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Running Creo 5 Educational Ed. Software crashes when opening files.
Crash dump below:
The trace creation timestamp is: Mon Nov 05 13:42:44 18
The executable build timestamp is: Wed Jun 27 10:03:26 18
The datecode is: 2018100
The pro machine type is: x86e_win64
The process ID is: 1120
The traceback type is : CRASH
The logger exit status is: 00003
The Trail is: trail.txt.11
The release is: 5.0
The product version is:
The product title is: Creo Parametric
Exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION has occurred in the thread 6160.
Main Thread 6160
0x00007FFD6E372F83 NULL (NULL:0) (coretools_sh:0x00007FFD6E2E0000) ( 0x1, 0x138340d0, 0x13b0a4b0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF74222DCDA NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x194d03e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF74811CD23 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x13cdfef0, 0x3e8, 0x6, 0x0 )
0x00007FF74811C034 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x13cdfef0, 0x3e8, 0x1, 0x2 )
0x00007FF74811BD94 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x13cdfef0, 0x3e8, 0x1382c6f8, 0x3da475b0 )
0x00007FF742228E89 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x13cdfef0, 0x3e8, 0x4ad88020, 0x1382c750 )
0x00007FF742226D88 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x3e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF742224191 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x3e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73DF5822F NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1, 0x1382ec50, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73DF54D05 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x445c0 )
0x00007FF73DF575C8 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1, 0x27e9bcd8, 0xe, 0x1 )
0x00007FFD6B6236A9 NULL (NULL:0) (coreutils_sh:0x00007FFD6B570000) ( 0x1, 0x27e9bcd8, 0x2, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6B64D004 NULL (NULL:0) (coreutils_sh:0x00007FFD6B570000) ( 0x1, 0x6b63e282, 0x1, 0x1 )
0x00007FFD6B6370B9 NULL (NULL:0) (coreutils_sh:0x00007FFD6B570000) ( 0x0, 0x27e9bcd8, 0xffffffff, 0x1 )
0x00007FFD6B649CD4 NULL (NULL:0) (coreutils_sh:0x00007FFD6B570000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x64 )
0x00007FFD6B63206A NULL (NULL:0) (coreutils_sh:0x00007FFD6B570000) ( 0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1 )
0x00007FF73E8D323E NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x64, 0x2535a0b8, 0x64 )
0x00007FF73E8D2018 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x23c4d678 )
0x00007FF73E8D1BA2 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x17a745c8, 0x64, 0x64, 0x484f1f48 )
0x00007FF73E8D1D3D NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x17a745c8, 0x484f1f48, 0x1383cca0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73E8D33F5 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x17a745c8, 0x484f1f48, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73E8D18AE NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x17a74548, 0x17a74548, 0x484f1f50, 0x12 )
0x00007FF73E1E2CA4 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x3, 0x48a0d218, 0x1383c630, 0x7 )
0x00007FF73E1CF30B NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x1383c630, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E32179B NULL (NULL:0) (coretools_sh:0x00007FFD6E2E0000) ( 0x23cc1750, 0x1383cca0, 0x1383c850, 0x42004f )
0x00007FF742EDC90C NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x3e1e2b90, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0 )
0x00007FF742EE24F7 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x1383cca0, 0x1383c850, 0x1a9d )
0x00007FF742EE40CB NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x1383d4a0, 0x1383c8c0, 0xd )
0x00007FF73EC9EC20 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1a9d, 0x1383d4a0, 0x1383d546, 0x3 )
0x00007FF73E1169C9 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x2, 0x1383de50, 0x1, 0x1383dc40 )
0x00007FF73E1173AC NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x3f, 0x22d36040, 0x2 )
0x00007FF73DDD552A NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1bd545d0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x1383e180 )
0x00007FF73FC0C10F NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x1383e180, 0xffffffff, 0x22d36040 )
0x00007FF73DE34BFD NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73DE56734 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0xfffffffe, 0x1383e709, 0x13b0aa88, 0x6ace9303 )
0x00007FF73DE76106 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x3ddccf90, 0x22d36040, 0x3, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73DE76A17 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x22d36040, 0x1383e890, 0xc, 0xc )
0x00007FF73DDCCEFD NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x2, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0xffffffff )
0x00007FF73DDCC3F9 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x22d36040, 0x4c5cb580, 0x800004, 0x800004 )
0x00007FF73DE4524D NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x6b437200, 0x6b4370d8, 0x1f824d50 )
0x00007FFD6B3C58BE NULL (NULL:0) (libui_sh:0x00007FFD6B160000) ( 0x0, 0x800004, 0x20400c, 0x1383ebe9 )
0x00007FFD6B2CD83F NULL (NULL:0) (libui_sh:0x00007FFD6B160000) ( 0x1f89eb60, 0x800004, 0x1f5b2590, 0x43730d7e )
0x00007FF742F69268 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1383ee20, 0x0, 0x1383f0e0, 0x1f67cc58 )
0x00007FF742F64BE9 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1383efe0, 0x1383f130, 0x1f67cc10, 0xffffffff )
0x00007FF743727022 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x1f67cc10, 0x1f67cc58, 0x0 )
0x00007FF74372773E NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x24, 0x0 )
0x00007FF743732CC7 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1, 0xffffffff, 0x1383f3d0, 0x488b43a8 )
0x00007FF74372C4D4 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x7, 0x7d7b1a47, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E32179B NULL (NULL:0) (coretools_sh:0x00007FFD6E2E0000) ( 0x48249b78, 0x0, 0x3, 0x3fe84c7a )
0x00007FF743732A78 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1383f650 )
0x00007FF73DE765F6 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x4cf2e2a0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73E1BD2DA NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x4cf2e2a0, 0x0, 0x3, 0x3 )
