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Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X

IoT Tips

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This expert session goes over some basic backup and recovery principles, and provides details on how these principles can be applied to backing up a ThingWorx Server. Backup methods for the ThingWorx PostgreSQL, Neo4J and H2 releases are discussed.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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      Thingworx extensions are a great place to explore UI ideas and get that special feature you want.   Here is a quick primer on Widgets (Note: there is comprehensive documentation here which explores the complete development process ).The intention is not to explain every detail but just the most important points to get you started. I will explore more in additional posts. I also like images rather than lost of words to read. I have attached the simple Hello Word example as a start point and  I'm using Visual Code as my editor of choice.   The attached zip when unzipped will contain a folder called ui and metadata xml file. Within the ui folder there needs to be a folder that has the same name as the widget name. In this case its helloworld.   Metadata file - The 3 callouts are the most import. Package version: is the current version and each time a change is made the value needs to be updated. name: a unique name used through out the widget definition UIResources: The source locations for the widget definition. The UIResources files are used to define the widget in the ide (Composer) and runtime (Mashup). These 2 environments ide and runtime have matching pairs of css (cascading style sheets)  and a js (javascript) files.   The js files are where most of the work is done. There a number of functions used inside the javascript file but just to get things going we will focus on the renderHtml function. This is the function that will generate the HTML to be inserted in the widget location.   renderHtml(helloWorld.ide.js) In this very simple case the renderHtml in the runtime is the same as in the ide renderHtml (helloWorld.runtime.js)   Hopefully you can see that the HTML is pretty easy just some div and span tags with some code to get the Property called Salutation.   So we have the very basics and we are not worried to much about all the other things not mentioned. So to get the simple extension into Thingworx we use the Import -> Extensions menu option. The UI and metadata.xml file needs to be zipped up (as per attachment).  Below is a animated gif that shows how to import and use the widget   Very Quick Steps to import and use in mashup. Video Link : 2147   The next blog will explore functions and allow a user to click the label and display a random message. This will show how to use events   Widget Extensions Click Event
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Dive back into the mashup builder and learn about advanced widgets and layout options.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the mashup builder, mashup types, widget and how to add services to a mashup as well as connecting data from the services to widgets and how to use events in mashups.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the ThingWorx Composer and a demonstration of how you go about building out the design plan.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Configuring Navigate search using Common Tailoring and configuring access permission on apps from role perspective.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.1.0 ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Customization Guide  8.1.0
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This design session introduces a real-world product scenario along with requirements for developing a related IoT-based application. You will also be introduced to core ThingWorx terminology and concepts that will help to map out an efficient design plan for the model hierarchy.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for platform export and import. It discusses the available options for safely exporting and importing entities, data, and extensions. It also provides information on the use of exported entities during the system upgrading and/or moving from QA to production server.  It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session will provide you with an in depth explanation behind how Signals are calculated in ThingWorx Analytics, what purpose they serve, and why we use them.  Some basic mathematical concepts are discussed so viewers will have a better idea of how ThingWorx Analytics operates behind the scenes.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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How to enable ThingWorx Performance Advisor Applies To ThingWorx 7.2+ Description How to enable ThingWorx Performance Advisor Resolution In the ThingWorx Composer, go to Systems > Subsystems, select the PlatformSubsystem and choose Configuration In the Metrics Reporting Service Configuration Select the "Enable Metrics Reporting" checkbox to activate Performance Advisor reporting Enter your current PTC credentials (username and password) for either the customer support portal or the developer portal After providing those details, use the Request button to request an Authorization Key. Customer Number and Name will be filled automatically and an Authorization Key is generated which allows the server identifying itself to the PTC environment. Those fields are read-only. ThingWorx is now ready to send Performance Advisor data and metrics to PTC Related FAQ - Performance Advisor for ThingWorx | PTC…
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A common issue that is seen when trying to deploy, design or scale up a ThingWorx application is performance.  Slow response, delayed data and the application stopping have all been seen when a performance problems either slowly grows or suddenly pops up.  There are some common themes that are seen when these occur typically around application model or design.  Here are a few of the common problems and some thoughts on what to do about them or how to avoid them. Service Execution This covers a wide range of possibilities and is most commonly seen when trying to scale an application.  Data access within a loop is one particular thing to avoid.  Accessing data from a Thing, other service or query may be fast when only testing it on 100 loops, but when the application grows and you have 1000 suddenly it's slow.  Access all data in one query and use that as an in memory reference.  Writing data to a data store (Stream, Datatable or ValueStream) then querying that same data in one service can cause problems as well.  Run the query first then use all the data you have in the service variables.   To troubleshoot service executions there are a few methods that can be used.  Some for will not be practical for a production system since it is not always advisable to change code without testing first. Used browser development tools to see the execution time of a service.  