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Hi everyone,   Maybe you got my email, I just wanted to post this also here.   I built a CSS generator for a few widgets, 8 at the moment. This is on a cloud instance accessible by anyone.   Advantages:      - don't have to style buttons and apply style definitions over and over again      - greater flexibility in styling the widget      - you don't have to write any CSS code   The way this works: you use the configurator to style the widget as you want. Use also a class to define what that widget is, or how it's styled. For example "primary-btn", "secondary-btn", etc. Copy the generated CSS code into the CustomCSS tab in ThingWorx and on the widget, put the CustomClass specified in the configurator.   As a best practice, I'd recommend placing all your CSS code into the Master mashup. And then all your mashups that use that master will also get the CustomCSS. So the only thing you have to do to your widgets in the mashups, is fill the CustomClass property with the desired generated style. Also, comment your differently styled widgets by separating them with /* My red button */ for example.   The mashups for this won't be released, this will only be offered as a service. As you'll see in the configurator, they are not that pretty, the main goal was functionality.   Here is the link to the configurator: User: guest Password: guest123123   Give it a go and have fun! 🙂   NOTE: I will add more widgets to this in the future and will not take any requests in making it for a specific widget, I make these based on usage and styling capabilities.    
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Help the ThingWorx product team with some key strategic questions about developing apps in the cloud!   Let us know what you think here!   Stay connected, Kaya
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Testing the Mashups Open the rcp_MashupMain in a new browser window For this test I find it easier to have the rcp_AlertThing and the Mashup in two windows side-by-side to each other The Mashup should be completely empty right now Nothing in the historic table (Grid) The Selected Reason is blank The Checkbox is false In the rcp_AlertThing switch the trigger to false The following will now happen The new value will be automatically pushed to Mashup The checkbox will switch to true The validator now throws the TRUE Event, as the condition is met and the trigger is indeed true The TRUE Event will invoke the Navigation Widget's Navigate service and the modal popup will be opened The user now only has the option to select one of the three states offered by the Radio Button selector, everything else will be greyed out After choosing any option, the SelectionChanged Event will be fired and trigger setting the selectedState as well as closing the popup The PopupClosed Event in our MashupMain will then be fired and populate the selectedState parameter into the textbox (just for display) and will also call the SetProperties service on our Thing, updating the selectedReason with the selectedState parameter value Once the property is set and persisted into the ValueStream via the SetProperties' ServiceInvokeCompleted Event, we clear the trigger (back to false) and update the Grid with the new data In the AlertThing, refresh the properties to actually see the trigger false and the selectedReason to whatever the user selected Note: When there is a trigger state and the trigger is set to true the popup will always be shown, even if the user refreshes the UI or the browser window. This is to avoid cheating the system by not entering a root cause for the current issue. As the popup is purely depending on the trigger flag, only clearing the flag can unblock this state. The current logic does not consider to close the popup when the flag is cleared - this could however be implemented using the Validator's FALSE Event and adding additional logic
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Create the Main Mashup Create a new Mashup called "rcp_MashupMain" as Page and Responsive Save and switch to the Design tab Design Add a Layout with two Columns In the right Column add another Layout (vertical) with a Header and one Row Add a Grid to the Row Add a Panel to the Header Add a Panel into the Panel (we will use a Panel-In-Panel technique for a better design experience) Set "Width" to 200 Set "Height" to 50 Set "Horizontal Anchor" to "Center" Set "Vertical Anchor" to "Middle" Delete its current "Style" and add a new custom style - all values to default (this will create a transparent border around the panel) Add a Label to the inner Panel Set "Text" to "Historic data