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I have a list of sequence steps named as below:
Step 1;
Step 2;
Step 3;
To be able to finish the whole process, one must done the first step then follow by the other two. My concern is, when I in the second step process, step 1 and step 3 must be disable/freeze until I finish the current step (Step 2). Next, when I finish the second step, I want to jump to step 3 but disable the other two step before (one step at a time).
Need your advise regarding this matter. Thank you.
I suggest just to use one "Next Step" button. This would be probably easier to use.
Anyway, if you want to do it this way, you can check if the sequence is playing and only play the sequence when the step Label you clicked is the current step with the following function:
$scope.checkStepAndPlaying= function(step){
if($['Home'].wdg['model-1'].playing ==false){
if ($['Home'].wdg['model-1'].currentStep == step){
Then you should call function from the Click event of the 3DLabel with the right step number, e.g. checkStepAndPlaying(1);
I hope that helps.
Hi, thank you for your help.
I've tried the solution that you've suggested, but it didn't work.
I've tried to think for another solution which is by disabling the 3D button after click. But it also didn't work. Is the 3D button cannot be disabled in 3D eyewear view?
$ function(buttonName)
if($scope.view.wdg[buttonName]['value'] == true)
$scope.view.wdg[buttonName]['disabled']= true;
Is there anything wrong in the code? Or the buttons can only be hidden after user click?
With $watch & switch
'view.wdg["model-1"].currentStep', function(val) {
switch (val) {
case 1:
$scope.view.wdg['button-2'].disabled = true;
$scope.view.wdg['button-3'].disabled = true;
case 2:
$scope.view.wdg['button-1'].disabled = true;
$scope.view.wdg['button-3'].disabled = true;
case 3:
$scope.view.wdg['button-1'].disabled = true;
$scope.view.wdg['button-2'].disabled = true;
non-current step Button could be disabled
It's not working at all. Currently I'm using a 3D button in 3D eyewear view.
I've tried to hide the button using below code, but it's not working,
$scope.hideButton= function(buttonName)
if($scope.view.wdg[buttonName]['value'] == true)
$scope.view.wdg[buttonName]['visible'] = false;
Am I doing it right?
the Button has no value property. You should check if it is visible or not like this:
$scope.hideButton= function(buttonName)
if($scope.view.wdg[buttonName]['visible'] == true)
$scope.view.wdg[buttonName]['visible'] = false;
Also make sure that the buttonName is a string, for example call hideButton("buttonName");
With 3D eyewear, 3D Button and 3D Label has NO property such as Disabled.
Therefore, Visible is the only option.
'view.wdg["model-1"].currentStep', function(val) {
switch (val) {
case 1:
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1'].visible = true;
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-2'].visible = false;
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-3'].visible = false;
case 2:
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1'].visible = false;
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-2'].visible = true;
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-3'].visible = false;
case 3:
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1'].visible = false;
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-2'].visible = false;
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-3'].visible = true;
Also, a function to play specific step is required.
It is tested on Hololens 1, works fine.
Hi @KM,
also possible some usage like this:
//disable all buttons but this not
// but make visible button with name wdgName
//all 3D buttons start with the string "3DButton"
var wdgs=$;
for(wdg in wdgs)
{$scope.setWidgetProp(wdgs[wdg]['widgetName'], 'visible',true);}
$scope.setWidgetProp(wdgs[wdg]['widgetName'], 'visible',false);
this was function used in a project which set to visible a 3DButton with name given by function argument wdgName and all other 3DButto widget will be set to not visible.
Here all 3D buttons used the name convention 3DButton-xxx