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Users of ThingWorx Analytics (TWA) may choose to create a predictive model using TWA or import a predictive model that was created using other software. When importing into or exporting out of TWA, this predictive model must be in a PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) version 4.3+ format. This post describes how to complete the import and export processes. Exporting: The user may create a model in two main ways inside of TWA: using the Builder user interface, or by using ‘Create Job’ service that exists the Training Thing. Whichever method is used, a model Job Id is created automatically by TWA for that model. It is this model Job Id that is used to identify the model inside of TWA, regardless of what is being done with that model.   If a model is trained using Builder, the user may highlight that model, click ‘Job Details’, and then copy the Job ID. This is done as follows:   Next, the user will navigate to Browse --> Things --> …TrainingThing. This is the Training Microservice inside of TWA where all the functionality involved with training a model exists. Within the …TrainingThing, the user will execute the ‘RetrieveModel’ service under Services. When executing the service, the user will paste the model Job ID (ex. 49704f1a-7fcd-4e38-ab53-84ef46517d0a) they copied earlier, and press ‘Execute’. The resulting text can then be highlighted and copied to Notepad or some other text editor, and saved as .pmml format (ex. ‘ModelExport.pmml’).   Importing Through Results Microservice: To import a model that has been saved in PMML 4.3+ format into TWA using the Results Microservice, the user will navigate to Manage --> Repositories (ex. AnalyticsUploadStorage) --> Actions --> Upload, and choose the PMML file. The user will then navigate to Browse --> Things --> …ResultsThing. This is the Results Microservice inside of TWA where all the functionality exists related to previously trained models. Within the …ResultsThing, the user will execute the ‘UploadModel’ service under Services. Alternatively, the user can upload the model from any repository using ‘UploadModelFromRepository” service.   To create a model from the uploaded PMML inside of TWA, the user will fill out the filePath and name then execute the service. Note: This model will not show up in Builder, as that would require model validation information that is not part of the imported PMML file.   The resulting Job Id can be used to make predictions, such as by using the …PredictionThing’s BatchScore or RealtimeScore services. At this point, the uploaded model acts the same way as if the model were created inside of that TWA environment.       Importing Through Analytics Manager: To import a model that has been saved in PMML 4.3+ format into TWA using the Analytics Manager, the user will navigate to Analytics --> Analytics Manager --> Analysis Models, and click the green “New” button. Next the user will choose the provider name (or create a new one by navigating to Analytics --> Analytics Manager --> Analysis Providers). The user will also check the box to “Upload Model”, and click the grey “Choose File” button to find the PMML file. Finally, the user will click the black “Upload” button, then the green “Save” button.     At this point, the model is uploaded into ThingWorx Analytics, and the user may progress through the subsequent steps to set up “Analysis Events” and “Analysis Jobs” that will be powered by the imported model.
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ThingWorx Foundation Flow Enable customers using Azure to take advantage of Azure services Access hundreds of Azure system connectors by invoking Azure Logic Apps from within ThingWorx Flow Execute Azure functions to leverage Azure dynamic, serverless scaling and pay just for processing power needed Access Azure Cognitive AI services for image recognition, text to voice/voice to text, OCR and more Easily integrate with homegrown and commercial solutions based on SQL databases where explicit APIs or REST services are not exposed Automatically trigger business process flows by subscribing to Windchill object class and instance events Provide visibility to mature PLM content (such as when a part is released) to downstream manufacturing and supply chain roles and systems Easily add new actions by extending functionality from existing connectors to create new actions to facilitate common tasks Inherit or copy functionality from existing actions and change only what is necessary to support new custom action Azure Connector SQL Database Connector Windchill Event Trigger Custom Action Improvements Platform Composer: Horizontal tab navigation is back!  