of what went wrong" Set "Alignment" to "Center Aligned" Set "Width" to 200 Set "Top" to 14 Add a Panel to the left Column Add a Navigation Widget to the Panel This will call the Popup Window when its Navigate service is invoked (by a Validator) Set "MashupName" to "rcp_MashupPopup" Set "TargetWindow" to "Modal Popup" Set "ShowCloseButton" to false Set "ModalPopupOpacity" to 0.8 (to make the background darker and give more visual focus to the popup) Set "FixedPopupWidth" to 500 Set "FixedPopupHeight" to 300 Set "PopupScrolling" to "Off" Set "Visible" to false, so it will not be shown to the user during runtime Add a Textbox to the Panel This will show the numeric value corresponding to the State selected in the modal popup This will just be used for displaying with no other functionality - so that we can verify the actual values chosen Set "Read Only" to true Set "Label" to "Selected Reason (numeric value)" Add a Checkbox to the Panel This will be used an input for the Validator to determine if an error state is present or not Set "Prompt" to "Set this box to 'true' to trigger the popup. Set the value via the Thing to simulate a service. Once the value is set, the trigger is set to 'false' as the popup has been dealt with. A new historic entry will be created." Set "Disabled" to true Set "Width" to 250 Add a Validator to the Panel This will determine if the checkbox (based on the trigger / error state) is true or false. If the checkbox switches to true then the validator will call the Navigate service on the Navigation Widget. Otherwise it will do nothing. Click on Configure Validator Add Parameter Name: "Input" Base Type: BOOLEAN Click Done Set "Expression" to "Input" (the Parameter we just created) Set "AutoEvaluate" to true Save the Mashup Data In the Data panel on the right hand side, click on Add entity Choose the "rcp_AlertThing" and select the following services GetProperties (execute when Mashup is loaded) SetProperties QueryPropertyHistory (execute when Mashup is loaded) clearTrigger Click Done and the services will appear in the Data panel Connections After configuring the UI elements and the Data Sources we now have to connect them to implement the logic we decided on earlier GetProperties service Drag and drop the trigger property to the Checkbox and bind it to State Set the Automatically update values when able to true SetProperties service From the Navigation Widget drag and drop the selectedState property and bind it to the SetProperties service selectedReason property From the Navigation Widget drag and drop the PopupClosed event and bind it to the SetProperties service From the SetProperties service drag and drop the ServiceInvokeCompleted event and bind it to the clearTrigger service From the SetProperties service drag and drop the ServiceInvokeCompleted event and bind it to the QueryPropertyHistory service QueryPropertyHistory service Drag and drop the Returned Data's All Data to the Grid and bind it to Data On the Grid click on Configure Grid Columns Switch the position of the timestamp and selectedReason fields with their drag and drop handles For the selectedReason Set the "Column Title" to "Reason for Outage" Switch to the Column Renderer & State Formatting tab Change the format from "0.00" to "0" (as we're only using Integer values anyway) Choose the State-based Formatting Set "Dependent Field" to "selectedReason" Set "State Definition" to "rcp_AlertStateDefinition" Click Done clearTrigger service There's nothing more to configure for this service As the properties will automatically be pushed via the GetProperties service, there's no special action required after the service invoke for the clearTrigger service has been completed Validator Widget Drag and drop the Validator's TRUE event to the Navigation Widget and bind it to the Navigate service Drag and drop the Checkbox State to the Validator and bind it to the Input parameter Navigation Widget Drag and drop the Navigation Widget's selectedState to the Textbox and bind it to the Text property Save the Mashup
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Create a Popup Mashup Create a new Mashup called "rcp_MashupPopup" as Page and Static Save and switch to the Design tab Design Edit the Mashup Properties Set "Width" to 500 Set "Height" to 300 Add a new Label Set "Text" to "Something went wrong - what happend?" Set "Alignment" to "Center Aligned" Set "Width" to 230 Set "Top" to 55 Set "Left" to 130 Add a new Radio Button Set "Button States" to "rcp_AlertStateDefinition" Set "Top" to 145 Set "Left" to 25 Set "Width" to 450 Set "Height" to 100 In the Workspace tab, select the "Mashup" Click on Configure Mashup Parameters Add Parameter Name: "selectedState" BaseType: NUMBER Click Done Save the Mashup Connections Select the Radio Button Drag and drop its Selected Value property to the Mashup and bind it to the selectedState Mashup Parameter Drag and drop its SelectionChanged event to the Mashup and bind it to the CloseIfPopup service Save the Mashup
