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I want to get gateway name from which remote things are binded/connected . Is there any service in Thingworx composer which can be used ?
I am using two types of gateway :- IndustrialGateway , SDKGateway
What does you mean on Gateway name?
Gateway is thing of any Thing template of gateway type like IndustrialGateway which binds the remote thing to ingest the data from machine .
I'm not sure if that's what you are searching for, but if IndustrialGateway it's a ThingTemplate you can do a :
var gateways = ThingTemplates["IndustrialGateway"].QueryImplementingThings();
Thanks for reply .
But service you mentioned gives the list of gateways (child remote things of Thing template "IndustrialGateway") . I want list of remote things which are binded by these gateways.
Ex :
As you said, if "gatewayName" is child remote thing of Thing template of "IndustrialGateway".
gatewayName = ThingTemplates["IndustrialGateway"].QueryImplementingThings();
I want something as below
remotetihngNames = gatewayName. serviceName_bindedThings () ;
gatewayname = Thing[remotetihngNames].serviceName_parent_gateway()
When you say binded, what does you mean? LocalBinding / RemoteBinding...?
remote biniding
You should look at GetRemoteMetadata service on the RemoteThing.