I am looking for an example of the implementation shown in the Vuforia Tutorial. If possible, please provide steps to replicate.
Link: http://support.ptc.com/help/vuforia/studio/en/#page/Studio_Help_Center%2FWidgetCamera.html%23
(Bind the Image Data property of the Camera widget into the ThingWorx services to store the images.)
Hi @JW_9683400 ,
some info you can find in my post to the topic "Transferring an image to twx"
Additionaly, I want to mention that the camera widget is easy to use.
You can use the Picture Taken event to call your code when the picture is taken /complete - e.g. some service which should work with this picture data. In this case you can take the image property of the camera widget - in some api call e.g.
$scope.SaveImageToTwxRepository('/pictures/last.jpg', $scope.view.wdg['camera-1']['image'] );
If you want to display the taken picture in Studio you can use the imageUrl property to assignee it to a respource of image or 3D image widget.
With javascript code e.g. :
$scope.setWidgetProp('3DImage-1', 'src', $scope.view.wdg['camera-1']['imageUrl']) ;
or via angular /studio binding:
here uploaded an simple project where I tested this widget