Hi - I am attempting to setup the Delivery Truck example fro Java SDK guide. I am still very new to Thingworx and Java development. I have imported the example into both Thingworx and Eclipse IDE.
The DeliveryTruck Client connects and I can see the java application running. So for example 'DeliveryTruck_1 Is Making A Delivery'. However according to the guide, when the truck stops it should update the properties of each Truck 'Thing' in Composer.
However, this never happens. Is there anything else I need to create in order to get this example working?
Hi, in the Composer, are you able to see if the Delivery Trucks are bound in the monitoring section? There should be a green light/circle/bulb next to the entity while the Java application is running.
Hi @ogcorf74.
Please let us know if you are still having issues or if the post from @thingw0rxgenie provided some guidance regarding the issue.