This is especially helpful when a mashup is slow to load or respond.  It will allow quickly identifying which of multiple services may be the issue. Addition of logging in a service.  Once a service is identified adding simple logging points in the service can narrow what code in the service cases the slow down (it may be another service call).  These logging statements show up in the script logs with time stamps ( you can also log the current time with the logging statements). Use the test button in Composer.  This is a simple on but if the service does not have many parameters (or has defaults) it's a fast and easy way to see how long a service takes to return,' When all else fails you can get thread dumps from the JVM.  ThingWorx Support created an extension that assists with this.  You can find it on the Marketplace with instructions on how to use it.  You can manually examine the output files or open a ticket with support to allow them to assist.  Just be careful of doing memory dumps, there are much larger, hard to analyse and take a lot of memory. Queries ​These of course are services too but a specific type.  Accessing data in ThingWorx storage structures or from external sources seems fairly straight forward but can be tricky when dealing with large data sets.  When designing and dealing with internal platform storage refer to this guide as a baseline to decide where to store data...  Where Should I Store My Thingworx Data?   NEVER store historical data in infotable properties.  These are held in memory (even if they are persistent) and as they grow so will the JVM memory use until the application runs out of it.  We all know what happens then.  Finally one other note that has causes occasional confusion.  The setting on a query service or standard ThingWorx query service that limits the number of records returned.  This is how many records are returned to from the service at the end of processing, not how many are processed or loaded in memory.  That number may be much higher and could cause the same types of issues. Subscriptions and Events ​This is similar to service however there is an added element frequency.  Typical events are data change and timers/schedulers.  This again is often an issue only when scaling up the number of Things or amount of data that need to be referenced.  A general reference on timers and schedulers can be found here.  This also describes some of the event processing that takes place on the platform.  Timers and Schedulers - Best Practice For data change events be very cautions about adding these to very rapidly changing property values.  When a property is updating very quickly, for example two times each second, the subscription to that event must be able to complete in under 0.5 seconds to stay ahead of processing.  Again this may work for 5-10 Things with properties but will not work with 500 due to resources, speed and need to briefly lock the value to get an accurate current read.  In these cases any data processing should be done at the edge when possible (or in the originating system) and pushed to the platform in a separate property or service call.  This allows for more parallel processing since it is de-centralized. A good practice for allowing easier testing of these types of subscription code is to take all of the script/logic and move it to a service call.  Then pass any of the needed event data to parameters in the service.  This allows for easier debug since the event does not need to fire to make the logic execute.  In fact it can essentially be stand alone by the test button in Composer. Mashup Performance This​ one can be very tricky since additional browser elements and rendering can come into play. Sometimes service execution is the root of the issue and reviewed above, other times it is UI elements and design that cause slow down. The Repeater widget is a common culprit. The biggest thing to note here is that each repeater will need to render every element that is repeated and all of the data and formatting for each of those widgets in the repeated mashup. So any complex mashup that is repeated many times may become slow to load. You can minimize this to a degree based on the Load/Unload setting of the widget and when the slowness is more acceptable (when loading or when scrolling). When a mashup is launched from Composer it comes with some debugging tools built in to see errors and execution. Using these with browser debug tools can be very helpful. Scaling an Application When initially modeling an application scale must be considered from the start. It is a challenge (but not impossible) to modify an application after deployment or design to be very efficient. Many times new developers on the ThingWorx platform fall into what I call the .Net trap. Back when .Net was released one of the quote I recall hearing about it's inefficiencies was "memory is cheap". It was more cost efficient to purchase and install more memory than to take extra development time to optimize memory use. This was absolutely true for installed applications where all of the code was complied and stored on every system. Web based applications are not quite a forgiving since most processing and execution is done on the single central web server. Keep this in mind especially when creating Shapes, Templates and Subscriptions. While you may be writing one piece of code when this code is repeated on 1,000 Things they will all be in memory and all be executing this code in parallel. You can quickly see how competition for resources, locks on databases and clean access to in memory structures can slow everything down (and just think when there are 10,000 pieces of that same code!!). Two specific things around this must be stated again (though they were covered in the above sections). Data held in properties has fast access since it is in JVM memory. But this is held in memory for each individual Thing, so hold 5 MB of information in one Thing seems small, loading 10,000 Thing mean instant use of 50 GB of memory!! Next execution of a service. When 10 things are running a service execution takes 2 seconds. Slow but not too bad and may not be too noticeable in the UI. Now 10,000 Things competing for the same data structure and resources. I have seen execution time jump to 2 minutes or more. Aside from design the best thing you can do is TEST on a scaled up structure. If you will have 1,000 Things next year test your application early at that level of deployment to help identify any potential bottlenecks early. Never assume more memory will alleviate the issue. Also do NOT test scale on your development system. This introduces edits changes and other variables which can affect actual real world results. Have a QA system setup that mirrors a production environment and simulate data and execution load. Additional suggestions are welcome in comments and will likely update this as additional tool and platform updates change.
