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Store and Forward Vuforia View

5-Regular Member

Store and Forward Vuforia View

Helllo, im interested in make a solution in Vuforia Studio for make a structured rounds in plants the problem is that the network could present problems, is possible to implement a solution like to store and forward(store the information tha cant be sended to thi


Hello @afherrerac95 ,


I am not sure if I understand correct the requirements.

so far, I know it is not possible to save any data locally. So, means you can save data in your session and so far your session of Vuforia View is working with your project the data is consistent in session. But if your session is finished or unexpected exited then the data will be lost. If you need to save data you need to send  it back to  a webserver which should:

  • understand your request and
  • will provide a functionality to save it.

The Vuforia Studio provides in generally used ThingWorx services which could send data to be saved to Thingworx server (which is part of the Experience Service installation).

One possible option is to use a Thingworx repositories where you can save e.g.  some files (e.g. Json) which are generated in your session. You can check for further details the following   topics:


1.)Attach / Associate files with a thing
2.)Video widget in iOS

3.)Article - CS232916
Using a File Repository Thing to store files to use with the LoadJSON and LoadText services of the FileRepository ThingTemplate

The main problem is when you lost the connection with the experience service/thingworx and its necessary to store the data in the session(it includes images) , and send it when the session is restored, i dont know it is possible to make something with the edge microserver o use remote things but with the connection with vuforia view

Hello @afherrerac95 ,


I am sorry for the delay! 

When you lost the connection , then I do not think that it will be possible to save the data from the Vuforia View to local location. There could be a difference when your mobile device is connected in the same time in local WLAN and in Internet. When then it loose the Internet connection - In this case it could be possible to send the data via Rest API to a local server (means a server visible only inside the WLAN but not visible in the INTERNET)

There is a related topic “Node.js Rest API example- how to display data from the local network in Vuforia Studio project” – here was considered the reading  data of a  local server. So In your case you need something like xhttp request to send the data to the local server.


Is possible save the data in the cellphone while the connection is established, and then send  it to thingworx ? 



Hi @afherrerac95 ,

so far I know is not possible to save it persistently by the OOTB (out of the box functionality) of Studio.

You can save a data in a javaScript variable, but it will persist so far we have the session of the Vuforia View. When the app e.g.  crashes before your saved the data  to Thingworx in this case  the data will be lost

I have no idea if we can use another app with permission for file access on the mobile device and try to communicate with it with some e.g. xhttp call. So for Vuforia View is not problem to call such request. The question is we can find another app which could handle such request on appropriate manner


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