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Create Entities AlertStateDefinition Create a new StateDefinition called "rcp_AlertStateDefinition" In the State Information tab, select Apply State: Numeric from the list on the right hand side Create a new State: Less than or equal to "1" Display Name: "Something good" Style: a new custom style with text color #f5b83d (orange) Create a new State: Less than or equal to "2" Display Name: "Something bad" Style: a new custom style with text color #f55c3d (red) Create a new State: Less than or equal to "3" Display Name: "Something ugly" Style: a new custom style with text color #ad1f1f (red) with a Font Bold Edit the "Default" State Set the Style: a new custom style with text color #36ad1f (green) We will not use this style, but in case we need a default configuration it will blend into the color schema Save the StateDefinition ValueStream Create a new ValueStream called "rcp_ValueStream" (choose a default ValueStream, not a RemoteValueStream) Save the ValueStream AlertThing Create a new Thing called "rcp_AlertThing" Based on a Generic Thing Base Thing Template Using the rcp_ValueStream Value Stream In the Properties and Alerts tab create the following Properties Name: "trigger" Base Type: BOOLEAN With a Default Value of "false" Check the "Persistent" checkbox Name: "selectedReason" BaseType: NUMBER Check the "Persistent" checkbox Check the "Logged" checkbox Advanced Settings: Data Change Type: ALWAYS In the Services tab create a new Service Name: "clearTrigger" No Inputs and no Outputs Service code me.trigger = false; When this service is executed, it will set the trigger Property to false Click Done to complete the Service creation Save the Thing
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Before we start Create a new Project called "RootCausePopups" and save it. In the New Composer set the Project Context (top left box) to the "RootCausePopups" project. This will automatically add all of our new Entities into our project. Otherwise we would have to add each Entity manually on creation.
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Required Logic The following logic will help us realizing this particular use case: The trigger property on the AlertThing switches from false to true. The MashupMain will receive dynamic Property updates via the AlertThing.GetProperties service. It will validate the value of the trigger Property and if it's true the MashupMain will show the MashupPopup as a modal popup. A modal popup will be exclusively in the foreground, so the user cannot interact with anything else in the Mashup except the modal popup. In the modal popup the user chooses one of the pre-defined AlertStateDefinitions. When a State is selected, the popup will set the State as a Mashup Parameter, pass this to the MashupMain and the popup close itself. When the MashupPopup is closed, the MashupMain will read the Mashup Parameter The MashupMain will set the selectedReason in the AlertThing to the selected value. It will also reset the trigger property to false. This allows the property to be set to true again to trigger another forced popup. On any value change the AlertThing will store the selectedReason State in a ValueStream to capture historic information on which root causes were selected at which time. The ValueStream information will be displayed as a table in a GridWidget in the MashupMain once the new properties have been set.
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Required Entities In this simplified example we'll just use a Thing to set a status triggering the popup. This Thing will have two properties and one service: Properties trigger (Boolean) - to indicate if an error status is present or not, if so - trigger the popup selectedReason (Number) - to indicate the selected reason / root cause chosen in the modal popup Service clearTrigger - to reset the trigger to "false" once a reason has been selected The selectedReason will be logged into a ValueStream. In addition to the Thing and the ValueStream we will need a StateDefinition to pre-define potential root causes to be displayed in the popup. We will use three states to be used in a traffic-light fashion to indicate the severity of the issue in a custom color schema. To display the monitoring Mashup and the popup we will need two Mashups.