Also new Scheduler editor. Security: TLS 1.2 support by default, new services for handling expired device connections New support for InFlux 1.7 and MSSQL 2017 * New* Solution Central Package, publish and upload your app with version info and metadata to your tenancy of Solution Central in the PTC cloud Identify missing dependencies via automatic dependency management to ensure your application is packaged with everything required for it to run on the target environments Garner enterprise-wide visibility of your ThingWorx apps deployed across the enterprise via a cloud portal showcasing your company’s available apps, their versions and target environments to foster a holistic view of your entire IIoT footprint across all of your servers, sites and use cases Solution Central is a brand-new cloud-based service to help enterprises package, store, deploy and manage their ThingWorx apps Accelerate your application deployment Initially targeted at developers and admins in its first release, Solution Central enables you to: Mashup Builder 9 new widgets, 5 new functions. Theme Editor with swappable Mashup Preview Responsive Layout enhancements including new settings for fixed and range sizes New Builder for custom screen sizes, new Widget and Style editors, Canvas Zoom Migration utility available for legacy applications to help move to latest features Security 3 new built-in services for WebSocket Communications Subsystem: QueryEndpointSessions, GetBoundThingsForEndpoint, and CloseEndpointSessions Provide greater awareness of Things bound to the platform Allow for mass termination of connections, if necessary Can be configured to automatically disconnect devices with expired authentication methods Encrypting data-in-motion (using TLS 1.2) is a best practice for securely using ThingWorx For previous versions, the installer defaulted to not configuring TLS; ThingWorx 8.5 and later installers will default to configuring TLS ThingWorx will still allow customers to decline to do so, if desired Device connection monitoring & security TLS by default when using installer   ThingWorx Analytics Confidence Model Training and Scoring (ThingWorx Analytics APIs) Deepens functionality by enabling training and scoring of confidence models to provide information about the uncertainty in a prediction to facilitate human and automated decision making Range Property Transform and Descriptive Service Improves ease of implementation of data transformations required for common statistical process control visualizations Architecture Simplification Improves cost of ownership by reducing the number of microservices required by Analytics Server to reduce deployment complexity Simplified installation process enables system administrators to integrate ThingWorx Analytics Server with either (or both) ThingWorx Foundation 8.5 and FactoryTalk Analytics DataFlowML 3.0.   ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps & Operator Advisor Manufacturing common layer extension - now bundling all apps as one extension (Operator Advisor, Asset Advisor, Production KPIs, Controls Advisor) Operator Advisor user interface for work instruction delivery Shift and Crew data model & user interface Enhancements to Operator Advisor MPMLink connector Flexible KPI calculations Multiple context support for assets   ThingWorx Navigate New Change Management App, first in the Contribute series, allows a user to participate in change request reviews delivered through a task list called “My Tasks” BETA Release of intelligent, reusable components that will dramatically increase the speed of custom App development Improvements to existing View Apps Updated, re-usable 3D viewing component (ThingView widget) Support for Windchill Distributed Vaults Display of Security Labels & Values   ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub Connector Seamless compatibility of Azure devices with ThingWorx accelerators like Asset Advisor and custom applications developed using Mashup Builder. Ability to update software and firmware remotely using ready-built Software Content Management via “ThingWorx Azure Software Content Management” Module on Azure IoT Edge. Quick installation and configuration of ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector, Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Edge SCM module.   Documentation ThingWorx Platform ThingWorx Platform 8.5 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx 8.5 Platform Reference Documents ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center   ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector Help Center   ThingWorx Analytics ThingWorx Platform Analytics 8.5.0 Release Notes Analytics Server 8.5.1 Release Notes ThingWorx Analytics Help Center   ThingWorx Manufacturing & Service Apps and ThingWorx Operator Advisor ThingWorx Apps Help Center ThingWorx Operator Advisor Help Center   ThingWorx Navigate ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Release Notes Installing ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Upgrading to ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Tasks and Tailoring Customizing ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 PTC Windchill Extension Guide 1.12.x ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Product Compatibility Matrix ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Upgrade Support Matrix ThingWorx Navigate Help Center     Additional Information Helpcenter ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal PTC Marketplace The National Instruments Connector can be found on PTC Marketplace  
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This video shows the steps to install ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.5.1 as well as the ThingWorx Analytics Extension.  
