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hi , I have a problem with C SDK. I use AxTLS , In the Server ,I use the certification.
in the main.c
int16_t port = 443;
I use wireshark. I can see that the Server kills the connection. Can you give me some reason that why the server kill the connection? Thanks!
the server.xml
Daniel, please do post the logs from the C SDK as well. Does it error out with Error Code 1001?
Hi , Aanjan,
My problem has been solved , TLS handshake succeed. and the server show isconnected== ture; but the data are not correct. The server hints:
Error browsing properties. Be sure the remote device/server is connected and configured properly
An Invalid Property Value Was Sent To [Water Pump1 Property: [null]
Can you tell me what' the reason? Or where is my code error. In addtion if I do not use the TLS , the property is correct.
Aanjan , I do not use the log, I debug the C SDK, and trace "return TW_SOCKET_INIT_ERROR" , twTLS.c: line 120
Daniel, how are the properties set? The 'null' error message you're getting implies that the C SDK doesn't know which property to send values to (as nothing has been bound yet). Are you binding to that Thing using Identifiers?
My problem is solved.
What type is DATETIME ? what is size of DATETIME? In the server the property timestamp is 1970-1-1 0:12:xx . How can I modify the time in C SDK?