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Warning This post is quite long, has various chapters and you might get bored reading it. If you just want a summary read the "Use case" and "Conclusion" chapter - and maybe the "Required Logic" chapter, because I made a cool graph for it. The rest is all about implementation... Introduction I recently had the opportunity to deliver a ThingWorx training for Saint Gobain. One of the use cases for their ThingWorx application is monitoring machine errors and outages on the production line. If an outage or error status is triggered, the machine operator will see a popup on the monitoring screen where he is forced to select a root cause. This root cause will then be persisted in ThingWorx for more data transformation, analytics and reporting - like cost analysis or optimization opportunities. During the training we were also discussing on how such a forced root cause monitoring can be implemented via Mashups and the usage of modal popups. I've compiled the details into this post as it might also interest other developers. The ThingWorx Entities I'm using in this example can be downloaded from here Note: I'm using the word "Alert" here - but not in the context of a ThingWorx Property Alert... just beware to not be confused due to the wording. Use Case One of the requirements for Saint Gobain's IoT Solution was an interactive alert monitoring directly in the factory on the production machines. Let's say the machine has stopped, the root cause should be recorded. For this an interactive popup will be displayed on the machine's monitoring display and an employee has to choose the root cause from a pre-defined list. This could be planned outages, e.g. for maintenance or unplanned outages, e.g. material jam. The root cause will then be recorded and a history of outage causes can be stored in a ThingWorx value stream. This can then be later analyzed with e.g. ThingWorx Analytics capabilities to understand and optimize the machine's production capabilities and efficiency. As the root cause must be entered, the popup will be forced to be displayed when a certain condition / criteria is met - and it will only disappar when a root cause is chosen. The user should not be able to interact with any other elements of the Mashup and not be able to just close the popup. The popup will close itself and reset the initial condition once the root cause has been identified and chosen. Requirements Required Entities Required Logic Note: Just to make it easier to manage and export Entities, I will add all of the created elements in a new Project called RootCausePopups. All of the elements will have a "rcp_" added in front of their name - just to make it easier for me to find and identify them. Implementation Before we start - set a Project Context Create Entities Create a Popup Mashup Create the Main Mashup Testing the Mashups Conclusion Certain conditions (like the state of a checkbox) can be used to trigger modal popups. A modal popup forces a user interaction and the interaction will not offer any other option until a choice is made. With these parameters it's easy to have mandatory reaction from users when it's important to capture data which rely on the analysis of an engineer or a user - e.g. reasons for machine outages. Using this technique there's not much training required for staff, other than pushing a button with an option of their choice - this saves quite some time in capturing data in any other way (e.g. updating Excel files or manual pen-and-paper techniques). As this data is now part of the ThingWorx instance it can be used for further transformation, analysis or just for monitoring purposes There's of course more possibilities when it comes to states and formatting which would exhaust the context of this post - but feel free to explore... In the example we wouldn't need the textbox, but it's there to demonstrate if the correct values are persisted or not In the example we could of course also set the visibility of the checkbox to false, so that we would only see the popup and the Grid holding historic information We could also create different StateDefinitions to color-format / text-format the input differently from the output in the Grid If you found this interesting (and actually made it to the end of this post) - feel free to play with this concept a bit more... The dependencies might seem a bit difficult, but it should be easy to implement and to adjust to your own ideas and requirements.
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I got this excellent question and I thought it worthwhile to put my answer here as well.   There are two ways to segregate information between clients. By default we use a ‘software’ approach to segregation by using Organizations. This allows you to designate a Client to an Organization/Organizational nodes and give those nodes ‘visibility’ to specific entities within the software. This will mean that ‘through software logic’ users can only see what they’ve been given visibility to see. This mainly applies to all the client’s equipment (Thingworx Things). They can only see their own equipment. This would also apply to a specific set of their data which is ValueStream data because that can only be retrieved from the perspective of a Thingworx Thing   Blog/Wiki/DataTable/Streams can store data across clients and do not utilize visibility on a row basis, in this case appropriate queries would need to be created to allow retrieval for only a specific client. In this case we use a construct for security that utilizes what we call the ‘system user’ and wrapper routines that work of the CurrentUser context, this allows you to create enforced validated queries against the data that will allow a user to only retrieve their specific data.   In regards to the data itself, if you need to, you can provide actual ‘physical’ segregation by using multiple persistence provider and mapping Blog/Wiki/DataTable/Streams/ValueStreams to different persistence providers. Persistence providers are basically additional database schemas (in one and the same database or different database) of the Thingworx data storage schema, allowing you to completely separate the location of where data is stored between clients. Note that just creating unique Blog/Wiki/DataTable/Streams/ValueStreams per client and using visibility is still only a logical / software way of providing segregation because the data will be stored in one and the same database schema also known as the Thingworx data persistence provider.
