receiving failed to start error @MartinHanak @FV and @MH_10366957 thank you for participating in the conversation!
3. Creo: An interesting conversation with @XDN @StephenW and @KenFarley around Gear teeth and spline hub shaft
4. Creo: "h" has a "Master Project" and needed help with Modal Analysis of press fit shaft hub assembly and received an accepted solution from @skunks
5. Creo: A question about Tracking down a circular reference was posted by @AE_9609989 and an Accepted Solution was provided by @tbraxton ! Thank you for contributing to the conversation. @drieffel @pausob @StephenW
6. ThingWorx: @nmutter gave an Accepted Solution to @twxadmin for the topic How to solve below two errors in thingworx? Also if someone can explain root cause of it. @VladimirN and @slangley thank you for your contributions!
7. ThingWorx: The topic Filter queries was posted by @jensc and an accepted solution provided by @TravisPickett Thank you @PravinDriven for contributing to the thread!
8. ThingWorx: . @VladimirN provided a speedy response and Accepted Solution to the inquiry by @AS_1307 about Developer Portal Guides
9. ThingWorx: @BS_10420068 needed help with ThingWorx flow 9.3.4 install error @PaiChung @slangley @TravisPickett
10. ThingWorx: @TanmeyTWX posted the topic Terminate/End SSO user session Logout and received an Accepted Solution from @nmutter @PaiChungthank you for participating in the conversation!
11. Vuforia: @AndreaT shared a post about Reporting on Studio 9.8 AmandaZupfer and @VladimirN
12. Vuforia: @Martini3119 posted a topic about Vuforia Studio-Dark Mode/reduce eyestrain @sdidier
13. Windchill: @Dobi posted the topic CAD worker fails to start and received an Accepted Solution by @avillanueva Thank you for participating @Ajit_Kulkarni @VishwasAnantwar and @rhart
14. Windchill: @Sha11 asked if it is possible to attach a PDF document to a WTPart and received an Accepted Solution from @avillanueva Thank you, @HelesicPetr for participating in the conversation.
15. Windhill: @ScottGivens asked about Deleting older versions of Creo files in Windchiill 11.1 PDMLink (M020, CPS 13) with an Acccepted Solution by @BenLoosliThank you, @Ajit_Kulkarni and @MikeLockwood for participating!
16. Windchill: @Sha11 asked about Calculating an attribute onchage of another attribute and @BjoernRueegg provided an Accepted Solution! @joe_morton and @rhart thank you for participating in the conversation.
17. Windchill: @AI_10204028 had an Installation problem-Windchill 11.2 inquiry @SWeiler_9940261 delivered an Accepted Solution. Thank you @BenLoosli and @avillanueva for participating!
18. Mathcad: @AlfredFlaßhaar posted the topic Van Roomen's problem and @LucMeekes provided the Accepted Solution!
20. Windchill SSE:@SA_10491108 asked about Import .SAV file into PTC Integrity Moddeler v8.5a
@MangeshDevraj and provided an Accepted Solution.
21. Arbortext: @dgopois asked about Using ACL, How to replace the string "and" by the character ampersand (&) and @RickSchoenprovided the Accepted Solution.
22. Arbortext: @RickSchoen posted the topic Some Unicode Characters Don't Display in PDF Thank you @GarethOakes for your input!