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Anomaly Detection (also known as Outlier Detection) is a set of techniques that identify unusual occurrences in data. The premise is that such occurrences may be early indicators of future negative events (e.g. failure of assets or production lines).  Data Science algorithms for Anomaly Detection include both Supervised and Unsupervised methods. In Unsupervised Anomaly Detection, the algorithms make the assumption that most of the data points are "normal" (e.g. normal operation of the asset) and are looking for data points that are most dissimilar to the remainder of the dataset. Supervised Anomaly Detection requires a labeled set of Anomalies, in which case predictive algorithms can be applied directly on this data.   Thingworx employs a number of algorithms in support of Anomaly Detection: Simple threshold alerts. These are easy to setup on Thing properties but require a domain expert to provide such thresholds. Then, the alert will automatically fire when the value of the monitored property goes outside the predefined range of values, often seen as the "bad" side of the threshold. Statistical Process Control (SPC). This can be implemented using Thingworx Analytics Property Transforms. Most companies use a subset of SPC charts and rules to monitor production processes. Examples include the X Bar and R charts, as well as the Western Electric rules (e.g. one point outside the average +/- three sigma range). Explainable and widely accepted, SPC can also provide an earlier warning system compared to simple threshold alerts, in that it captures more complex patterns. Clustering. Using Thingworx Analytics, one can build an optimal clustering for the available data points. Under the assumption that data is representative of mostly normal operation and that there is not a significant pre-defined pattern of anomalies that form their own cluster, one can identify outliers by looking at the distance between points and their corresponding cluster centers. Points that are very far from their corresponding cluster center can be labeled as anomalies. Semi-supervised Anomaly Alerting (formerly known as ThingWatcher). This functionality identifies single property time series behavior that is statistically different than what was seen in a finite window of “known normal operation”. As such, it does not identify a “bad” event, or even a precursor to a “bad” event.  Rather, it points the end user to further investigate a situation which may lead to a “bad” event. Anomaly Alerts can be easily setup like any other Alert on a Thing property. Multiple Anomaly Alerts can be setup on the same or different properties of a Thing. Behind the scenes, the platform builds a time series neural network model for the known normal operation data, which is then applied to incoming data, and, if the errors are significantly different than those on known normal operation over a period of time, then an Anomaly Alert is produced. The techniques mentioned above are either unsupervised or semi-supervised. If the dataset contains labeled anomalies (e.g. asset faults, or suspicious patterns) then supervised predictive techniques (such as regression, decision trees, neural nets, or ensemble methods) are available to model the relationships between such anomalies (dependent variables) and various variables of interest (independent variables). These models can then be employed to monitor assets or production lines for upcoming anomalies. In many real-world use cases, anomalies are relatively rare; care needs to be taken when building such predictive models. Techniques such as up-sampling can prove beneficial in such situations.   What constitutes an Anomaly depends on the observed data and the current context. If only few data points are initially available, then it is possible that a lot of future data is predicted as an Anomaly, despite being normal operation. Also, in terms of context, if an Anomaly Detection is trained on a connected product in the Winter, it is likely to say all Summer operation is anomalous. This can be tackled by having multiple anomaly detection alerts implemented, one for each different context of operation (e.g. season, recipe being manufactured, operation done by a robot).   Another consideration is lead time vs explainability. For example, when a threshold alert fires, it is obvious why, but it may not be early enough to take action. As more advanced methods are employed, more complex patterns can be captured, hence more lead time, but typically at the expense of explainability. For example, semi supervised Anomaly Alerting (formerly known as ThingWatcher) uses time windows, aggregations, and derivatives of up to the third order, resulting in significantly less explainability when an Anomaly is presented to the end user.   Choosing the appropriate Anomaly Detection technique is use case dependent, balancing the desired lead time and explainability. If historical data on failures/anomalies is not available, a good place to start is Statistical Process Control, as it provides a balanced approach between the two dimensions, in addition to being already in use across many manufacturing companies.
