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IoT Tips

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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for the multitenancy and platform security. It  discusses the available security levels, necessary basic resources, as well as provides information on the system user, and also includes several examples on how-to. It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Hello readers,   This week @ Ask Kaya we thought we would give someone else the keyboard for a different point of view on the platform.  I’m Chris, a Product Manager here at PTC working on the ThingWorx platform.  Instead of telling you what is coming in our next release, or interviewing one of our awesome PTC experts, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the platform’s success and dream about where it could be.  After visiting with customers and partners at PTC Forum Europe this week, it looks like many of you share in our vision.  This is a bit of a fun post and by no means an exact look into ThingWorx 2019, but see what you think.   When I think about the next generation of ThingWorx, here is what I see: I see Mashups that generate themselves with suggested visualizations based on your input for style, user persona, and navigation I see Thing Models that populate, based on your use case, your equipment and your connectivity I see a self-learning platform with understanding of all industrial data sources, presenting options of integration to extend knowledge or informing you of correlations I see applications that automatically master individual pieces of equipment, small processes, and handfuls of KPIs and will command larger fleets, networks, and multi-site operations I see a platform without installation or setup, but is there when you need it I see test code and harnesses that are created based on what you build with our tools and tests that run automatically when things are changed I see developers being notified when things are changed by other developers, or when modules from PTC have new versions I see a central place to manage solutions, with push button access for administrators to deploy to sites I see upgrades happening seamlessly, confidently, with no penalty for failure and with the speed of iterative development I see a self-aware system that monitors and scales itself cost effectively   Readers, what do you see?  Sound off in the comments!   Chris
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Configuring Navigate search using Common Tailoring and configuring access permission on apps from role perspective.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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  Hi, everyone!     Today, we’re launching an exciting new series called “PTC Community Spotlights.” Each post in the series explores a community member’s experience with ThingWorx—how they’re using it, what their favorite part about ThingWorx is, and any tips or tricks they may have to share with the PTC Community.   For the first installment, I spoke with @nmilleson of EAC. Check out our conversation below. Our first PTC Community Spotlight Speaker -- Nick Milleson of EAC Product Development Systems. @Kaya: Hi, @nmilleson, welcome! Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and volunteering to be our first ThingWorx Community spotlight!   @nmilleson: Of course, @Kaya. Happy to be here.   @Kaya: To start, can you tell me a little about yourself?   @nmilleson: Absolutely. My name is Nick Milleson.  I work as an IoT Solution Architect at EAC Product Development Systems (a PTC Partner). I’m located in Apple Valley, Minnesota, which is a suburb of the Twin Cities.   @Kaya: Nice! We always love hearing from our partners about the awesome work they do. As a PTC Partner, what industries do you typically work in?   @nmilleson: I consult for many, many different industries, including defense, transportation, medical devices, construction & aerospace.   @Kaya: Wow, so what PTC products are you most familiar with?   @nmilleson:  My schooling is in mechanical engineering, so I’ve also used Creo, Windchill, and MathCAD.  I have been working with the ThingWorx application and helping clients get the most out of ThingWorx for approximately 7 years.   @Kaya:  Seven years—that’s a while! Do you have any “ThingWorx” stories from over the years you can share with your community peers?   @nmilleson:  Sure thing. I think the coolest thing that I’ve done with ThingWorx was create a custom SVG infographic that featured animations, click events, zoom-ins, and heatmaps based on temperature deltas.  It was a custom widget and it worked really well in ThingWorx.  When I first started learning to use ThingWorx, I took apart an old RC car and hooked up an Arduino to the motors and steering.  I was then able to control it using a ThingWorx mashup.  Pretty fun! I’ll be sure to share a visual so people can check it out.   Nick's awesome custom SVG infographic featuring a ton of neat functionality like zoom-ins & heatmaps. @Kaya:  That’s awesome! Sounds like a fun time indeed. I saw that one of your first publications about ThingWorx for EAC was from 2015 and titled “Updating ThingWorx Using an Arduino Uno and a Serial Connection.”  The ThingWorx platform has certainly evolved since then.  What would you say is your favorite thing about ThingWorx today?   @nmilleson:  It sure has evolved. I would say my favorite thing is that it’s flexible enough to allow you the freedom to design all sorts of applications, while also providing you with all these great tools that make it easy to use as well.   @Kaya:  Thanks for that. I can see that you have been a member of the PTC Community for five years.  Thank you for providing such great contributions.  What do you enjoy most about the PTC Community?   @nmilleson:  I enjoy this Community because everyone seems very willing to help each other out, regardless of the complexity of the issue.  I stick mostly with the IoT Developers section, but I’ll meander into the Manufacturing Apps and ThingWorx Ideas once in a while as well.   @Kaya:  Love to hear it. Now, so the PTC Community can learn a little more about you, how do you spend your time when you aren’t playing with ThingWorx or engaging on the PTC Community?   @nmilleson: Great question. I have been a professional piano player for almost 20 years, so I’m often at a piano bar making music when I’m not doing software development with EAC.   @Kaya: Awesome. Well those are all the questions I have for today. Thank you for sharing your experience with ThingWorx! Truly appreciate it.   @nmilleson: Of course. Happy to be a part of it!   Kaya, here. We love hearing from community members like @nmilleson about how ThingWorx creates value for them amongst a variety of use cases. If you’re active on the community and interested in being featured on the PTC Community Spotlight series, send me a direct message and we’ll get the ball rollin’.   For now, we’ll let Nick “play us” out. Until next time, stay connected!   -Kaya
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This Expert Session goes over ways to identify and develop a successful use case for ThingWorx Analytics. The example use case presented here is on employee retention in a fictional company with the goal of maximizing employee retention . This presentation will provide you with all the fundamentals you need to develop your own ThingWorx Analytics use cases from the ground up.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session will walk you through the complete installation of ThingWorx Analytics from the Prerequisites to Confirming the Installation is successful and all steps in between. The first half of the video gives a breakdown of the components and the process of the installation with the second half being an actual Demo of the Installation.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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  The ThingWorx team would like to be one of the first to wish you a happy holiday season.   To kick it off, I’ll share the top three things we’re thankful for: Our customers—you! Thank you for all that you do. The entire team behind ThingWorx. Thank you for being such a fun team to work with! Our robust platform—recognized by Gartner as a leader in industrial IoT platforms. Launching today, 9.1 features a cornucopia of new functionality, including: Runtime support for AWS Corretto Open JDK 11, now available to help you save Oracle Java licensing costs A new Project View in Composer Pareto charts, auto refresh, pagination and chip-based data filter web components Enhancements to auditing, Thing Group UI & export to source control Asset Advisor scale improvements Operator Advisor process plan caching Azure AD integration with Solution Central to manage users ARM templates now available to allow you to easily deploy the necessary ThingWorx infrastructure on Azure Read the release notes and download 9.1 from the Software Downloads Page today!   Stay connected & happy holidays, Kaya      
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Are you ready for #WorldIoTDay?
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  Meet Anthony. Anthony came to PTC from a large industrial company as a user of Axeda, a leading device connectivity company that PTC acquired in 2014. With a background in aerospace engineering and experience in a variety of industries including life safety, healthcare, nuclear power, and oil and gas, Anthony has been working to create new value around innovation for customers transitioning to ThingWorx. When he’s not working on IIoT, he’s playing music on Cape Cod, photographing Hawaiian landscapes or bringing awesome inflatable chairs into the office.    You may recall from last week's post that Thing Presence is one of the top three features in 8.4 that you might not know about. This week, I spoke with Anthony for a deeper dive on Thing Presence. Check out how it went.   Kaya: What was the challenge users were facing that led us to create Thing Presence? Anthony: Axeda customers transitioning to ThingWorx were struggling with the connectivity use case and kept asking, ‘why is my asset always offline?’ When we evaluated it, we discovered that it was tied to the difference between AlwaysOn and Axeda eMessage protocol architectures. IsConnected will always report false for polling and duty cycle devices.   The use case of Thing Presence is to know that the asset is reporting into the network and is ready to provide information (push) or be accessed to retrieve information or do a remote desktop support (pull). This use case is relevant for any asset in ThingWorx that uses duty cycle.   In ThingWorx 8.4 (coming in early 2019), the new IsReporting state will inform the user when a polling device is communicating on a regular basis. If it is, then IsReporting will be true. The IsReporting state resolves the discrepancy wherein devices that are on duty cycle appear disconnected due to the IsConnected state reporting false.  