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Fresh look at getting started with ThingWorx in a relevant context that outlines the DEVOPS needed to kick-start your programming.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls. Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Disclaimer: This post does of course not express any political views.   Pie Chart Coloring   In ThingWorx Pie Charts use a default color schema based on the DefaultChartStyle Definitions. These schemas are using fixed numbering and coloring systems, e.g. 1 is blue, 2 is green, 3 is red and so on. All Pie Charts will be rendered with these colors in the same order, no matter which data the chart is using. Visualization of data with the default colors might not necessarily help in creating an easy to read chart.   Just take a look at the following example with the default color schema. Let's just take political parties - as they are usually associated with a distinct color - to illustrate how the default color schema will fail depending on the data displayed.         In the first example, just by sheer coincidence the colors are perfectly matching the parties. When introducing a new party to the pool suddenly the blues are rendered green and the yellows rendered light-blue etc. This can be quite confusing, especially on election night 😉   Custom Color Schema   PoliticalParties Thing   To test a custom color schema, we first need to create a new Thing: PoliticalParties as a GenericThing Add a dataset property with the following PoliticalParties DataShape.         Save the Thing and set the InfoTable to:   Key Value The Purples 20 The Blues 20 The Greens 20 The Reds 20 The Yellows 20 Others 20   Number values don't actually matter too much, as the Pie Chart will automatically distribute them according to their percentage.   PoliticalParties Mashup   Create a new Mashup and add a PieChart to the canvas. Bind the PoliticalParties > GetPropertyValues > dataset to the Data input of the Widget. Ensure to set the LabelField to key and the ValueField to value for a correct mapping.     Save the Mashup and preview it.   It should show a non-matching color for each party listed in the InfoTable.   Custom Styles and States   Create new custom Style Definitions for each political party. As the Pie Chart is only using the Background Color other properties can stay on the default. I chose to go with a more muted version of the colors to make the chart easier to look at.         With the newly defined colors we can now generate a new State Definition as follows:       The States allow to evaluate the key-Strings in the Thing's InfoTable and assign a Style Definition depending on the actual value. In this definition we map a color schema based on the InfoTable's key-value to create a 1:1 mapping for the Strings.   This means, no matter where a certain party is positioned in the chart it will be tinted with its associated color.   Refining the Mashup   Back in the Mashup, select the PieChart. In the ColorFormat property choose the newly created State Definition.     Save the Mashup and preview it. With the States and Styles applies, colors are now displayed correctly.       Even when changing positions and numbers in the original InfoTable of the PoliticalParties Thing, the chart now considers the mapping of Strings and still displays the colors correctly.  
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Large files could cause slow response times. In some cases large queries might cause extensively large response files, e.g. calling a ThingWorx service that returns an extensively large result set as JSON file.   Those massive files have to be transferred over the network and require additional bandwidth - for each and every call. The more bandwidth is used, the more time is taken on the network, the more the impact on performance could be. Imagine transferring tens or hundreds of MB for service calls for each and every call - over and over again.   To reduce the bandwidth compression can be activated. Instead of transferring MBs per service call, the server only has to transfer a couple of KB per call (best case scenario). This needs to be configured on Tomcat level. There is some information availabe in the offical Tomcat documation at Search for the "compression" attribute.   Gzip compression   Usually Tomcat is compressing content in gzip. To verify if a certain response is in fact compressed or not, the Development Tools or Fiddler can be used. The Response Headers usually mention the compression type if the content is compressed:     Left: no compression Right: compression on Tomcat level   Not so straight forward - network vs. compression time trade-off   There's however a pitfall with compression on Tomcat side. Each response will add additional strain on time and resources (like CPU) to compress on the server and decompress the content on the client. Especially for small files this might be an unnecessary overhead as the time and resources to compress might take longer than just transferring a couple of uncompressed KB.   In the end it's a trade-off between network speed and the speed of compressing, decompressing response files on server and client. With the compressionMinSize attribute a compromise size can be set to find the best balance between compression and bandwith.   This trade-off can be clearly seen (for small content) here:     While the Size of the content shrinks, the Time increases. For larger content files however the Time will slightly increase as well due to the compression overhead, whereas the Size can be potentially dropped by a massive factor - especially for text based files.   