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Hello All,
I installed ThingWorx-Platform-Postgres-8-3-0 and Vuforia Studio Experience Service es-8-1-3-b503-253-linux-x64 on the same Ubuntu 18.04 machine using VM.
Experience Service uses 2019 port (regulare http).
Tomcat 8.5.23 starting without any errors.
After starting experience service with "./" command without any options I am getting the following log:
user@user-virtual-machine:/opt/ptc/twx-es/bin$ ./ Filtered arguments Using node from /opt/ptc/twx-es/nodejs/bin/node Node version: v8.9.3 NPM version: 5.5.1 This message should appear in the logs if stderr stream is captured ExperienceService version is 8.1.3-b503 Validating command line arguments and environment variables No configuration update is needed Log format: :remote-addr - :remote-user [:date[clf]] ":method :url HTTP/:http2-version" :status :res[content-length] ":referrer" ":user-agent" :response-time[0] ms [:request-start-datetime] :upload-file-transfer-time ms :upload-unzip-time ms :upload-irs-time ms Using database handler: SQLiteHandler === Adding routing for root /ExperienceService === Adding routing for root /VuforiaExperienceService ExperienceService configuration does not have VDP user credentials. Please configure VDP credentials if you are going to use Vuforia Model Target APIs. Starting '/opt/ptc/twx-es/server.js' at 2019-03-04T18:52:53.665Z Current directory: /opt/ptc/twx-es/bin Store for projects: /srv/ptc/twx-es/projects Store for reps: /srv/ptc/twx-es/reps Store for upgrade: /srv/ptc/twx-es/upgrade SQLite db file: /srv/ptc/twx-es/db.sqlite Initializing billable event Initializing metrics handler Server is using null metrics handler Loading proxy configurations 1 web proxy routes created Initializing users handler Initializing DNS-SD handler Event notifier enabled: false Initializing rolesManager migrator transformIdMappingValuesThumbnails.js was previously executed on 2019-03-02T14:49:37.027Z migrator obsoleteAllowAnonymousGet.js was previously executed on 2019-03-02T14:49:37.027Z Starting server now ... 1 websocket proxies created Multicast advertising disabled: Error: Cannot find module 'bonjour' Server is using user-virtual-machine.local as the defaultDomainName WARNING >>> Server is running in INSECURE mode Server is using the 'all' routingMode Namespaces Disabled Server startup completed in 3048 ms HTTP Listening on port 2019
After publishing simple spatial experience from examples I am getting the following error on vuforia view (Android) screenshot attached.
Any idea, how to solve this issue?
@skolengineer There seems to be some configuration issue. Request to review the configuration.json which should be inside your ES installation director folder. Make sure parameter domain_id_resolver is pointing to your ES URL.
Also, you can start the ES in debug mode with below command to get more details in console-
DEBUG=vxs* ./
Hello @skolengineer
Did you resolve the issue?
I have the exact same problem and already set the domain_id_resolver.