The Creo web site says the following:
For Creo, we're defining a scalable, unified, common data model. Think of it as a good reference book. In each chapter, we're publishing a different kind of information. In one chapter, we'll publish 2D geometry information; in another we'll include 3D geometry information; in another chapter we'll add 3D graphical information. In other chapters, we might put PDM information, or 3D drawing information, or color and attribute information. Lots of useful information, but still one book. Each of the applications will read the common data model and use the chapter you need and then write your data back to just that chapter.
Obviously this means that the ProE file structure is going to change yet again.
(ProE appears to be just getting a name change, with extensive UI modification & enhancements.)
1. My question is will the drawing file still be a separate file from the part or assembly? The blurb above makes you think that it's not, but my guess is it will still be a separate file.
2. Next question is what versions of PDMlink & ProductView will support the new file type?
3. Are we going to get a new set of ProductView Adapters to convert into this new file type, or will ProductView still use it's own file type for viewables. Seems to me that a file with all the information they are talking about would be much heavier than the current ProductView files.
4. That also brings up the question of ProductView Markups, does that data now go into the new file type also.
5. The ability to bring in all this 3rd party cad data, is that really anything new? Or are they just using the adapters they already have in ProductView to convert the data into a single filetype. Perhaps the new thing is being able to modify the 3rd party data. (although you can do that somewhat already with the FRT in WF4 & WF5, but you can't modify the base feature)
PTC, are you listening? You want to add some details to this discussion?
David Haigh
Phone: 925-424-3931
Fax: 925-423-7496
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
7000 East Ave, L-362
Livermore, CA 94550
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