New "IsReporting" state improves visibility of an asset's communication state Kaya: How exactly does Thing Presence work? Anthony: You can think of it in terms of having teenagers. You tell them they need to check in with you on a regular basis through text message. If a text is missed, all of a sudden you take action.   Now, imagine the teenager is a device. If a device was supposed to check in every five minutes and it misses one poll, I want to flag that as a problem. The challenge with that from a service perspective is that sometimes your service personnel will go out and work on a device and may need to take it offline for a bit of time; we need to factor that in. We certainly don’t want to deploy someone or try to fix something when a service technician is already there.   You might decide, ‘my average service visit is an hour, so, if I miss a couple of pings, I’m okay; but, if I’m offline for more than an hour, then I’d like to know about it because I’d like to take action.’ Thing Presence allows you to define that window.   Kaya: You’ve mentioned ‘duty cycle’ and ‘polling cycle.’ Can you explain these terms? Anthony: Duty cycle and polling cycle are the same thing. It means that a device has a time for which it is expected to check in, and, provided that it checks in within that timeframe, all is good with the connection.   Connected services rely on a connection. As soon as the connection is broken, I no longer have the ability to service the asset.   Kaya: Given everything we’ve discussed, where do you see Thing Presence headed? Anthony: The next piece of the equation for us is to provide information on the health of the connection. When you look at servicing a remote asset, you need to a) know that it is communicating, and b) know that the connection is healthy before you try anything. I wouldn’t want to try a software update if I am losing connection with my asset on a regular basis.   What do we mean by health? We mean: is the device checking in when it should be? If it’s not, is there a pattern to that connection, and are those patterns tied to applications? For example, is it only on during working hours? Does it turn off during holidays? If the device is in a school, does it turn off during summer maintenance work? This allows us to garner insights on how and when the equipment is being used, not just operating status. At the end of the day, does this mean I can apply analytics and AI tools to it? Absolutely. Is it the first place I would apply it? Probably not.   Kaya: In your mind, what is the next big thing coming in ThingWorx that you’re particularly excited about? Anthony: Mashup 2.0 and Asset Advisor 8.4. (Double mic drop.)   Kaya: That’s awesome. My last question is related to you. Can you tell me what your favorite aspect is about working at PTC? Anthony: The chaos. Very often it’s chaos that breeds innovation. What I mean by that is that, if you try to create something because you sit down and you say, ‘I am going to innovate,’ very often that is a failure because the majority of the time it’s the influence of a deadline, a customer need or an application at hand that makes the environment trying and sometimes hectic. But, it is in these challenging environments where you can be the most creative and innovative as an engineer.
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If your mashups are feeling cramped and crowded, we’ve got some good news for you. Coming in our next release, ThingWorx will offer truly responsive layouts for your mashups, allowing you to adjust the size of your viewport or present a mashup on a variety of displays—laptop, tablet, phone, etc.—without compromising presentation or responsiveness. This new layout capability is based on Flexbox. Check out this article to learn more.   Here’s a sneak peek of our new layout editor. It’s still in development, but I hope you can start to see how you can use this in your UI development.   Sneak Peek: Responsive Mashup Layout Notice the ability to split the layout into containers. Each of the containers allows you to horizontally or vertically layout, distribute from left or right, align from top or bottom, justify space between widgets, etc. This gives you as the developer ultimate control to define the responsiveness of the mashup.   Like what you see? Any feedback? Let me know below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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  Whether your ThingWorx instances are deployed on premise, in the cloud or a hybrid of the two, I’d like you to imagine: You have a super cool app. You want to deploy it securely. You’re not a security expert. What do you do? How do you know how to securely deploy your app? Where do you go for security best practices? Introducing the new ThingWox Secure Deployment Hub!   The ThingWorx Secure Deployment Hub is a new section of our support site that will introduce you to the ThingWorx security landscape and direct you to security resources pertaining to the Edge, the platform and beyond.   From permissions and provisioning, to subsystems and SSO, the hub is packed with our recommendations and best practices for you to deploy your app in a secure fashion.   Happy deploying! Kaya
