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Why we need improve ThingWorx Query Performance? ThingWorx is good at injesting data from systems and devices and persisting data in Value Stream. When users build mashups/services which pull anything more than small amounts of data back, or have many users making queries at the same time, they encounter slow performance and/or server failure. Let's take a typical example which may happen among many of our end users: User A is currently gathering data from their edge devices and placing them in a Value Stream. About 80 properties are sharing the same Value Stream and they are estimating roughly 10 million rows a month of data into the platform. Their application requires querying large sections of this data and displaying aggregate info to certain mashups. A ton of work has been done to optimize these queries to make them as efficient as possible. However, querying with results larger than a few thousand rows causes RAM usage to spike so high, that the JVM runs out of heap space and brings down the server. What we have done to improve Query Performance in ThingWorx 8.2? 1. Improvements to the implementation of QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory services:      1) These two query services are optimized by:          (1) Before ThingWorx 8.2, we query property history from database for each properties(imagine 80 properties in our example in the beginning), and then combine the            dataset(80 datasets in our example!) and display them in one table.          (2) In ThingWorx 8.2, we have replaced the "query for each property" with "single query for all properties"      2) Moved most of the query work to database level which is formally done post processing after grabing all the dataset from database including:          (1) Moved Combiner logic to database          (2) Moved Filter functionality in database Note: This improvement is only implemented on MS SQL and PostgreSQL, other persistence providers are not considered in this version, and this may be the plan for future release. 2. Improved string handling for the Query<Basetype>PropertyHistory services Memory reduction for these services are implemented by storing only one copy of each distinct string How much memory reduction could the Query Service Improvement bring QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory Services From our internal test scenario we have seen approximately a 20% reduction in Thingworx platform memory utilization for these services with no Filter applied. Filtering may reduce memory an additional amount. Besides, a approximately 10% execution time saved as a result of this new improvement! Query<Basetype>PropertyHistory services Memory reduction is highly dependent on the stored data. From our internal test scenario, this improvement is providing up to 10% memory reduction on the platform. Note: This improvement is only implemented on MS SQL and PostgreSQL, so the memory reduction is not applied to other persistence providers. Best practice to call Query Services to improve Performance Although there are some Query service improvements in 8.2, still by following some rules or choosing a suitable service would bring extra performance improvement according to different use scenarios. From this point of view, this secion applies to all ThingWorx versions not specially for 8.2. 1. Limit the number of calls to the Query services from a given mashup/app       By repeatedly calling QueryPropertyHistory to display data may cause severe performance problems. Try to clean up unnecessary service calls in mashup and there should be a significant       improvement to the system.       Note: That was without any of the above improvements. 2. Use Query<BASETYPE>PropertyHistory service as much as possible     Unless customer needs to create a normalized dataset for multiple properties, try using QueryIntegerPropertyHistory, QueryStringPropertyHistory, etc. as they return smaller datasets and do not     use the combiner to normalize the data across a large number of properties. 3. Use QueryNamedPropertyHistory as much as possible     Similarly, QueryNamedPropertyHistory can provide a smaller dataset if you don’t need the values from all the properties on the Thing. So for example if a Thing has 10 logged properties but     you only need 3 returned; using QueryNamedPropertyHistory and identifying the three properties specifically needed will return a significantly reduced data set. 4. Use a Query to narrow down the dataset Where/when it makes sense, use a Query to narrow down the dataset; similarly to option 3, the returned dataset will be smaller. Note: this will have limited use scenario though. What needs to be done for end user when upgrading or utilize the service in ThingWorx 8.2 All the changes are transparent to the user! We improved the underlying implementation of the existing services so users won’t need to do anything after upgrade to see the improvements. There are no changes to the databases or schema.  