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This Expert Session is about platform sizing with dependency on the type of environment and correlated scalability options. It talks about federation and high availability as well as provides visual diagrams to understand the architecture of different ThingWorx solutions.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This video will provide you with a brief introduction to the New Composer interface, which has been made available in the 7.4 and later releases of the ThingWorx Platform.  For complete details on what functionality is available within this next generation composer interface, and to also see what lies ahead on our road map, please refer to the following post in the ThingWorx Community: NG Composer feature availability
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Welcome to the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community! The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are easy to deploy, pre-configured role-based starter apps that are built on PTC’s industry-leading IoT platform, ThingWorx. These Apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into operational information, improved decision making, accelerated time to value, and unmatched flexibility to drive factory performance.   This Community page is open to all users-- including licensed ThingWorx users, Express (“freemium”) users, or anyone interested in trying the Apps. Tech Support community advocates serve users on this site, and are here to answer your questions about downloading, installing, and configuring the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps.     A. Sign up: ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community: PTC account credentials are needed to participate in the ThingWorx Community. If you have not yet registered a PTC eSupport account, start with the Basic Account Creation page.   Manufacturing Apps Web portal: Register a login for the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps web portal, where you can download the free trial and navigate to the additional resources discussed below.     B. Download: Choose a download/packaging option to get started.   i. Express/Freemium Installer (best for users who are new to ThingWorx): If you want to quickly install ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps (including ThingWorx) use the following installer: Download the Express/Freemium Installer   ii. 30-day Developer Kit trial: To experience the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform with the Manufacturing Apps and create your own Apps: Download the 30-day Developer Kit trial   iii. Import as a ThingWorx Extension (for users with a Manufacturing Apps entitlement-- including ThingWorx commercial customers, PTC employees, and PTC Partners): ThingWorx Manufacturing apps can be imported as ThingWorx extensions into an existing ThingWorx Platform install (v8.1.0). To locate the download, open the PTC Software Download Page and expand the following folders:   ThingWorx Platform | Release 8.x | ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Extension | Most Recent Datacode     C. Learn After downloading the installer or extensions, begin with Installation and Configuration.   Follow the steps laid out in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2   Find helpful getting-started guides and videos available within the 'Get Started' section of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal.     D. Customize Once you have successfully downloaded, installed, and configured the Manufacturing Apps, begin to explore the deeper potential of the Apps and the ThingWorx Platform.   Follow along with the discussion and steps contained in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps and Service Apps Customization Guide  8.2   Also contained within the the 'Get Started' page of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal, find the "Evolve and Expand" section, featuring: -Custom Plant Layout application -Custom Asset Advisor application -Global Plant View application -Thingworx Manufacturing Apps Technical Lab with Sigma Tile (Raspberry Pi application) -Configuring the Apps with demo data set and simulator -Additional Advanced Documentation     E. Get help / give feedback / interact Use the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community page as a resource to find documentation, peruse past forum threads, or post a question to start a discussion! For advanced troubleshooting, licensed users are encouraged to submit support tickets to the PTC My eSupport portal.