Above test has been performed on a local virtual machine which basically neglegts most of the network related traffic problems resulting in performance issues - therefore the overhead in Time are a couple of milliseconds for the compression / decompression.   The default for the compressionMinSize is 2048 byte.   High potential performance improvement   Looking at the Combined.js the content size can be reduced significantly from 4.3 MB to only 886 KB. For my simple Mashup showing a chart with Temperature and Humidity this also decreases total load time from 32 to 2 seconds - also decreasing the content size from 6.1 MB to 1.2 MB!     This decreases load time and size by a factor of 16x and 5x - the total time until finished rendering the page has been decreased by a factor of almost 22x! (for this particular use case)   Configuration   To configure compression, open Tomcat's server.xml   In the <Connector> definitions add the following:   compression="on" compressibleMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json"     This will use the default compressionMinSize of 2048 bytes. In addition to the default Mime Types I've also added application/json to compress ThingWorx service call results.   This needs to be configured for all Connectors that users should access - e.g. for HTTP and HTTPS connectors. For testing purposes I have a HTTPS connector with compression while HTTP is running without it.   Conclusion   If possible, enable compression to speed up content download for the client.   However there are some scenarios where compression is actually not a good idea - e.g. when using a WAN Accelerator or other network components that usually bring their own content compression. This not only adds unnecessary overhead but is compressing twice which might lead to errors on client side when decompressing the content.   Especially dealing with large responses can help decreasing impact on performance. As compressing and decompressing adds some overhead, the min size limit can be experimented with to find the optimal compromise between a network and compression time trade-off.
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Alerts are a special type of event.  Alerts allow you to define rules for firing events.  Like events, you must define a subscription to handle a change in state.  All properties in a Thing Shape, Thing Template, or Thing can have one or more alert conditions defined.   You can even define several of the same type of alert.  When an alert condition is met, ThingWorx throws an event. You can subscribe to the event and define the response to the alert using JavaScript.  Events also fire when a property alert is acknowledged and when it goes out of alert condition.   Alert Types Alerts have conditions which describe when the alert is triggered.  The types of conditions available depend upon the property type.  For example, string alerts may be triggered when the string matches pre-set text.  A number alert may be set to trigger when the value of the number is within a range.   EqualTo: Alert is triggered when the defined Value is reached. Applies to Boolean, DateTime, Infotable (in regard to number of rows), Integer, Long, Location, Number, and String base types. NotEqualTo: Alert is triggered when the defined Value is not reached. Applies to Boolean, DateTime, Infotable (in regard to number of rows), Integer, Long, Location, Number, and String base types. Above: Alert is triggered when the defined Limit is exceeded or met (if the Limit is included).  By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Infotable, Integer, Long, and Number base types. Below: Alert is triggered when the alert value is below the defined Limit or meets it (if the Limit is included).  By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Infotable, Integer, Long, and Number base types. InRange: Alert is triggered when a value is between a defined range.  By default, the minimum value is included, but the maximum can be included as well.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, and Number base types. OutofRange: Alert is triggered when a value is outside a defined range.  By default, the minimum value is included, but the maximum can be included as well.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, and Number base types. DeviationAbove: Alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is greater than the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) > alert Limit).  If the Limit is included, the alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is greater than or equal to the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) >= alert Limit).   By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, Location, and Number base types. DeviationBelow: Alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is less than the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) < alert Limit).  If the Limit is included, the alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is less than or equal to the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) <= alert Limit). By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, Location, and Number base types. Anomaly: Alert is triggered when the property value falls outside of an expected pattern as defined by a predictive model.  Applies to Integer, Long, and Number base types.   Alert types are specific to the data type of the property.  