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Thingworx Analytics is offered through the User interface called Analytics Builder with some pre-configured functionality. However, should you want to create your own jobs and mashups, all features from Analytics Builder and some more are available through the Thingworx Services.  Running most functionality requires that you provide some data to run the Analytics Services. This is where the datasetRef parameter is required.        Data uploaded through Analytics Builder Any dataset uploaded through builder will require have a datasetUri as shown in the image above and format will be parquet (all small letters) datasetUri can be obtained from the list of datasets in builder Passing data as an in-body Dataset If data isn't uploaded through Analytics Builder, data can be supplied as an Infotable in the data parameter of the datasetRef. Metadata will also need to be supplied if a new dataset is being created (create Job of the AnalyticsServer_DataThing) If this data is being supplied for a scoring job, as long as the column names match up to what the model is expecting, TWX Analytics will inference them appropriately. The filter parameter is for parquet datasets already uploaded into TWXA and will take an ANSI SQL statement format to add conditions to reduce number of rows. Exclusions is an single column infotable list of the columns you wish to remove from the job you are trying to submit Example: If you want Profiles to only run on 5 out of 10 columns, you would give a list of 5 columns that you don't want to include in this exclusions infotable. Data may also be supplied as a csv file in the file repo in some cases, in which case you would give the dataseturi parameter the location of the file on the TWX File repo (of the format thingworx://UseCaseFileRepo/tempdata.csv) and the format which would be csv
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When predicting a Boolean goal such as Failure in the next hour or any other goal that has a yes or no answer, Thingworx Analytics(TWXA) models will output a 'risk' of the event occurring. TWXA will intelligently pick a threshold beyond which that risk warrants attention. 1. In Analytics Builder, click on the export button 2. This will export a PMML model and download it for you 3. Open up the PMML model, in the output section, you will find a condition that explains the threshold that was selected by TWX Analytics.   In this example case, TWXA chose 0.5 as the best Threshold.   Note: The export button will only be available in Builder for TWXA 8.4+.
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Here is a tutorial to explain the process of uploading a PMML file from an external system to Thingworx Analytics. The tutorial steps are explained in the attached PDF and all referenced files can be found in the attached ZIP.  
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In this video we show the setup for anomaly detection (ThingWatcher) in release 8.4. We also show how to create an anomaly alert.  
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In this video we show a simple use case on how to setup a transformed property to collect statistical values  
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In this video we cover the installation of the platform analytics services which include: Descriptive services and property transform services.  
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In this video we introduce the Descriptive Services and property transform services that are found on the platform analytics media  
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This video shows the steps to install ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.4 as well as the ThingWorx Analytics Extension.
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We are excited to announce ThingWorx 8.4 is now available for download!    Key functional highlights ThingWorx 8.4 covers the following areas of the product portfolio: ThingWorx Analytics and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Connection Server and Edge capabilities.   ThingWorx Foundation Next Generation Composer: File Repository Editor added for application file management New entity Config Table Editor to enable application configurability and customization Localization support fornew languages: Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Chinese/Taiwan, Chinese/Simplified Mashup Builder: Responsive Layout with new Layout Editor 13 new and updated widgets (beta) Theming Editor (beta) New Functions Editor New Personalized Workspace Platform: Added support for AzureSQL, a relational database-as-a-service (DBaaS) as the new persistence provider A PaaS database that is always running on the latest stable version of SQL Server Database Engine and  patched OS with 99.99% availability.   Added support for InfluxData, a leading time series storage platform as the new ThingWorx persistence provider Supports ingesting large amounts of IoT data and offers high availability with clustering setup New extension for Remote Access and Control Supports VNC, RDP desktop sharing for any remote device HTTP and SSH connectivity supported An optional microservice to offload the ThingWorx server by allowing query execution to occur in a separate process on the same or on a different physical machine. Installers for Postgres versions of ThingWorx running on Windows or RHEL AzureSQL InfluxDB Thing Presence feature introduced which indicates whether the connection of a thing is “normal” based on the expected behavior of the device. Remote Access Extension Query Microservice: Click and Go Installers for Windows and Linux (RHEL) Security: Major investments include updating 3rd party libraries, handling of data to address cross-site scripting (XSS)  issues and enhancements to the password policy, including a password blacklist. A significant number of security issues have been fixed in this release. It is recommended that customers upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements. Docker Support  Added Dockerfile as a distribution media for ThingWorx Foundation and Analytics Allows building Docker container image that unlocks the potential of Dev and Ops Note:  Legacy Composer has been removed and replaced with the New Composer.   Documentation: ThingWorx 8.4 Reference Documents ThingWorx Platform 8.4 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center  
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Beginning with version 8.4.0 ThingWorx Analytics Manager is now able to delete Jobs by filter. Underneath video demonstrates this capability.   