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ThingWorx 8.2 System Requirements ThingWorx 8.2 Helpcenter The following feature enhancements and bug fixes exist in ThingWorx 8.2.0: Due to security updates, a minimum version of Apache Tomcat 8.0.47 or 8.5.23 should be used with ThingWorx. Enhancements Platform • Included information about opting out of metrics reporting. For more information, see the ThingWorx Metrics Reporting Services Configuration section in the Platform Subsystem help topic. • The Script Log Error has been added to improve error logging for scripts. • Added support to allow mashups to be rendered using jQuery 3.x runtime. • Query service optimization. This includes improved performance for the QueryPropertyHistory and QueryPropertyNamedHistory services. Previously, a database call was made for every logged property. With this improvement, one database call is made for all logged properties, resulting in the following improvements: ▪ A ~20% decrease in memory usage for the QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory service queries if no filters are applied (PostgreSQL and MSSQL). ▪ Decreased time to execute query (~10%) for the QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory services. Depends on latency to the database (PostgreSQL and MSSQL). ▪ Additional decrease in memory, based on the filter supplied during the query for QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory services. (PostgreSQL and MSSQL). If a filter is applied that reduces the record count by 50%, then there is an additional 50% decrease in memory usage on top of the other 50% described in the first point. This optimization also results in an approximate 10% decrease in memory for single property queries. The Audit Subsystem has been added. It supports the following capabilities: • Automatically add audit entries to online storage. • Search for audit entries (use the QueryAuditHistory service) stored online. • Archive online audit entries to offline storage (automatically performed daily by default). • Export audit data, using the language selected for the export. • Purge online audit data on the basis of a specified number of days for audit data to remain online and also on the specified number of rows to keep online. • Clean up archived audit data automatically, based on a configured schedule. • The security of the PASSWORD base type has been enhanced and is now encrypted. See Passwords for more information. • Added the Collection Widget, which allows you to replicate/repeat mashups and content by using infotables to dynamically supply visual content and data. Refer to the KCS article for additional information here • Additional capability has been added to New Composer. For more information, refer to the ThingWorx Community blog. • The licensing process has been improved. An activation ID is no longer required to obtain a license and a new license file is not required for minor or major release upgrades. ◦ For connected scenarios, activation IDs are no longer required in the platform-settings.json file. ◦ For disconnected scenarios, go to the enhanced PTC Support site pages, select the product, enter a Device ID, and retrieve a license. • You can enable the Application Key Authenticator when SSO is enabled by editing the sso-settings.json configuration. For more information, see Configure the sso-settings.json File. • The CSS Editor was added to Mashup Builder, which allows developers to create modern experiences with responsiveness, animations, and advanced styling and behaviors. Refer to the KCS article for additional information here. • Added support for "Store and Forward" functionality to the interface between KEPServerEX and the ThingWorx platform. KepServerEX can be configured to store updated property data to disk when disconnected from the ThingWorx platform and will send that data gracefully when the connection is re-established. • In mashups, row and column gadget sizes 1 to 8 are now available. TW-25477 Bug Fixes Platform Related JIRA • Fixed an issue with Thing Shapes when editing subscriptions twice before canceling or closing in which the second edit was not saved. TW-28718 • Fixed an issue that was causing SQL Server apparent deadlock exceptions. TW-28208 • Added useful log information for troubleshooting LDAP and Active Directory errors. TW-23873 • Fixed an issue with exception handling in DSLProcessor in which line numbers were not included in the log. TW-18042 TW-17255 • Fixed an issue in which opening/closing brackets are not highlighted if there were 100 or more lines of code in a JavaScript service. TW-12740 Mashup Builder • Service error notification messages were fixed to display on multiple lines based on line breaks in the message. TW-24738 • Fixed an issue in which a master mashup header image was not fully displayed. PSPT-3365 Extensions Related JIRA • The Google Maps JavaScript API was updated to prevent the use of the library without an api key. If you are using the Google Map extension in your application, verify that the extension's metadata.xml file is updated with the correct URL ( Re-zip the extension and reimport into ThingWorx after making this change.
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Video Author:                     Polina Osipvoa Original Post Date:            June 10, 2016 Applicable Releases:        ThingWorx   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating a Media Entity, and importing and displaying an image.      
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Original Post Date:     June 6, 2016   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating a DataTable with a DataShape, and adding and retrieving an entry.  
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Pushbullet is a lightweight notifications platform and can be a way to explore Alerts and Subscriptions Basically create an an Alert on a property and Subscribe to that Alert Adding Alert to Property Humidity Adding Subscription The PTC-PushBulletHelper is just a generic Thing with a service called PushNotification var json = {     "body": Message,     "title":"Temperature fault",     "type":"note" }; var accessHeader = {     "Access-Token": "o.Hnm2DeiABcmbwuc7FSDmfWjfadiLXx2M" }; var params = {      proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,     headers: accessHeader /* JSON */,      ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      workstation: undefined /* STRING */,      useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,      url: '' /* STRING */,      content: json /* JSON */,      timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */,      proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,      password: undefined /* STRING */,      domain: undefined /* STRING */,      username: undefined /* STRING */ }; // result: JSON var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostJSON(params); You can test the Helper PushNotification service Next you can test the subscription
