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Hi @WL_9839559
I guess that you are trying yo import a lc template from different windchill version.
based on the information you provided I can see that input file is not well formatted
Your target system can miss some custom life cycle states and others things as a roles workflows and so on.
but my operation is export a lifecycle template from system1,then cancel this template,then import that template to system1.So I think the version is same.And I try to import this template to another system named system2,successful.It is too strange。system1 is dev,system2 is test
Confused, why are you exporting and then importing to the same system? You mentioned system1 twice. I can see it now allowing the same lifecycle to be imported back in. Did you try changing the filename of the import file?
Hi @WL_9839559
What operation is cancel ?
If the LC template exists why do you need to import it again to the same system?
btw the LC template can not be disabled or check-out if you want to update it by import.