Properties configured as the following base types can be used for alerts:   Boolean Datetime Infotable Integer Location Number String   Creating an Alert When creating an alert:   You can set it to be enabled or disabled Alerts must have a ThingWorx-compatible name and can optionally contain a description You must set the limit(s) to determine when the event fires If an Include Limit is included, the event fires when the Limit Condition is met Not including the Limit causes the event to fire when the Limit Condition is surpassed The priority is a metadata field that enables the addition of a priority. It does not impact the Event/Subscription handling or sequence because the system fires events off asynchronously.   Steps to create or modify an Alert:   Select an existing Property or create a new Property for a Thing, Thing Shape, or Thing Template for which to create/update the Alert Click Manage Alerts Click the New Alert drop-down and select the appropriate Alert Type Note:  The available fields will be vary depending on data type of the Property   Deselect Enabled if you do not wish to make the Alert enabled at the present time (Alert is enabled by default) Provide a Name and optional Description for the Alert Enter a Limit (numeric properties) Select Include Limit? if the value entered in the Limit field should trigger the Alert   Select the appropriate Priority. (The Priority is a metadata field for searching and categorization only.  It does not affect the order of processing, CPU or memory usage.) After defining an Alert, you can click New Alert to add additional alerts of either the same or different condition. You can also click Add New to add additional alerts of the same condition. When all Alerts have been created, click Update Click Done Once all Properties have been updated as needed, click Save   Once Alerts are defined, they appear on the Properties page (while in Edit mode).       After an Alert is defined, a Subscription to that Alert can be configured to launch the appropriate business logic, such as notifying a user of an Event through email or text message.     Monitoring Alerts   When an Alert condition is met, ThingWorx fires off an Alert. You can create a Subscription to the Alert so that you are automatically notified when an Alert is triggered.  Alerts are written to the alert history file and can be viewed through the Alert Summary and Alert History Mashups. The system tracks acknowledged and unacknowledged alerts. Alerts do not fire redundant events. For example, if a numeric property has a rule defined that generates an alert when the value is greater than 50, and a value = 51, an alert is generated and an alert event will fire. If another value comes in at 53 before the original alert is acknowledged, another event will not be fired because the current state is still greater than 50.   The Alert History and Alert Summary streams provide functionality to monitor alerts in the system.  Alert History is a comprehensive log that records all information recorded into the alert stream, where the data is stored until manually removed.   The Alert Summary provides the ability to filter by all alerts, unacknowledged alerts, or acknowledged alerts. You can also acknowledge alerts on a selected property or all alerts from a particular source (thing).   This information can be retrieved using Scripts as well, so you can create your own Alert Summary and History mashups.   From the ThingWorx header, choose Monitoring > Alert History. All Alerts are listed here. Click the Alert Summary Click the Unacknowledged tab to view alerts that have not been acknowledged. Choose to acknowledge an alert on a property or on the source. Type a message in the corresponding field. Click Acknowledge.   For each alert, the following displays: Property name. Source thing – lists the thing that contains this property with the alert. Timestamp – indicates when the alert was triggered. Name and type of alert. Duration – details how long the alert has been active. AckBy – indicates if the alert has been acknowledged and, if so, by whom and when. Message – defaults to the condition but is overwritten with the acknowledge message if one exists. Alert description.    The Alert History screen displays all Alerts that were once in an alert condition, but have moved out of that alert condition.  A Data Filter is provided at the top of the mashup to more easily find a particular Source, Property, or Alert.   The Alert History report is a Thingworx Mashup created using standard Thingworx functionality.  This means that any developer has the ability to re-create this report or a modification of this report.       Acknowledging Alerts   An acknowledgement (ack) is an indication that someone has seen the alert and is dealing with it (for example, low helium in an MRI machine and someone is filling it).  Alert History shows when alerts were acknowledged and any comments.   You can acknowledge an alert on a property or on the source. A source acknowledgment acknowledges all alerts on the source Thing for the selected alert in Monitoring > Alert Summary. A property acknowledgment (ack) only acknowledges the alerts on the property for the selected alert in Alert Summary.   For example, you create a Thing with two properties that have alerts set up. You put both properties in their alert states. View Alert Summary and select the Unacknowledged tab. You should see two alerts. Select one, and do a property acknowledgement. The alert you selected moves to the Acknowledged tab and is removed from the Unacknowledged tab. Put both properties in their alert states again, select one of the alerts on the Unacknowledged tab, and this time do a source acknowledgement. In this case, both alerts move to the Acknowledged tab, even though you only selected one of them.    For more information about Alerts, click here. To view a tutorial video on alerts, click here. Refer to this article for best practices affecting alerts.
