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When I start my Creo installation sometimes happend that there are not the "Structure" menu item in the menu bar.
Currently it doesn't appear there although I have tried to start my program plenty of time?
At the same time I have currently lisence problem. Program allways ask proxy configuration.
it's funny, but suddenly this "structure" menu appeared when I tried again this program?
Does anyone know what is the cause of this kind of operation?
Just a guess, but the F12 function key will toggle this menu on and off.
Hello Esa
just to get a clear information, see the image.
What do you mean?
Option A: my answer is "no idea"
Option B: the answer of Tom Kirkman is right
If this picture seems not to like to your application interface then you are in the wrong forum .
Hi, thanks but thus F12 not work for this.
I mean the option A, when I start my Creo program, the Structure tab is missing!
Sometimes it appears but now I can't get it at all.
I have two questions for you.
1. What version of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling are you using?
2. Do you have any personal or corporate customizations for modeling?
I use that free version 6.0.
There are a few things to try.
First, Creo Elements/Direct Modeling stores user settings in c:\users\%username%\AppData\Roming\Ptc\Creo...version.
Go to this directory and look for files named "sd_ribbon.lsp" and "all_ribbon.lsp". You may only have one of these two.
copy these files to a back up location and delete them. Try starting Creo again and see if you get the structure tab back.
thanks, but I don't find any *ribbon.lsp files on my computer.
In addition I always get the Connection failed message when starting the Creo.
Proxy Configuration window appears again although I have submitted new activation key?
Now I have just same problem on another PC in Win10 operating system?
This issue I mentioned earlier is in win7 environment.
Does this issue related to my PTC user account?
Did you find the AppData directory? This is a hidden directory and you must change you folder options to display hidden directories. You will not find the files in hidden directories by a search because these directories are not indexed.
Is the windows 10 a new install?
I do not believe this issue is related to not finding the license. Since not finding a license would not let the program start to begin with.
Yes, I found AppData directory, but not the *ribbon files.
Win10 is a new install.
But what has been changed or what is the problem on my PTC account as I get those
Connection failed messages and I always need to set initial settings again
when startin the Creo.
At this point, I am at a loss of what is happening to your installation. I have the free version at home, I will try to find time on the weekend to look at it and see if I can duplicate the issues you are seeing.
Ok, thanks.
I have already reloaded and reinstalled the Creo, but wihout any success?
Hi Esa,
there are two issues at the same time.
First, there is a server by PTC that don´t works correctly
Have a look at this:
Solved: Creo Elements Direct Express License Server does'n... - PTC Community
Second, if you work with Win 10 it is possible that some functions don´t work correctly
Express 6 is testet for Win 7 (or probably with Win 😎 only.
With Win10 you are now a beta-tester to find the problems .
thanks your info.
That server issue tells the one of my problem.
I have used the Creo with win7 but I now tried it on another PC with win10
as I noticed my connection problems.
So I need to wait if the server issue has been solved after Xmas.
Thank you all about your help and Marry Christmas!
Actually there had missed three tabs on my PTC UI, Structure, Feature and 3D Geometry.
This problem is related to server problem or license code registeration?
First time as I started the PTC after server issue correction those tabs missed, but later on when I starting the PTC
those all tabs are there again.
Both of the problem are away, but this tab issue is interesting. How it is related on the server/license issue and have anyone other had this kind of issue?
Thanks for all who have affected to get the issue solved!