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Beginning with version 8.4.0 ThingWorx Analytics Server can now automatically create metadata (Json file) based on the uploaded csv. file. Underneath video demonstrates the steps for automated metadata detection.
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This post covers how to build and operationalize a time series model using Thingworx Analytics. A lookback window is used to read multiple previous rows before the current one, and base the prediction on those lookback rows.   In this example we use time series data to predict water flow for different water pumps in a system.   There is a full explanation of the method attached, also all necessary resources are included in the attached files.
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Predicting time to failure (TTF) or remaining useful life (RUL) is a common need in IIOT world. We are looking here at some  ways to implement it. We are going to use one of the Nasa dataset publicly available that simulates the Turbofan engine degradation ( . The original dataset has got 26 features as below Column 1 – asset id Column 2 – cycle/time of sensor data collection Column 3- 5 – operational setting Column 6-26 – sensor measurement In the training dataset the sensor measurement ends when the failure occurs.     Data Collection Since the prediction model is based on historic data, the data collection is a critical point. In some cases the data would have been already collected form the past and you need to make the best out of it. See the Data preparation chapter below. In situation where you are collecting data, a few points are good to keep in mind, some may or may not apply depending on the type of data to be collected. More frequent (higher frequency) collection is usually better, especially for electronic measure. In situation where one or more specific sensor values are known to impact the TTF, it is good to take measure at different values of this sensor until the failure without artificially modifying the values. For example, for a light bulb with normal working voltage of 1.5V, it is good to take some measure at let’s say 1V, 1.5V , 2V , 3V and 4V. But each time run till the failure. Do not start at 1.5V and switch to 4V after 1h. This would compromise what the model can learn. More variation is better as it helps the prediction model to generalize. In the same example of voltage it is best to collect data for 1V, 1.5V , 2V , 3V and 4V rather than just 1.5V which would be the normal running condition. This also depends on the use case, for example if we know for sure that voltage will always be between 1.45V and 1.55V, then we could focus only on data collection in this range. Once the failure is reached, stop collecting data. We are indeed not interested in what happens after the failure. Collecting data after the failure will also lead to lower prediction model accuracy. Each failure run should be a separate cycle in the dataset. In other word from a metadata stand point, each failure run should be represented by a different ENTITY_ID. TTF business need Before going into data preparation and model creation we need to understand what information is important in term of TTF prediction for our business need. There are several ways to conceive the TTF, for example: Exact time value when failure might occur This is probably going to be the most challenging to predict However one should consider if it is really necessary. Indeed do we need to know that a failure might occur in 12 min as opposed to 14 min ? Very often knowing that the time to failures is less than X min, is what is important, not the exact time. So the following options are often more appropriate. Threshold For some application knowing that a critical threshold is reached is all that is needed. In this case a Boolean goal, for example lessThan30min or healthy with yes/no values, can be used This is usually much easier than the exact value above. Range For other applications we may need to have a bit more insight and try to predict some ranges, for example: lessThan30min, 30to60min, 60to90min and moreThan90min In this case we will define an ordinal goal The caveat here is that currently ThingWorx Analytics Builder does not support ordinal goal, though ThingWorx Analytics Server does support it. So it only means that the model creation needs to be done through the API. This is the option we will take with the NASA dataset. The picture below shows the 3 different types of TTF listed above   Data Preparation   General Feature engineering Data Preparation is always a very important step for any machine learning work. It is important to present the data in the best suitable way for the algorithms to give the best results. There are a lot of practices that can be used but beyond the scope of this post. The Feature Engineering  post gives some starting point on this. There are also a lot of resources available on the Internet to get started, though the use of a data scientist may be necessary. As an example, in the original NASA dataset we can see that a few features have a constant value therefore there are unlikely to impact the prediction and will be removed. This will allow to free computational resources and prevent confusion in the model. Sensor data resampling The data sampling across the different sensor should be uniform. In a real case scenario we may though have sensors data collected at different time interval. Data transformation/extrapolation should  be done so