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I am running Creo 7 from a server install. There is one machine that will not run it though and it isn't making sense so far. At the end of the batch file that I use to set different attributes I call out the the server location for the batch file. If I pause my batch file right after the call I get the error: Device is not ready. Why would it not work on this one machine? Is it a network issue? Where should I even start?
Did you have that machine running an older version of Creo from the server?
Is the hardware configuration of that machine different from your other machines?
Graphics card or drivers out of date?
Can that machine ping the server?
The machine is a hand me down engineering machine to someone outside of engineering. It has the same graphics card so I updated the graphics and still nothing. I can ping the server.
@BrianToussaint wrote:
I am running Creo 7 from a server install. There is one machine that will not run it though and it isn't making sense so far. At the end of the batch file that I use to set different attributes I call out the the server location for the batch file. If I pause my batch file right after the call I get the error: Device is not ready. Why would it not work on this one machine? Is it a network issue? Where should I even start?
test if user logged on problematic machine is able to access \\servername\sharename from File Explorer. In case of error check whether user account is defined on server.
...also check the contents of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
The user does have access to the share. Even when I login it doesn't run. I can run Creo on my machine as the user so that isn't the issue. I will have to check the hosts files, but we usually do not touch those but I will check. The only difference that I know right now is that he might be on a different subnet as he sits in a different area.
@BrianToussaint wrote:
The user does have access to the share. Even when I login it doesn't run. I can run Creo on my machine as the user so that isn't the issue. I will have to check the hosts files, but we usually do not touch those but I will check. The only difference that I know right now is that he might be on a different subnet as he sits in a different area.
are you planning to move this machine to the "right" subnet ?
Can you publish your start batch files ?
I'll have to check with IT about the subnet, but I wouldn't think that should make a difference.
I'll try to publish my start batch file later, I've got a meeting to go to all morning and I want to replace "server" information.
The hosts files are the same between my machine and his machine. I also checked and they are on the same domain as me.
Here is the code.....
@echo !!!
@echo !!!Start CREO7 for Windchill mfg for network install
@echo !!!
rem Created by B.Toussaint 1/2/2020
rem Updated by B.Toussaint 9/17/2020 - switched to <server_name> and Creo 7
rem ** Set CREO7 path based on location where CREO is installed
rem ** this is to get rid of multiple batch files to keep up to date
set CREO7PATH=\\<server_name>\Creo\Creo7\Creo
set CREO7BASE=\\<server_name>\Creo\Creo7\Creo
rem ** check and set current build
rem set CREOVERSION=Creo
rem ** Set JAVAPATH and executable information
set JAVAPATH=%ProgramFiles%\Java
set JAVAexe=java.exe
FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /AD /B /ON "%JAVAPATH%\jre1.8*"') DO (set JAVAVERSION=%%i)
set JAVAEXECUTABLE=%ProgramFiles%\Java\%JAVAVERSION%\bin\%JAVAexe%
rem ** Error message if no build folder has been found
rem set Java command for CREO
set PRO_JAVA_COMMAND=%ProgramFiles%\Java\%JAVAVERSION%\bin\%JAVAexe%
REM set PATH=%CREO4COMMONPATH%\x86e_win64\lib
rem set Windchill Cache per user
IF EXIST "D:\" (
set PTC_WF_ROOT=D:\ptc\WIND\%username%_WC11210_CREO7\.wf
) ELSE (
set PTC_WF_ROOT=C:\ptc\WIND\%username%_WC11210_CREO7\.wf
rem set paths for CREO_AGENT
set CREO_AGENT_EXE_PATH=%CREO7BASE%\Agent\creoagent.exe
set CREO_AGENT_LDP_LIST=%CREO7BASE%\Platform\7\manifests
rem create Trail directory if not created
IF NOT EXIST c:\ptc\Trail\ (
mkdir c:\ptc\Trail
@echo !!!
@echo !!!End
@echo !!!
call "%CREO7PARAMETRICPATH%\bin\mfg.bat"
@BrianToussaint wrote:
The hosts files are the same between my machine and his machine. I also checked and they are on the same domain as me.
Here is the code.....
@echo !!! @echo !!!Start CREO7 for Windchill mfg for network install @echo !!! rem Created by B.Toussaint 1/2/2020 rem Updated by B.Toussaint 9/17/2020 - switched to <server_name> and Creo 7 rem ** Set CREO7 path based on location where CREO is installed rem ** this is to get rid of multiple batch files to keep up to date set CREO7PATH=\\<server_name>\Creo\Creo7\Creo set CREO7BASE=\\<server_name>\Creo\Creo7\Creo rem ** check and set current build rem set CREOVERSION=Creo rem ** Set JAVAPATH and executable information set JAVAPATH=%ProgramFiles%\Java set JAVAVERSION=Unknown set JAVAexe=java.exe FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /AD /B /ON "%JAVAPATH%\jre1.8*"') DO (set JAVAVERSION=%%i) set JAVAEXECUTABLE=%ProgramFiles%\Java\%JAVAVERSION%\bin\%JAVAexe% rem ** Error message if no build folder has been found rem set Java command for CREO set PRO_JAVA_COMMAND=%ProgramFiles%\Java\%JAVAVERSION%\bin\%JAVAexe% REM set PATH=%CREO4COMMONPATH%\x86e_win64\lib set CREO7COMMONPATH=%CREO7PATH%\Common Files set CREO7PARAMETRICPATH=%CREO7PATH%\Parametric rem set Windchill Cache per user IF EXIST "D:\" ( set PTC_WF_ROOT=D:\ptc\WIND\%username%_WC11210_CREO7\.wf ) ELSE ( set PTC_WF_ROOT=C:\ptc\WIND\%username%_WC11210_CREO7\.wf ) rem set paths for CREO_AGENT set CREO_AGENT_EXE_PATH=%CREO7BASE%\Agent\creoagent.exe set CREO_AGENT_LDP_LIST=%CREO7BASE%\Platform\7\manifests rem create Trail directory if not created IF NOT EXIST c:\ptc\Trail\ ( mkdir c:\ptc\Trail ) @echo !!! @echo !!!End @echo !!! call "%CREO7PARAMETRICPATH%\bin\mfg.bat"
please can you upload also mfg.bat ?
@BrianToussaint wrote:
I had to add .txt to get it to upload.
you uploaded wrong file. I would like to see contents of %CREO7PARAMETRICPATH%\bin\mfg.bat file used in following call command.
call "%CREO7PARAMETRICPATH%\bin\mfg.bat"
Martin I understand now. I happened to be checking that again and I must have copied the file from my original machine there and it was pointing to the 😧 drive, which would make sense why it worked on my machine. That's why the older version of Creo worked also.