0x00007FF745240F6A NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x1, 0x1383f4e0, 0x4cf2e2a0, 0x13894330 )
0x00007FF745240E6F NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0xa, 0x3c8cc000, 0x3c8cc000, 0x3c8cc000 )
0x00007FF74523D397 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x4523d428, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 924
0x00007FFD8D210D0A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x40, 0x13c3c7e0, 0x6e282008, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8A5113ED NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x168cf990, 0x3c8cc000, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8D0032A4 NULL (NULL:0) (USER32:0x00007FFD8D000000) ( 0x2006a, 0x0, 0x16057d20, 0x6fd05aba )
0x00007FFD6E26D997 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16048400, 0x1609bd40, 0x160e36f0, 0x6fcfcdf2 )
0x00007FFD6E2679EE NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x1609bd40, 0x160e36f0, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E26775A NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x160e36f0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16057d20, 0x13c50fb0, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c50fb0 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c50fb0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 6804
0x00007FFD8D210D0A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x12, 0x80, 0x13a70cc0, 0x9 )
0x00007FFD8A5113ED NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x160e03b8, 0x3c8cc000, 0x0, 0x10 )
0x00007FFD6E23FC16 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x0, 0x160e03b8, 0x1707fbd0, 0x8a518dff )
0x00007FFD6E23F8D0 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x160e03b8, 0x6debbba5, 0x1, 0x440 )
0x00007FFD6E23F93F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x6debbba5, 0x6debbba5, 0x1, 0x160e0270 )
0x00007FFD6E2389C6 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x1, 0x160e0220, 0x160985a8, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E26DA9B NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x0, 0x6fd457e0, 0x13e00840, 0x6fcfcdf2 )
0x00007FFD6E2679EE NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x160e0220, 0x160e38e0, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E26775A NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x160e38e0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x160571c0, 0x13c50a40, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c50a40 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c50a40, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 10840
0x00007FFD8D210D0A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x85, 0x6fcf2341, 0x1608a210, 0x6fcfc27b )
0x00007FFD8A5113ED NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x160e32b8, 0x3c8cc000, 0x0, 0x10 )
0x00007FFD6E23FC16 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x0, 0x160e32b8, 0x1782f530, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E23F8D0 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x160e32b8, 0x71d4b166, 0x1, 0x1 )
0x00007FFD6E23F93F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x71d4b166, 0x71d4b166, 0x7305eda0, 0x160e3168 )
0x00007FFD6E2389C6 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x1, 0x160e3100, 0x13d70801, 0x7305eda0 )
0x00007FFD6E26DB0B NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16063e40, 0x6fd09516, 0x16097338, 0x2 )
0x00007FFD6E2682E4 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16048400, 0x160e3110, 0x160e3c00, 0x16056f20 )
0x00007FFD6E2679EE NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x160e3110, 0x160e3c00, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E26775A NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x160e3c00, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16056f20, 0x13c50710, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c50710 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c50710, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 8608
0x00007FFD8D21079A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x10, 0x6fcfee9b, 0x13b06160, 0x13b06160 )
0x00007FFD8A511118 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x13c5f708, 0x6ae5e4b0, 0x0, 0x4d8 )
0x00007FFD6ACCE589 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x13c51b01, 0x0, 0x13c51b00 )
0x00007FFD6AD81A85 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x7d7bbd00, 0x13c5f6f0, 0x7fffffff )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13c51bb0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 7292
0x00007FFD8D21224A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x8d1b8a10, 0x3, 0x13ca0000, 0x13ca0000 )
0x00007FFD8D1B9156 NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x0, 0x8d1b8a10, 0x13ca0000, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 10136
0x00007FFD8D2107EA NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x88e7c8d0, 0x88e70000, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD88E7C949 NULL (NULL:0) (mswsock:0x00007FFD88E70000) ( 0x88e7ca10, 0x13cd1400, 0x13cd0f80, 0x13cd0f80 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 652
0x00007FFD8D210A9A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x1b08f6a8, 0x5, 0x50, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8A51121A NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x16048400, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF73E1EA149 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x16048400, 0x1, 0xffffffff, 0x6fcfcdf2 )
0x00007FFD6E2679EE NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x1609cd40, 0x17930880, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E26775A NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x17930880, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16057230, 0x13ce93e0, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13ce93e0 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x13ce93e0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 7872
0x00007FFD8D210D0A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x27f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1f80 )
0x00007FFD8A5113ED NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x437af430, 0x3c8cc000, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA106F NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FF7437AF476 NULL (NULL:0) (xtop:0x00007FF73D0C0000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 9384