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This expert session goes over some basic backup and recovery principles, and provides details on how these principles can be applied to backing up a ThingWorx Server. Backup methods for the ThingWorx PostgreSQL, Neo4J and H2 releases are discussed.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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      Thingworx extensions are a great place to explore UI ideas and get that special feature you want.   Here is a quick primer on Widgets (Note: there is comprehensive documentation here which explores the complete development process ).The intention is not to explain every detail but just the most important points to get you started. I will explore more in additional posts. I also like images rather than lost of words to read. I have attached the simple Hello Word example as a start point and  I'm using Visual Code as my editor of choice.   The attached zip when unzipped will contain a folder called ui and metadata xml file. Within the ui folder there needs to be a folder that has the same name as the widget name. In this case its helloworld.   Metadata file - The 3 callouts are the most import. Package version: is the current version and each time a change is made the value needs to be updated. name: a unique name used through out the widget definition UIResources: The source locations for the widget definition. The UIResources files are used to define the widget in the ide (Composer) and runtime (Mashup). These 2 environments ide and runtime have matching pairs of css (cascading style sheets)  and a js (javascript) files.   The js files are where most of the work is done. There a number of functions used inside the javascript file but just to get things going we will focus on the renderHtml function. This is the function that will generate the HTML to be inserted in the widget location.   renderHtml(helloWorld.ide.js) In this very simple case the renderHtml in the runtime is the same as in the ide renderHtml (helloWorld.runtime.js)   Hopefully you can see that the HTML is pretty easy just some div and span tags with some code to get the Property called Salutation.   So we have the very basics and we are not worried to much about all the other things not mentioned. So to get the simple extension into Thingworx we use the Import -> Extensions menu option. The UI and metadata.xml file needs to be zipped up (as per attachment).  Below is a animated gif that shows how to import and use the widget   Very Quick Steps to import and use in mashup. Video Link : 2147   The next blog will explore functions and allow a user to click the label and display a random message. This will show how to use events   Widget Extensions Click Event
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Dive back into the mashup builder and learn about advanced widgets and layout options.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the mashup builder, mashup types, widget and how to add services to a mashup as well as connecting data from the services to widgets and how to use events in mashups.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the ThingWorx Composer and a demonstration of how you go about building out the design plan.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Configuring Navigate search using Common Tailoring and configuring access permission on apps from role perspective.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.1.0 ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Customization Guide  8.1.0
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This design session introduces a real-world product scenario along with requirements for developing a related IoT-based application. You will also be introduced to core ThingWorx terminology and concepts that will help to map out an efficient design plan for the model hierarchy.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for platform export and import. It discusses the available options for safely exporting and importing entities, data, and extensions. It also provides information on the use of exported entities during the system upgrading and/or moving from QA to production server.  It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session will provide you with an in depth explanation behind how Signals are calculated in ThingWorx Analytics, what purpose they serve, and why we use them.  Some basic mathematical concepts are discussed so viewers will have a better idea of how ThingWorx Analytics operates behind the scenes.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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How to enable ThingWorx Performance Advisor Applies To ThingWorx 7.2+ Description How to enable ThingWorx Performance Advisor Resolution In the ThingWorx Composer, go to Systems > Subsystems, select the PlatformSubsystem and choose Configuration In the Metrics Reporting Service Configuration Select the "Enable Metrics Reporting" checkbox to activate Performance Advisor reporting Enter your current PTC credentials (username and password) for either the customer support portal or the developer portal After providing those details, use the Request button to request an Authorization Key. Customer Number and Name will be filled automatically and an Authorization Key is generated which allows the server identifying itself to the PTC environment. Those fields are read-only. ThingWorx is now ready to send Performance Advisor data and metrics to PTC Related FAQ - Performance Advisor for ThingWorx | PTC…
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A common issue that is seen when trying to deploy, design or scale up a ThingWorx application is performance.  Slow response, delayed data and the application stopping have all been seen when a performance problems either slowly grows or suddenly pops up.  There are some common themes that are seen when these occur typically around application model or design.  Here are a few of the common problems and some thoughts on what to do about them or how to avoid them. Service Execution This covers a wide range of possibilities and is most commonly seen when trying to scale an application.  Data access within a loop is one particular thing to avoid.  Accessing data from a Thing, other service or query may be fast when only testing it on 100 loops, but when the application grows and you have 1000 suddenly it's slow.  Access all data in one query and use that as an in memory reference.  Writing data to a data store (Stream, Datatable or ValueStream) then querying that same data in one service can cause problems as well.  Run the query first then use all the data you have in the service variables.   To troubleshoot service executions there are a few methods that can be used.  Some for will not be practical for a production system since it is not always advisable to change code without testing first. Used browser development tools to see the execution time of a service.  This is especially helpful when a mashup is slow to load or respond.  It will allow quickly identifying which of multiple services may be the issue. Addition of logging in a service.  Once a service is identified adding simple logging points in the service can narrow what code in the service cases the slow down (it may be another service call).  These logging statements show up in the script logs with time stamps ( you can also log the current time with the logging statements). Use the test button in Composer.  