As long as you're on maintenance it shouldn't be too painful for only 8 users/licenses. You will need to get the MAC address of the network cards on the computers you want to transfer the licenses to. You'll need to get new license files from PTC. Not sure how much proof they will need that you removed the licenses from your network. After that, you will need to install the license manager on each computer, install the new licenses you receive from PTC and re-run the ptcsetup program to point to the local license on their respective computers. Sounds like a lot of effort, but it's not that bad. After the network upgrade, you will need to run the reverse, i.e. MAC address of network license server, install new licenses (or re-install the un-installed current one) and re-run PTC setup on the client machines.
Good luck.
Jeff Horacek
Sr. Designer
STERIS Corporation
5960 Heisley Rd.
Mentor, OH 44060
(440)392-7721 P
(440)392-8954 F