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Add a date timestamp on primary attachment when downloaded.


Add a date timestamp on primary attachment when downloaded.

Hi All,

Can we add a timestamp on the primary attachment been downloaded.


How can we achieve it?

Any references would be appreciated



22-Sapphire II

Hi @DKWc 

The information is stored as a Security Audit log 

if it is not activated you can activate the logging of the download event.

cs269060 - WCAudit tablespace (e.g. table DOWNLOADEVENTINFO, AUDITRECORD)

wt.content.ContentServiceEvent/READ_CONTENT is the audit log type


Then you can create a DataUtility for an attribute that retrieve last audit log record with download event. 


There is one issue with Visualization. Visualization worker also download the primary content.


Hi @DKWc 

here is an example - I used attribute AV_CODE but it does not mater



here is a configuration and a place where you set the datautility 


and finally here s a code for DataUtility 

package cz.aveng.HELTest1;

import com.ptc.core.components.descriptor.ModelContext;
import com.ptc.core.components.factory.dataUtilities.DefaultDataUtility;
import com.ptc.core.components.rendering.guicomponents.Label;
import wt.audit.AuditRecord;
import wt.doc.WTDocument;
import wt.fc.Persistable;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.QueryResult;
import wt.pds.StatementSpec;
import wt.query.*;
import wt.util.WTException;

 * Datautilita for timestamp display from AuditRecord of Download event
 * <Service context="default" name="com.ptc.core.components.descriptor.DataUtility"
 * targetFile="codebase/">
 * <Option cardinality="duplicate" order="1" overridable="true"
 * requestor="java.lang.Object"
 * selector="downloadAuditEventTimeStamp"
 * serviceClass="cz.aveng.HELTest1.AVCustomTestDataUtility"/>
 * </Service>
public class AVCustomTestDataUtility extends DefaultDataUtility
	public AVCustomTestDataUtility()

	public Object getDataValue(String var1, Object peristable, ModelContext var3) throws WTException
		Object retValue = super.getDataValue(var1, peristable, var3);
		Label label = new Label(var1);
		if (peristable instanceof WTDocument)
			WTDocument doc = (WTDocument) peristable;
				String searchCondition = "*/wt.content.ContentServiceEvent/READ_CONTENT";
				QuerySpec queryspec = new QuerySpec();
				int idLinkObject = queryspec.appendClassList(AuditRecord.class, true);
				CompositeWhereExpression andCondition = new CompositeWhereExpression(LogicalOperator.AND);
				andCondition.append(new SearchCondition(AuditRecord.class, AuditRecord.EVENT_KEY, SearchCondition.LIKE, searchCondition, false), new int[]{idLinkObject});
				andCondition.append(new SearchCondition(AuditRecord.class, AuditRecord.TARGET_NUMBER, SearchCondition.LIKE, doc.getNumber(), false), new int[]{idLinkObject});
				queryspec.appendWhere(andCondition, new int[]{idLinkObject, idLinkObject});

				queryspec.appendOrderBy(new OrderBy(new ClassAttribute(AuditRecord.class, AuditRecord.CREATE_TIMESTAMP), true), new int[]{0});

				QueryResult queryResult = PersistenceHelper.manager.find((StatementSpec) queryspec);

				while (queryResult.hasMoreElements())
					Object resultObj = queryResult.nextElement();
					if (resultObj instanceof Persistable[])
						Object resultAuditObj = ((Persistable[])resultObj)[0];
						if (resultAuditObj instanceof AuditRecord)
							retValue = ((AuditRecord) resultAuditObj).getCreateTimestamp();

			} catch (WTException e)
		return retValue;


last thing, I would recommend to create database indexes on two columns for the AuditRecord table. 


it will increase performance 





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