0x00007FFD8D21079A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x26a50c90, 0x6e26753d, 0xfffffffe, 0x8d1bc002 )
0x00007FFD8A511118 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfb7c8, 0x0, 0x904 )
0x00007FFD6ACCE5B5 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x160484c8, 0x26a50c90, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E267845 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x17d18020, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16056190, 0x1943dc70, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1943dc70 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1943dc70, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 2684
0x00007FFD8D21079A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x26a51410, 0x6e26753d, 0xfffffffe, 0x6e239018 )
0x00007FFD8A511118 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfb7c8, 0x0, 0xb40 )
0x00007FFD6ACCE5B5 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x160484c8, 0x26a51410, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E267845 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x24f02e90, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x16057310, 0x1ea08560, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea08560 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea08560, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 4192
0x00007FFD8D210A9A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x2983f888, 0x6e3686bd, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8A51121A NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD702C2379 NULL (NULL:0) (exitlogger_app_sh:0x00007FFD702C0000) ( 0x3c, 0x12c, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6AD81852 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x7d7bbd00, 0x1ea99130, 0x1ea08680 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea08680, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 6768
0x00007FFD8D21079A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x8, 0x6fcfee9b, 0x13b06160, 0x13b06160 )
0x00007FFD8A511118 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x1ea98848, 0x17a3ffe0, 0x0, 0xa34 )
0x00007FFD6ACCE589 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x1ea08a01, 0x13b00a48, 0x40 )
0x00007FFD6AD81A85 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x7d7bbd00, 0x1ea98830, 0x7fffffff )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea08aa0, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 8868
0x00007FFD8D21079A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x26a51960, 0x6e26753d, 0xfffffffe, 0x6e239018 )
0x00007FFD8A511118 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfb7c8, 0x0, 0xaf0 )
0x00007FFD6ACCE5B5 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x160484c8, 0x26a51960, 0x160484c8, 0x6fcfbc73 )
0x00007FFD6E267845 NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x13b008c0, 0x0, 0x1fb8cf60, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD6E267B3F NULL (NULL:0) (asyncoremt:0x00007FFD6E230000) ( 0x160569e0, 0x1ea08b60, 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea08b60 )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea08b60, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 11528
0x00007FFD8D21224A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x13c75de0, 0x13c75de0, 0x13c710d8, 0x8d198ea0 )
0x00007FFD8D1B9156 NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x0, 0x8d1b8a10, 0x13c84cd0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 5444
0x00007FFD8D21224A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x8d1b8a10, 0x2, 0x13c84cd0, 0x13c84cd0 )
0x00007FFD8D1B9156 NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x0, 0x8d1b8a10, 0x13c84cd0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Thread 9856
0x00007FFD8D21079A NULL (NULL:0) (ntdll:0x00007FFD8D180000) ( 0x160c7200, 0x6fcfdcc8, 0x26d37340, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8A511118 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNELBASE:0x00007FFD8A510000) ( 0x19472df8, 0x27d3e230, 0x0, 0xca4 )
0x00007FFD6ACCE589 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x1ea0b401, 0x0, 0x1ea0b400 )
0x00007FFD6AD81A85 NULL (NULL:0) (baselibmt:0x00007FFD6ACA0000) ( 0x0, 0x7d7bbd00, 0x19472de0, 0x7fffffff )
0x00007FFD7D7BBE1D NULL (NULL:0) (ucrtbase:0x00007FFD7D750000) ( 0x7d7bbdc0, 0x1ea0b440, 0x0, 0x0 )
0x00007FFD8AAA13D2 NULL (NULL:0) (KERNEL32:0x00007FFD8AAA0000) ( 0x8aaa13b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 )
Any ideas welcomed.
Unfortunately you are going to need to contact PTC technical support. No one outside of PTC has the ability to interpret these files.
You can do all the things that PTC first asks when you open up a ticket:
1. Remove all, config.sup files, .ui files and try again.
2. Check to see if it is unique to certain assemblies. Create a new assembly and open that. If that works then it is some specific to the ones you are trying to open.
3. Set the option
graphics win32_gdi
This option tests whether it is your graphics card that is causing the problem. If this option works then you need a graphics card that is supported by PTC.
All of the config files? There seems to be a lot of config files and configuration options. Do these all reside in the profile area? I tried a full profile reset and this didn't seem to affect the problem.
I've downloaded a number of test files, as I look after this program on behalf of other users in a limited context, so not really au fait with what you mean by try other assemblies, do you mean try different asm files?
Thanks for your support.
All of the config files? There seems to be a lot of config files and configuration options. Do these all reside in the profile area? I tried a full profile reset and this didn't seem to affect the problem.
I've downloaded a number of test files, as I look after this program on behalf of other users in a limited context, so not really au fait with what you mean by try other assemblies, do you mean try different asm files?
Thanks for your support.
Try clearing the cache.. (.wf) (Default location is C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\PTC\ProENGINEER\Wildfire).
Hopefully that will fix.
Second option is to update Creo to Creo