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    We’re back with a ThingWorx 8.5 highlight! Today, we’ll cover brand-new functionality within ThingWorx Flow—the Azure Connector!   Imagine you’re on the regal shores of ThingWorx, trying to reach the plentiful utopia of Azure IoT services and capabilities. How do you get there? Through the new Azure Connector for ThingWorx Flow!   The Azure Connector for ThingWorx Flow is an OOTB connector that enables you to leverage the power and breadth of Azure services directly in ThingWorx applications with ThingWorx Flow. If you have intermittent needs for high-scale processing, for example, the Azure connector can help optimize costs based on when you require a mighty powerful liege and where you only pay for the necessary processing capacity when it is important. Azure Functions are also useful when you want to leverage some special code that was written in a language like Python that you’d like to easily leverage, such as to pre-process information collected from a device.   With the Azure connector, you’re able to: Support execution of logic apps to access a large number of OOTB systems connectors and customer investments in apps. Enable execution of Azure functions wherever elastic scale is needed to cost-effectively support use cases that have intermittent high-scale needs, such as executing an analysis of device sensors leading up to and following a key alert or incident. Enable use of Azure Cognitive Services to easily leverage a rich set of capabilities from simple text to voice or voice to text to computer vision in end-to-end IoT use cases. A few examples include the ability to: Convert the alert text to speech to deliver to an operator to take urgent action. Convert a verbal description of an assembly problem to a textual description in an automatically generated problem report. Use computer vision for a quality check to automatically pass or fail a part based on a visual image and confidence level. Here are a few of the many different services you can leverage with the Azure Connector in ThingWorx Flow: Anomaly Detector Bing Search Computer Vision Custom Vision Execute Function Execute Logic App Face Recognition LUIS Prediction QnA Prediction Speaker Recognition Speech Service Text Analytics Check out this demo video to see an example in action. In the video, you’ll see us: Create an Azure Function app. Create a ThingWorx Flow that triggers from an alert on a ThingWorx thing. Within the flow, you’ll see us consume the alert information and send it to the Azure Function app, and the Azure function app will process and return a response. (view in My Videos)   While simple, this demo shows the ability to connect ThingWorx and Azure together for an incredibly flexible and powerful distributed IoT system.   Finally, if you’re looking for assistance on how to use the new connector, see our Help Center here.   Stay connected and go with the (ThingWorx) Flow! Kaya        
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  Energy. Innovation. Passion. That’s how I would describe LiveWorx19 in three words.   From beginning to end, LiveWorx truly was a one-of-a-kind digital transformation event. Whether it was the top-notch demos, the delicious lunch from food trucks, or the unique integration of our products with our partners’ technologies, everywhere I turned, inspiration and excitement were booming.   Here are my top three highlights:   1. Delivering a breakout session Chris Baldwin and I shared exciting new functionality that we’re releasing in ThingWorx to simplify and accelerate deployment of applications across your enterprise. We introduced Solution Central, a new portal in the cloud for application management and deployment (more info to come in a future post, but in the meantime, reach out with any questions).   2. Assisting with Xtropolis, our Demo Floor Speaking directly with you and hearing how you’re using ThingWorx to transform industries like medical devices, beer brewing or furniture manufacturing was pretty impressive. It was also quite rewarding and inspiring to hear your clever questions about your unique IoT use cases while being surrounded by folks performing service on a giant John Deere tractor, attendees having virtual rides on a Polaris vehicle and a team of brewers using ThingWorx and Vuforia to brew some tasty Trillium beer.   3. Participating in Usability Tests Thank you to everyone who participated in the UX Lab. Hearing your direct feedback in usability tests on what you like and what you want to see changed or added to the product helps make it feel like you are right there with us designing ThingWorx—because, well, you are. We take the feedback you share at LiveWorx right back to the office and begin iterating. So, quick shoutout to everyone who participated—thanks for your feedback.     If you weren’t able to attend LiveWorx, check out our CEO, Jim Heppelmann, deliver the opening keynote above and hear him discuss how PTC is interweaving AR, IoT, generative design, PLM and AI to create a digital thread that transforms industrial enterprises across the globe.     After hearing about our overall strategy, you’re looking for more details on our product roadmap, watch the above roadmap session delivered by our EVP of Products, Kathleen Mitford.   One of the most rewarding parts of the show for me was meeting some of you—ThingWorx developers and Ask Kaya readers—in person!   Stay connected, Kaya   P.S. If you want to hear what others thought of LiveWorx, check out what Forbes, Automation World or Diginomica had to say.   P.P.S. If you had as much fun as I did or you’re looking to attend for the first time, tickets for LiveWorx 2020 are already available—check them out here!