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I've been working with the 7.x and 8.x versions of Thingworx over the last several months doing integrations. So I have a few development instances I've been working with. I'd like to go over some of the issues I've encountered and provide some potential best practices around how you work with Thingworx in development mode and transition to production. Typically, I'll create an instance and develop the integration using the Administrator user which is the only user created as you start up Thingworx instances. Lately, I've been having trouble with a lot of authentication failures as I build. Problem number 1: The new User Lockout feature. Around 7.2 a new User Lockout feature was added to Thingworx to help prevent brute-force cracking of passwords. You now are allowed only so many authentication failures in a given period of time before the user is automatically put in lock mode for a number of minutes. Unfortunately, (but realistically in a more secure manner), a lockout appears as more authentication failures. In reality, it is because the user you have just successfully authenticated to has been automatically locked. I came very close to wiping out an entire instance because I just couldn't get signed in. Then I remembered the lockout, so I worked on something else for a while and then tried to get back into the server and I was successful because the lock timeout had expired. To see the settings in your system, look at the User Management Subsystem configuration page. The Account Lockout Settings default to 5 failures in a 5 minute period that will result in a 15 minute lockout. One note is that setting the lockout to 0 doesn't disable it, it permanently locks out the account. It will have to be reset by a member of the administrators group. The screenshot below shows Problem number 2: AppKeys There is a new setting in the PlatformSubsystem that by default prevents the use of AppKeys in a URL. This setting is present because it is more secure. If you use an appKey as a query parameter in a URL, the appKey will be logged as clear text in your web browser's access log. This is a security risk - an AppKey, especially one not using a whitelist setting might make it possible for someone to gain access to your system by managing to see the access log for your system (maybe via some log analysis tool you feed your logs to). You can disable this setting, but it is not recommended for production - you may have to for a while because you may have code that uses this technique that must be updated before you can enforce the policy. You should deal with this in your production systems as soon as practical. See the graphic below on where this setting shows up. Problem number 3: REST API testing ​As a Thingworx developer, you're probably aware of tools like Curl, Postman and even the Web Browser that can let you exercise a REST API as you develop your code so you can validate your functionality. The REST guidelines specify that you should use the GET method to retrieve data, PUT to create data, POST to update data, etc. The issue is that it is easiest to test an API call if you can execute it from a web browser. However, the web browser always uses the GET method to make a request. This means that PUT and POST (along with other methods) will not work from your browser. Thingworx originally interpreted the incoming request and would internally reroute incoming requests to the POST or PUT functionality. This is also insecure because it makes it too easy to execute services from a browser. A setting was added to the PlatformSubsystem allow for a gradual transition to the more secure configuration. Turn this on in developer mode to simplify your testing of REST calls, but you should not leave it on in production mode as it provides a potential attack vector for your server. So I have some recommendations: 1) Set up an additional Administrative user upon installation If you only have one user defined and it gets locked out, you're stuck until the lockout times out. Worse, if for some reason you set the timeout value to 0, you're locked out forever by Thingworx. You're only choice will be to hack the database to unlock the user or to wipe out the instance and start over. I just went through a situation where I did create the second user and forgot to add it to the Administrators group. So I did something else for 20 minutes to make sure the lockout had cleared. Then I added the user to the Administrators group but got distracted and never pressed the Save button so it locked up again. Make sure you have the user created and functional immediately upon installing the instance - don't wait until you're getting locked out by some loop that's not authenticating properly. Even if you were logged in as your Administrator user, the lockout will cause a failure the next time you try to do something in Composer, like turn off the lockout checkbox! 2) Test your REST Calls with Curl or Postman - not the web browser Don't test your code in a loop until you've tested it in isolation to be sure it's not going to fail authentication for some reason (which may include violating the PlatformSubsystem settings above). Don't use the browser to do the testing - it will require disabling the secure settings. Use Curl or even better, Postman or a similar tool to test your REST calls - it will give you better formatted output than Curl. And you can easily put appKey in as a header (where it should be) instead of a parameter on the URL or in the body. 3) Tighten up your appKeys where possible. Since an appKey is effectively a user/password replacement, you should protect them in the same manner - keep them out of log files by not allowing them as URL parameters, and use the whitelist to keep them from being used for other purposes. If you have a server to server connection, whitelist the server who will be making the calls to you. What I'm not sure of is just whether this is really IP addresses only or if you can use a DNS name and it will look up the IP address and insure it is in fact coming from the expected source. Someone else might be able to comment on this. 4) Test with the PlatformSubsystem settings off Make sure you can run your server without the method redirect or appKey as parameter settings in the PlatformSubsystem. Those settings are potential security vulnerabilities. You may find some Thingworx code that requires one or the other of those settings. Please be sure to report this through PTC Tech Support so it can be fixed.
