My MAshups are getting data from windchill and for loading the data it is taking around 5- 10 mins which is not at all acceptable by customers.
even though for min 10 objects from windchill it will take around 2- 4 mins. so I want to improve the speed of loading data and loading of mashups and kind of performance of my application. please help me out in this.
Hello KSM,
I believe you're getting data from Windchill via wbjects. Check the wbject response time as well as Mashup binding to the appropriate service.
It's possible that Wbject is taking a long time to collect data from Windchill.
Thanks and Regards,
Rushikesh Shrimal
Hello Rushikesh,
Thanks for reply.
is there any mechanism to find out these response times and if am not wrong you are talking about objects(Wbject) right.
i'm also facing same issue, were you able to improve or still same issue.
Hello KV,
I have modified some code in service, reduce the nested services, and also the data from windchill am fetching which ever it is necessary.