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  It’s here! It’s happening! ThingWorx 9.0 released today!   Unleash the Power of Now and leverage exciting new features like: Improved performance and higher availability via active-active clustering Faster, more streamlined development with: New widgets like line, bar & schedule charts Undo & redo functionality in Mashup Builder (look out for an upcoming Ask Kaya tech tip) New Mashup mobile settings Simpler management of entities and applications: Improved auditing scale & usability Ability to group entities via Thing Groups Ability to deploy apps built prior to 8.5 with Solution Central And more—like: Confidence model training Delegated authorization for Flow [Navigate] Component-based app development for custom production use apps (upgrade-safe) And even more—the list goes on and on. Check out the full list of new functionality in the 9.0 release notes and discover our What’s New page.   Access 9.0 under “ThingWorx Foundation” on the PTC Downloads Page and unleash its power today! As you get started, check out the ThingWorx Help Center for guidance.   Enjoy 9.0 and let us know what you think below! Kaya
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  Some call him JB. Some call him Joe. Others call him @bironology. I call him an awesome guy—he’s our CTO of IoT here at PTC—Joe Biron!   Joe’s an architect at heart, a developer, an avid gamer and a technologist (check him out on Twitter @bironology).   Watch as he guest stars in the Microsoft Channel 9 “IoT Deep Dive Live” show! Listen to him explain how you can build end-to-end industrial solutions with ThingWorx and Azure. ­­ And, guess who’s running the demo behind the scenes: our Global ThingWorx COE Lead, Neal Hagermoser, who you may recognize from a previous Ask Kaya post where I interviewed him on why we chose to partner with Azure.   Enjoy the show and stay connected! Kaya
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Help the ThingWorx product team with some key strategic questions about developing apps in the cloud!   Let us know what you think here!   Stay connected, Kaya
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Tune in to The Lean Manufacturer podcast where expert guests bring their outside view of the IIoT and discuss various aspects of manufacturing. Over the course of the series, we’ll cover some of the most important ways the IIoT can maximize manufacturing efficiency and bring value to your organization, including the need for reducing planned and unplanned downtime, enabling operational efficiency, ensuring digital continuous improvement, and so much more.      
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Distributed Timer and Scheduler Execution in a ThingWorx High Availability (HA) Cluster Written by Desheng Xu and edited by Mike Jasperson    Overview Starting with the 9.0 release, ThingWorx supports an “active-active” high availability (or HA) configuration, with multiple nodes providing redundancy in the event of hardware failures as well as horizontal scalability for workloads that can be distributed across the cluster.   In this architecture, one of the ThingWorx nodes is elected as the “singleton” (or lead) node of the cluster.  This node is responsible for managing the execution of all events triggered by timers or schedulers – they are not distributed across the cluster.   This design has proved challenging for some implementations as it presents a potential for a ThingWorx application to generate imbalanced workload if complex timers and schedulers are needed.   However, your ThingWorx applications can overcome this limitation, and still use timers and schedulers to trigger workloads that will distribute across the cluster.  This article will demonstrate both how to reproduce this imbalanced workload scenario, and the approach you can take to overcome it.   Demonstration Setup   For purposes of this demonstration, a two-node ThingWorx cluster was used, similar to the deployment diagram below:   Demonstrating Event Workload on the Singleton Node   Imagine this simple scenario: You have a list of vendors, and you need to process some logic for one of them at random every few seconds.   First, we will create a timer in ThingWorx to trigger an event – in this example, every 5 seconds.     Next, we will create a helper utility that has a task that will randomly select one of the vendors and process some logic for it – in this case, we will simply log the selected vendor in the ThingWorx ScriptLog.     Finally, we will subscribe to the timer event, and call the helper utility:     Now with that code in place, let's check where these services are being executed in the ScriptLog.     Look at the PlatformID column in the log… notice that that the Timer and the helper utility are always running on the same node – in this case Platform2, which is the current singleton node in the cluster.   As the complexity of your helper utility increases, you can imagine how workload will become unbalanced, with the singleton node handling the bulk of this timer-driven workload in addition to the other workloads being spread across the cluster.   This workload can be distributed across multiple cluster nodes, but a little more effort is needed to make it happen.   Timers that Distribute Tasks Across Multiple ThingWorx HA Cluster Nodes   This time let’s update our subscription code – using the PostJSON service from the ContentLoader entity to send the service requests to the cluster entry point instead of running them locally.       