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Creo Parametric Tips

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PTC now allows users to import and export standard Wavefront (*.obj) files in Freestyle.  The OBJ file could be created from other subdivisional modeler tools and imported geometry can contain multiple shapes.  Freestyle will provide additional control on import such as the facet units the ability to flip the normal direction of the control mesh.
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PTC has improved Freestyle to allow users to split quad faces into n-sided faces. Click the command Add Edge to increase the number of edges per face. Each edge breaks the 4–sided face into smaller faces, providing better control to define the form. You can delete selected edges, which results in the automatic collapse of the faces and the deleted edge vertices. This gives you the flexibility to split the control mesh into any defined shape so you can create any type of geometry.
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PTC has improved how Style deals with closed curves.  Users can now create closed curves as periodic or nonperiodic curves.  A new option is available to toggle between the different states of the closed curve, however, all newly created closed curves are defined as periodic by default. 
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PTC has improved the Drop Curve feature in Style to allow the new direction option of Normal to Surface and then selecting the surface on which to drop the curve. You can also drop a curve onto a datum plane, in a similar way to the Project feature. The dropped curve on the datum
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By adding the new options into the config.sup you can lock the  chosen severity level.The below image shows the result of adding the following two items to the config.sup:nmgr_failed warningnmgr_reference_changed error
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One more example of what you can do with Motors now being feature. The attached video shows how to simply reroute the selected Motor to another Rotation Axis by clicking Edit References in the Mini Toolbar from either the Model Tree or the graphics area.  
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With Mechanism Motors now being features, you can also define relations, create UDFs, reroute them etc. Attached video shows an example of adding a relation to one of the Motor's coefficients. Note that the result of this relation is also visible in the dashboard as the value is greyed-out and is no longer accessible due to the added relation (A=100).  
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In Mechanism Motors are now features, which provides several advantages. One advantage is that the dashboard is unified and allows you to change the Driven Quantity in the Motor feature.   Check out the attached video for an example.  
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Attached to this blog post is a short presentation on the new text and symbol fonts that we are providing in Creo 4.0. Although I'm listing this enhancement under the 2D Detailing area, it is also available in MBD. Any questions or feedback you have related to the new text and symbol fonts should be provided as comments to the blog post. That will be the easiest way for me to keep track of the comments and also be able to provide timely responses to your questions. If you follow this post, you can be notified of those comments as well and be able to learn from what others are asking. I may also periodically update this post to add some new details or information related to this enhancement.   Also, don't forget to follow the main blog post for 2D Detailing - which will have links to other 2D Detailing-related content 2D Detailing Home: Start Here! or the main blog post for MBD Creo 4.0 MBD Home: Start Here!
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Attached to this blog post is a short presentation on the new enhancement to support non-linear cross-hatching styles in Creo 4.0. Although I'm listing this enhancement under the 2D Detailing area, it is also available in 3D models and Creo Layout. Any questions or feedback you have related to the support for non-linear cross hatching styles should be provided as comments to the blog post. That will be the easiest way for me to keep track of the comments and also be able to provide timely responses to your questions. If you follow this post, you can be notified of those comments as well and be able to learn from what others are asking. I may also periodically update this post to add some new details or information related to this enhancement.   Also, don't forget to follow the main blog post for 2D Detailing - which will have links to other 2D Detailing-related content 2D Detailing Home: Start Here!
