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Has anyone upgraded to a Quadro M4000 (from any other video card and using the same machine)?
Like it?
Did you find a good deal on the upgrade?
I am running the Quadro 3000M in a Dell Precision laptop.
The only hesitation I have is that NVidia drivers don't work properly.
Only Dell released video drivers work properly in Creo.
NVidia drivers leave "tracks" or "stutters".
Not really good deal. Just looking to upgrade. The M4000 is not mobile, it's the latest version of the Quadro (desktop) series. I seem to need more GPU memory, the M4000 is an 8 gig card. Although that should be plenty I was also looking at the 12 gig Titan X card.
please can you explain, why do you need 8 GB or 12 GB GPU memory ?
I have 3 now, whenever the system slows down is when the memory hits cap.
according to my experience, size of graphics memory is not so important. System is slow, when i run out of RAM -OR- when I work with large assembly and processor usage is on 100% (on single thread). Therefore I do not understand why do you need 8 GB or 12 GB GPU memory.
Ok? Different experiences then?
What are you using to monitor your GPU RAM usage?
I'd also be interested to know what GPU usage you're seeing in different operations and situations in Creo. I've got a K4200 and it hardly ever seems to break a sweat.
Process Explorer. I just took the screenshot, not really showing anything with it, but what I am looking at.And even at that 1.7 gig used on a few models loaded seems like a lot.
I tried to find some information concerning GPU tab info in Process Explorer. Unfortunatelly I did not get any understandable explanation. Therefore I think that information reported via this tool is useless.
They are just usage meters basically, what more information are they supposed to give to make them not useless?
Hmm... I've just pulled in a complete gearbox assembly, and I've got xtop using about 1.8 GB and the video card reporting about 950 MB via GPU-Z. So 1.7 GB seems believable... it would be interesting to know what drives the usage higher, though - is it more faces/edges/vertices, or more colours, or shadows/reflections/anti-aliasing, or decals/textures, or mostly screen resolution?
I agree.I assume turning up some of the quality settings will make it jump up a bit.
Or maybe GTX1080...
M6600 with the 1080 upgrade.
Now testing...
We just upgraded to the M4000 and it's great for speed. However coming from an AMD FirePro V7900, this card seems to have an issue with Anti-Aliasing screwing with drawing line quality.
Cool, yeah the M4000 just dropped like a rock in price because the Pascal version just came out and the performance of the Pascal is so much greater. I am still trying to 1080 at the moment. The Win10 driver seems to need a little work over the Win7 driver, though. Hopefully Nvidia gets on that soon. But (for me) the increased memory made a big difference.