const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "appKey": "INSERT-YOUR-APPKEY-HERE" }; const url = ""; let result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostJSON({ proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */, headers: headers /* JSON */, ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, workstation: undefined /* STRING */, useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */, url: url /* STRING */, content: {} /* JSON */, timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */, proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */, password: undefined /* STRING */, domain: undefined /* STRING */, username: undefined /* STRING */ });   Note that the URL used in this example - - is the entry point of the ThingWorx cluster.  Replace this value to match with your cluster’s entry point if you want to duplicate this in your own cluster.   Now, let's check the result again.   Notice that the helper utility TimerBackend_Service is now running on both cluster nodes, Platform1 and Platform2.   Is this Magic?  No!  What is Happening Here?   The timer or scheduler itself is still being executed on the singleton node, but now instead of the triggering the helper utility locally, the PostJSON service call from the subscription is being routed back to the cluster entry point – the load balancer.  As a result, the request is routed (usually round-robin) to any available cluster nodes that are behind the load balancer and reporting as healthy.   Usually, the load balancer will be configured to have a cookie-based affinity - the load balancer will route the request to the node that has the same cookie value as the request.  Since this PostJSON service call is a RESTful call, any cookie value associated with the response will not be attached to the next request.  As a result, the cookie-based affinity will not impact the round-robin routing in this case.   Considerations to Use this Approach   Authentication: As illustrated in the demo, make sure to use an Application Key with an appropriate user assigned in the header. You could alternatively use username/password or a token to authenticate the request, but this could be less ideal from a security perspective.   App Deployment: The hostname in the URL must match the hostname of the cluster entry point.  As the URL of your implementation is now part of your code, if deploy this code from one ThingWorx instance to another, you would need to modify the hostname/port/protocol in the URL.   Consider creating a variable in the helper utility which holds the hostname/port/protocol value, making it easier to modify during deployment.   Firewall Rules: If your load balancer has firewall rules which limit the traffic to specific known IP addresses, you will need to determine which IP addresses will be used when a service is invoked from each of the ThingWorx cluster nodes, and then configure the load balancer to allow the traffic from each of these public IP address.   Alternatively, you could configure an internal IP address endpoint for the load balancer and use the local /etc/hosts name resolution of each ThingWorx node to point to the internal load balancer IP, or register this internal IP in an internal DNS as the cluster entry point.
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Hello!   “ThingWorx on Air” Episode 9 is now available! Grab your headphones and listen to Neal, an Azure subject matter expert, and Janie, a PM focused on Azure functionality, introduce a new integration we’re working on between Kepware, Azure IoT Edge, Azure IoT Hub and ThingWorx.   Discover how you’ll be able to leverage and model OPC UA data directly in the Thing Model, how you’ll be able to connect just about any OPC UA device through the Azure stack and to the Cloud, and so much more. We can’t wait to continue to extend ThingWorx functionality to support industry standards like the OPC UA protocols.   Are you excited? Wish you could get your hands on this functionality early? You can! Reach out to Janie at to learn how you can become involved in an exclusive OPC UA & ThingWorx preview program.   Enjoy the episode and let me know what you think below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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  You’ve seen him before. You’ve heard him before. Fans around the globe can’t get enough of him. He’s…   ...Joe Biron—our CTO of IoT!   Hear Joe share his thoughts on the future of the industrial IoT with ThingWorx in Episode 03 of our “ThingWorx on Air” podcast!   Any questions? Just Ask Kaya.   Stay connected!
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 Image Source:     Designed a super cool mashup? Have an innovative IoT app? Are you really proud of how you solved an IoT challenge? Are you using ThingWorx for a unique use case?   If so, we want to hear from you! I’m looking for a few ThingWorx developers that are interested in sharing their work to be showcased on the Ask Kaya blog! (Don’t worry—we can hide your confidential info and only share what you allow us to.) We’d love to highlight what our developers are doing with ThingWorx out in the real world. If you’re interested, comment below or message me directly!   As always, stay connected.  
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