that all sensor values are at the same frequency in the uploaded dataset. TTF feature Since we want to predict the time to failure, we do need a column in the dataset that represent this values for the data we have. In a real case scenario we obviously cannot measure the time to failure, but we usually have sensor data up to the point of failure, which we can use to derived the TTF values. This is what happens in the NASA dataset, the last cycle corresponds to the time when the failure occurred. We can therefore derive a new feature TTF in this dataset. This will start at 0 for the last cycle when failure occurred, and will be incremented by 1 up to the very first measurement, as shown below:   Once this TTF column is defined, we may need to transform it further depending on the path we choose for TTF prediction, as described in the TTF business need chapter. In the case of the NASA dataset we are choosing a range TTF with values of more100, 50to100, 10to50 and less10 to represent the number of remaining cycles till the predicted failure. This is the information we need to predict in order to plan a suitable maintenance action. Our transformed TTF column look as below:     Once the data in csv is ready, we need to create the json file to represent the metadata. In the case of range TTF this will be defined as an ordinal goal as below (see attachment for the full matadata json file) {         "fieldName": "TTF",         "values": ["less10",                   "10to50",                   "50to100",                   "more100"],         "range": null,         "dataType": "STRING",         "opType": "ORDINAL",         "timeSamplingInterval": null,         "isStatic": false   }   Model creation Once the data is ready it can be uploaded into ThingWorx Analytics and work on the prediction model can start. ThingWorx Analytics is designed to make machine learning easy and accessible to non data scientists, so this steps will be easier than when using other solutions. However some trial and error are needed to refine the model which may also involve reworking the dataset. Important considerations: When dealing with Time to failure prediction, it is usually needed to unset the Use Goal History in the Advanced parameters of the model creation wizard. If using API, the equivalent is to set the virtualSensor parameter to true. Tests with Redundancy Filter enabled should be done as this has shown to give better results. In a first attempt it is a good idea to keep lookback Size to 0. This indicates to ThingWorx Analytics to find the best lookback size between 2, 4, 8 and 16. If you need a different value or know that a different value is better suited, you can change this value accordingly. However bear in mind the following: Larger lookback size will lead to less data being available to train, since more data are needed to predict one goal. Larger lookback do lead to significant memory increase – See     In the case of the NASA dataset, since we are using an ordinal goal, we need to execute it through API. This can be done through mashup and services (see How to work with ordinal and categorical data in ThingWorx Analytics ? for an example) for a more productive way. As a test the TrainingThing.CreateJob service can be called from the Composer directly, as shown below:       Once the model is created we can check some performance statistics in ThingWorx Analytics Builder or, in the case of ordinal goal, via the ValidationThing.RetrieveResults service. The parameter most relevant in the case of ordinal goal will be the confusion matrix. Here is the confusion matrix I get   Another validation is to compute some PVA (Predicted Vs Actual) results for some validation data. ThingWorx Analytics does validation automatically when using ThingWorx Analytics Builder and present some useful performance metrics and graph. In the case of ordinal goal, we can still get this automatic validation run (hence the above confusion matrix), but no PVA graph or data is available. This can be done manually if some data are kept aside and not passed to the training microservice. Once the model is completed, we can then score (using PredictionThing.RealTimeScore or BatchScore for ordinal goal, or Builder UI for other goal) this validation dataset and compare the prediction result with the actual value. here is one example:     Depending on the business case this model can be deemed acceptable or may need rework, such as change the range values, change learners’ parameters, modify dataset … There is certainly a fair amount of experimentation before creating the optimal model but hopefully this post does give some good starting points.   Resources:   Original Dataset attached as train_FD001-original.csv Transformed dataset attached as train_FD001-TTF-transformed.csv json metadata file for transformed dataset attached as train_FD001-ttford.json                    
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Applicable releases: 8.3 and above   Description: In this video, we will see  Basic concepts of SVM Some scenarios for a better understanding
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I have created a mashup which allows you to easily use and test the Prescriptions functionality in Thingworx Analytics (TWA). This is where you choose 1 or more fields for optimization, and TWA tells you how to adjust those fields to get an optimal outcome.   The functionality is based on a public sample dataset for concrete mixtures, full details are included in the attached documentation.  