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The AddStreamEntries​ snippet does not offer too much information, except that it needs an InfoTable as input. It is however based on the InfoTable for the AddStreamEntity service.     To use the AddStreamEntries table, an InfoTable based on sourceType, values, location, source, timestamp​ and ​tags​ must be used.   In this example, I started with a new Thing based on a ​Stream​ template and the following DataShape:     This DataShape must be converted into an InfoTable with is used as the ​values​ parameter. It's important that the ​timestamp​ parameter has distinct values! Otherwise values matching the same timestamp will be overwritten!   We don't really need the sourceType​ as ThingWorx will automatically determine the type by knowing the source and which kind of Entity Type it is.   I created a new ​MyStreamThing​ with a new service, filling the InfoTable and the Stream. The result is the following code which will add 5 rows to the Stream:     // *** SET UP META DATA FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create a new InfoTable based on AddStreamEntries parameters (timestamp, location, source, sourceType, tags, values)   var myInfoTable = { dataShape: { fieldDefinitions : {} }, rows: [] };   myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['timestamp']  = { name: 'timestamp', baseType: 'DATETIME' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['location']  = { name: 'location', baseType: 'LOCATION' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['source']    = { name: 'source', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['sourceType'] = { name: 'sourceType', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['tags']      = { name: 'tags', baseType: 'TAGS' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['values']    = { name: 'values', baseType: 'INFOTABLE' };   // *** SET UP ACTUAL VALUES FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create new meta data   var tags = new Array(); var timestamp = new Date(); var location = new Object(); location.latitude = 0; location.longitude = 0; location.elevation = 0; location.units = "WGS84";   // add rows to InfoTable (~5 times)   for (i=0; i<5; i++) {       // create new values based on Stream DataShape       var params = {           infoTableName : "InfoTable",           dataShapeName : "Cxx-DS"     };       var values = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);       // add something to the values to make them unique       // create and add new row based on Stream DataShape     // only a single line allowed!       var newValues = new Object();     newValues.a = "aaa" + i; // STRING - isPrimaryKey = true     newValues.b = "bbb" + i; // STRING     newValues.c = "ccc" + i; // STRING       values.AddRow(newValues);       // create new InfoTable row based on meta data & values     // add 10 ms to each object, to make it's timestamp unique     // otherwise entries with the same timestamp will be overwritten       var newEntry = new Object();     newEntry.timestamp = new Date( + (i * 10));     newEntry.location = location;     newEntry.source =;     newEntry.tags = tags;     newEntry.values = values;       // add new Info Table row to Info Table           myInfoTable.rows = newEntry;       }       // *** ADD myInfoTable (HOLDING MULITPLE STREAM ENTRIES) TO STREAM       // add stream entries in the InfoTable       var params = {           values: myInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */     };       // no return       Things["MyStreamThing"].AddStreamEntries(params);   To verify the values have been added correctly, call the ​GetStreamEntriesWithData​ service on the ​MyStreamThing​
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Please refer to the release notes: PTC Here are some common questions and answers in regards to the Uprade change: Extension: The removal of dependencies was almost impossible. Do the changes allow extension updates without removal? That is correct Is uninstalling extensions "easier" possible? For example, having extensions with many dependencies which results in a struggle when manually deleting all include would be great to have just 1 uninstall function. Unfortunately, that is still the case when one is uninstalling extension Is there an easy way to see all entity dependencies on an extension (vs. on any one template etc)? Not currently at the extension level.  That's certainly something to be considered adding If one made a mistake on changing an extension mashup, how do  they recover? Is it necessary to remove and then import newer extension? Yes, at the moment that is the only recourse.
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