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Attached to this blog post is a short presentation and a video on the new enhancement to allow direct embedding of images into drawings in Creo 4.0.Any questions or feedback you have related to the ability to embed images in drawings should be provided as comments to the blog post.That
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Attached to this blog post is a short presentation on the new enhancements to Geometric Tolerances (GTOL) in Creo 4.0 in Drawing mode.Any questions or feedback you have related to GTOLs should be provided as comments to the blog post.That will be the easiest way for me to keep track
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Attached to this blog post is a short presentation on the new enhancements to Datum Targets in Creo 4.0 in Drawing mode.Any questions or feedback you have related to Datum Targets should be provided as comments to the blog post.That will be the easiest way for me to keep track of
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Attached to this blog post is a short presentation on the new enhancements to Datum Feature Symbols (aka Datum Tags) in Creo 4.0 in Drawing mode.Any questions or feedback you have related to Datum Feature Symbols should be provided as comments to the blog post.That will be the easiest
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In Creo 4.0 it is now possible to append wires and cables to branch bundles after the bundle has been created.  If you set configuration option prompt_extract_from_branches then you can control how wires and cables are extracted from a branch   Watch the attached video to learn more
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Hi everyone,   Have you already checked out Creo Direct 4.0 Sneak Peek? If not, I can only recommend looking at it as it features many enhancements. For a complete enhancements list, please check out the document: Direct Modeling What New   In addition, you might want to have a look at the attached video. It features many of the enhancements within a concept design workflow. The task at hand is to create a new design concept of the jigsaw foot so that the jigsaw can be equipped with a vacuum adapter and airflow channels to suck out the saw dust. We are going to do this by leveraging geometry from a different jigsaw model that already has a vacuum adapter and will use many of the new capabilities like boolean operations, mirror, attach etc to evolve the existing foot design so that it meets the requirement.   Looking forward to your comments.   Best regards..:Martin
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I'm creating this blog to be the central home page for anyone interested in trying out the new functionality in Creo 4.0 Sneak Peek relating to Flexible Modeling in Sheet Metal and regular part mode. Below will be links to my other blog posts on specific detailed topics under the mentioned theme. I will update the links as I post more information. Ideally you might want to reply to this post so that we can keep the threads linked.   Thanks and best regards…Martin     FMX: Video - Exposure of Flexible Modeling tools in Sheet Metal FMX: Video - New Sheet Metal specific Flexible Modeling tools to modify Sheet Metal Design Objects
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Attached please find a video showing new Flexible Modeling tools in Sheet Metal that allow to recognize Sheet Metal Design Objects such as bends, bend reliefs, corner reliefs, corner seams, forms from geometry and modify them with new dedicated tools.   Note that you might want to use the respective recognition tools with the automatic option upfront to recognize all those objects on the model. The Design Object tree (secondary tree) will show the recognized objects. The new Edit tools (Edit Bend Relief, Edit Corner Relief, Edit Corner Seam, Edit Bend) then allow you modify those objects independent from how these features had been created and as such even on an imported model.   Tools that are already quite stable in this sneak-peek version are: The new recognition tools (Recognize Bends, Bend Reliefs, Corner Reliefs, Corner Seams, Forms) Edit Bend Relief Edit Corner Relief Edit Corner Seam Tools are not fully stabilized yet in this version are: Edit Bend Pull Wall Even though not fully stable, we decided to keep them in the sneak-peek version to at least allow you to try them out in basic scenarios. Note that Edit Bend and Pull Wall actually handle the adjacent conditions (reliefs and corner seams) and recreate them after the operation. Both operations also automatically transform all geometry that is attached to the modified wall/bend. Looking forward to your feedback!   Best regards…Martin
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Attached please find a video on the exposure of Flexible Modeling tools in Sheet Metal. It focuses on selection and geometry modification tools that are available in regular part mode and had been adapted for the Sheet Metal environment to honor guidelines such as constant wall thickness and other specific rules. In particular note how Move and Remove refine the selection automatically and how other tools like substitute, offset, etc are only allowed for side surfaces. Pattern recognition and propagation are supported for operations such as move.   Have fun! Looking forward to your feedback.   Best regards..Martin
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You can now assign material directly from the Model Tree or graphics area, by selecting the component and using the Right Mouse Button (RMB) menu and clicking Add Material.If the Materials node is already visible in the Model Tree, you can also activate the RMB menu from any of the
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Prior to Creo 4.0. when a cable or wire failed due to violation of a fixed length there were not any tools to remove the fixed length of the failed feature.   With Creo 4.0 from Model Tree, or notification center you can now Right Click and choose Remove Fixed Length.  If the wire has already failed then the fixed length is automatically  removed,  and wire is regenerated - See the attached Video  
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