This is a simple on but if the service does not have many parameters (or has defaults) it's a fast and easy way to see how long a service takes to return,' When all else fails you can get thread dumps from the JVM.  ThingWorx Support created an extension that assists with this.  You can find it on the Marketplace with instructions on how to use it.  You can manually examine the output files or open a ticket with support to allow them to assist.  Just be careful of doing memory dumps, there are much larger, hard to analyse and take a lot of memory. Queries ​These of course are services too but a specific type.  Accessing data in ThingWorx storage structures or from external sources seems fairly straight forward but can be tricky when dealing with large data sets.  When designing and dealing with internal platform storage refer to this guide as a baseline to decide where to store data...  Where Should I Store My Thingworx Data?   NEVER store historical data in infotable properties.  These are held in memory (even if they are persistent) and as they grow so will the JVM memory use until the application runs out of it.  We all know what happens then.  Finally one other note that has causes occasional confusion.  The setting on a query service or standard ThingWorx query service that limits the number of records returned.  This is how many records are returned to from the service at the end of processing, not how many are processed or loaded in memory.  That number may be much higher and could cause the same types of issues. Subscriptions and Events ​This is similar to service however there is an added element frequency.  Typical events are data change and timers/schedulers.  This again is often an issue only when scaling up the number of Things or amount of data that need to be referenced.  A general reference on timers and schedulers can be found here.  This also describes some of the event processing that takes place on the platform.  Timers and Schedulers - Best Practice For data change events be very cautions about adding these to very rapidly changing property values.  When a property is updating very quickly, for example two times each second, the subscription to that event must be able to complete in under 0.5 seconds to stay ahead of processing.  Again this may work for 5-10 Things with properties but will not work with 500 due to resources, speed and need to briefly lock the value to get an accurate current read.  In these cases any data processing should be done at the edge when possible (or in the originating system) and pushed to the platform in a separate property or service call.  This allows for more parallel processing since it is de-centralized. A good practice for allowing easier testing of these types of subscription code is to take all of the script/logic and move it to a service call.  Then pass any of the needed event data to parameters in the service.  This allows for easier debug since the event does not need to fire to make the logic execute.  In fact it can essentially be stand alone by the test button in Composer. Mashup Performance This​ one can be very tricky since additional browser elements and rendering can come into play. Sometimes service execution is the root of the issue and reviewed above, other times it is UI elements and design that cause slow down. The Repeater widget is a common culprit. The biggest thing to note here is that each repeater will need to render every element that is repeated and all of the data and formatting for each of those widgets in the repeated mashup. So any complex mashup that is repeated many times may become slow to load. You can minimize this to a degree based on the Load/Unload setting of the widget and when the slowness is more acceptable (when loading or when scrolling). When a mashup is launched from Composer it comes with some debugging tools built in to see errors and execution. Using these with browser debug tools can be very helpful. Scaling an Application When initially modeling an application scale must be considered from the start. It is a challenge (but not impossible) to modify an application after deployment or design to be very efficient. Many times new developers on the ThingWorx platform fall into what I call the .Net trap. Back when .Net was released one of the quote I recall hearing about it's inefficiencies was "memory is cheap". It was more cost efficient to purchase and install more memory than to take extra development time to optimize memory use. This was absolutely true for installed applications where all of the code was complied and stored on every system. Web based applications are not quite a forgiving since most processing and execution is done on the single central web server. Keep this in mind especially when creating Shapes, Templates and Subscriptions. While you may be writing one piece of code when this code is repeated on 1,000 Things they will all be in memory and all be executing this code in parallel. You can quickly see how competition for resources, locks on databases and clean access to in memory structures can slow everything down (and just think when there are 10,000 pieces of that same code!!). Two specific things around this must be stated again (though they were covered in the above sections). Data held in properties has fast access since it is in JVM memory. But this is held in memory for each individual Thing, so hold 5 MB of information in one Thing seems small, loading 10,000 Thing mean instant use of 50 GB of memory!! Next execution of a service. When 10 things are running a service execution takes 2 seconds. Slow but not too bad and may not be too noticeable in the UI. Now 10,000 Things competing for the same data structure and resources. I have seen execution time jump to 2 minutes or more. Aside from design the best thing you can do is TEST on a scaled up structure. If you will have 1,000 Things next year test your application early at that level of deployment to help identify any potential bottlenecks early. Never assume more memory will alleviate the issue. Also do NOT test scale on your development system. This introduces edits changes and other variables which can affect actual real world results. Have a QA system setup that mirrors a production environment and simulate data and execution load. Additional suggestions are welcome in comments and will likely update this as additional tool and platform updates change.
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This Expert Session is about platform sizing with dependency on the type of environment and correlated scalability options. It talks about federation and high availability as well as provides visual diagrams to understand the architecture of different ThingWorx solutions.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This video will provide you with a brief introduction to the New Composer interface, which has been made available in the 7.4 and later releases of the ThingWorx Platform.  For complete details on what functionality is available within this next generation composer interface, and to also see what lies ahead on our road map, please refer to the following post in the ThingWorx Community: NG Composer feature availability
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