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Business logic and actions in a ThingWorx application are driven by events.  Events are interesting or critical property states that a Thing publishes to subscribers.  Events are defined at the thing, thing template, or thing shape level, and can be as simple as a new data value from a device, to complex events from many data points.  An event that is created on a thing shape or thing template level is inherited down into the entities that implement the shape or template that defines the event.   Types of Events Built-in Custom   Built-in Events Every entity in ThingWorx can use several built-in events.  These events are automatically triggered when a prerequisite condition is met.  In some cases, you must provide information that determines the specifics of that prerequisite.   Common built-in events include: Data Change Alert Timer  In ThingWorx, there are standard events and related data packets (defined by Data Shapes).  The most common type of event is a Data Change related to a Thing property.  The Data Change fires when a property value changes. The specifics of this event can be configured from the Data Change Info section of the Property Creation page.  When you define a property, there are many configuration aspects.   Example:   Using DataChangeEvent, you have a few options for setting an event to fire when there is new data for a property: only if the data has changed only if the data evaluates true or false only if the new value changed beyond a defined threshold   The Alert event is also attached to a property and is set up from the Property Definition page.  An Alert event fires when the value of the property reaches a certain threshold or value.  Depending on the base type, you may specify the condition of this event from the Manage Alerts button.   Timer events can be used to run jobs or fire events on a regular basis.  Things themselves can fire specific events such as Thing Start or “special” things, like a Timer type thing that contains special event(s).   How to Set up and Configure Timers   Creating a Custom Event To create a new custom event:   In ThingWorx Composer, open up the Thing, Thing Template, or Thing Shape for edit where the new Event will be added From the sidebar menu under Entity Information, select Events Click Add My Event Provide the event with a name and a data shape that describes the data being sent to a subscriber Click Done and Save   Once created, the event appears on the Subscriptions page for subscribing.  Since the event is custom built, you must specify when it triggers.  This is often accomplished from within a service.   Best Practices There should be a subscriber to the event in the model. The subscriber is sent a data packet and the subscription is initiated. If no one is subscribed to the event (no one is listening), nothing happens. DataChange events hit the event processing subsystem (see Event Processing Subsystem below), which has fewer threads allocated to it than some other subsystems: If queries within subscriptions to data change events take too long, this will cause a back-up in the event processing subsystem Too much activity in this subsystem may result in poor system performance, and even server crashes Be cautious what types of calculations are performed in data change event subscriptions Refer to the following knowledge base article regarding tricky data change event use cases, the implementation of rules for alerts, and conditional operations:  Complicated Event Calculations in ThingWorx Load Test all applications in Sandbox before committing changes to Production to ensure mashups can handle all design choices on large scales   Event Processing Subsystem The Event Processing Subsystem manages event processing for external subscriptions (Things subscribing to other Things) throughout ThingWorx.   Event Queue Processing Settings Base Type Default Notes Min Threads Allocated to Event Processing Pool NUMBER 16   Max Threads Allocated to Event Processing Pool NUMBER 500   Max Queue Entries Before Adding New Working Thread NUMBER 200000 Maximum number of entries to queue before adding a thread to the pool     Additional Information PTC ThingWorx Help Center - Thing Events Event Types Creating and Triggering Custom Events in ThingWorx  
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The Asset Simulator can simulate actual device behavior without having to connect to a physical asset. It does this by replaying data sequences derived from mathematical distributions or actual asset data imported as CSV files. Virtual assets can be configured to reference these data sequences and expose them as asset behavior.   The Asset Simulator communicates with KepServerEX in the same way that a real device does. The simulated asset behavior is controlled through an administration console. If you would like to test with the Asset Simulator 8.2.0, please find attached a guide and the actual files necessary.   Notes: The attached Asset Simulator applies to both Manufacturing and Service Apps If using ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps, import the Manufacturing Apps demo data If using ThingWorx Service Apps, import the Service Apps demo data
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ThingWorx Service Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2 ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps Customization Guide 8.2
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ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2 ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps Customization Guide 8.2
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