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How to score new data with ThingWorx Analytics ?   The following is valid starting with ThingWorx Analytics (TWA) 8.3.0   Overview   Once a training model has been created, one of the main objective is to score new data to predict the value for the goal ThingWorx Analytics can score new data in 2 ways: Batch scoring Real time scoring Batch scoring   Batch scoring will be used when a large amount of data needs to be scored. To perform a batch scoring we will usually follow steps similar to the below ones: Upload the historic data Create a new model with this historic data Upload new data – the one to be scored Perform a prediction job to score those new data Retrieve the prediction job result Uploading the new data can be done in different ways. If using a large amount of data, it can be easier to upload the data via a csv file in a similar way as the historic data. This is the way used in ThingWorx Analytics Builder. If the amount of data is more limited this can be sent in the body of the scoring request. The post Analytics: Prediction Methods Mashup  shows a good example of how to do this using the PredictionThing.BatchScore service. We are focusing below on ThingWorx Analytics Builder, that is uploading new data via a csv file. In order to perform the scoring job only on the new data in step 4 above, we need to be able to filter those added data. If the dataset has already suitable column/feature such as a timestamp for example, we can use this to score only new data after timestamp > newdate, assuming all data are in chronological order. If the dataset has no such feature, we will have to add one  beforehand when we first upload the historic data in step 1 above. We often use a new column/feature named record_purpose to this effect. So initial data can take a value of training for this record_purpose feature since they are used to create the initial model. Then new added data to be scored can get any value that identify those rows only. It is important to note that this record_purpose feature needs to be set with the optType INFORMATIONAL so as to not be taken into account by the learning algorithms.   The video below shows those steps while using ThingWorx Analytics Builder   Real time scoring   Real time scoring is better suited for small amount of data. The process for real time scoring can be done either via the Analytics Server PredictionThing RealTimeScore service or using the Analytics Manager framework. The posts How to work with ordinal and categorical data in ThingWorx Analytics  and Analytics: Prediction Methods Mashup do give  examples of the use of the RealTimeScore service.   We will concentrate below on the Analytics Manager. The process involves the following steps: In Analytics Manager Create an Analysis Provider that uses the AnalyticsServerConnector connector Publish the model created in ThingWorx Analytics Builder to Analytics Manager Enable the model created Create an Analysis Event Map the properties to the datashape field Enable the Event In ThingWorx Composer Relevant properties of the Thing used in the Analysis Event are updated in someway This trigger the analysis job to be executed The scoring result is populated into the result property mapped in the Analysis event The Help Center has got more detailed about this process. The following video shows those steps Following articles can also be of interest for this topic: How to use ThingPredictor in release 8.3 of ThingWorx Analytics Server ? Publish model from Analytics Builder into Analytics Manager using TW.AnalysisServices.AnalyticsServer.AnalyticsServerConnector Creating Template For Thing, And Configure Analysis Event For Real-Time Scoring via Analytics Manager Note that the AnalyticsServerConnector connector in release 8.3 replaces the ThingPredictor connector from previous releases.
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To help explain some of the different ways in which a prediction can be triggered from a Thingworx Analytics Model, I've built a mashup which allows you to easily trigger these types of prediction:   - API Realtime Prediction - Analytics Manager: Event - API Batch Prediction   For information on setting up this environment to use the mashup with some sample data, please see the attached instructions document: Prediction-Methods-Mashup.pdf. The referenced resource files can be found inside   For more information on prediction scoring please see this related post: How to score new data with ThingWorx Analytics 8.3.x
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