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A row was added to the bottom of an existing table. What are the rules for the format of the new row in the table? Are they supposed to follow the format of the row that you click in to add the row or do they default to a config setting? You can see that the format does not match the row from which it was inserted.
Insert and start typing (Pic 1)
Format of the existing row (Pic 2)
If instead of typing in the new row, you cut and paste the contents of the old row to the new row, the format is closer, but still not the same. Do others have this experience, or am I doing something wrong. If you compare Pic 2 to Pic 3 you see that everything is the same except the vertical alignment. The existing alignment was "Middle" and the new row into which the contents of the old row were pasted is "Bottom of".
Insert row, copy and paste content from old row to new row (Pic 3)
Thanks, Dale
The formatting for new rows/columns does not follow previous rows/columns. Unfortunately there is no way to predefine this. It's been this way forever.
Attempting to set the formatting will also not work on empty cells. There needs to be at least a space character present. Of course if there is a space character present you can't copy and paste - that only works if the destination cell is empty. Very annoying.
See this product idea:Drawing Table Format
Is there a reason why the copy/paste does work?
Copy/paste brings all of the formatting except vertical position (as you show above). Why? I have no idea.