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IoT Tips

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This expert session goes over some basic backup and recovery principles, and provides details on how these principles can be applied to backing up a ThingWorx Server. Backup methods for the ThingWorx PostgreSQL, Neo4J and H2 releases are discussed.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the mashup builder, mashup types, widget and how to add services to a mashup as well as connecting data from the services to widgets and how to use events in mashups.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the ThingWorx Composer and a demonstration of how you go about building out the design plan.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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ThingWorx 8.2 System Requirements ThingWorx 8.2 Helpcenter The following feature enhancements and bug fixes exist in ThingWorx 8.2.0: Due to security updates, a minimum version of Apache Tomcat 8.0.47 or 8.5.23 should be used with ThingWorx. Enhancements Platform • Included information about opting out of metrics reporting. For more information, see the ThingWorx Metrics Reporting Services Configuration section in the Platform Subsystem help topic. • The Script Log Error has been added to improve error logging for scripts. • Added support to allow mashups to be rendered using jQuery 3.x runtime. • Query service optimization. This includes improved performance for the QueryPropertyHistory and QueryPropertyNamedHistory services. Previously, a database call was made for every logged property. With this improvement, one database call is made for all logged properties, resulting in the following improvements: ▪ A ~20% decrease in memory usage for the QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory service queries if no filters are applied (PostgreSQL and MSSQL). ▪ Decreased time to execute query (~10%) for the QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory services. Depends on latency to the database (PostgreSQL and MSSQL). ▪ Additional decrease in memory, based on the filter supplied during the query for QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory services. (PostgreSQL and MSSQL). If a filter is applied that reduces the record count by 50%, then there is an additional 50% decrease in memory usage on top of the other 50% described in the first point. This optimization also results in an approximate 10% decrease in memory for single property queries. The Audit Subsystem has been added. It supports the following capabilities: • Automatically add audit entries to online storage. • Search for audit entries (use the QueryAuditHistory service) stored online. • Archive online audit entries to offline storage (automatically performed daily by default). • Export audit data, using the language selected for the export. • Purge online audit data on the basis of a specified number of days for audit data to remain online and also on the specified number of rows to keep online. • Clean up archived audit data automatically, based on a configured schedule. • The security of the PASSWORD base type has been enhanced and is now encrypted. See Passwords for more information. • Added the Collection Widget, which allows you to replicate/repeat mashups and content by using infotables to dynamically supply visual content and data. Refer to the KCS article for additional information here • Additional capability has been added to New Composer. For more information, refer to the ThingWorx Community blog. • The licensing process has been improved. An activation ID is no longer required to obtain a license and a new license file is not required for minor or major release upgrades. ◦ For connected scenarios, activation IDs are no longer required in the platform-settings.json file. ◦ For disconnected scenarios, go to the enhanced PTC Support site pages, select the product, enter a Device ID, and retrieve a license. • You can enable the Application Key Authenticator when SSO is enabled by editing the sso-settings.json configuration. For more information, see Configure the sso-settings.json File. • The CSS Editor was added to Mashup Builder, which allows developers to create modern experiences with responsiveness, animations, and advanced styling and behaviors. Refer to the KCS article for additional information here. • Added support for "Store and Forward" functionality to the interface between KEPServerEX and the ThingWorx platform. KepServerEX can be configured to store updated property data to disk when disconnected from the ThingWorx platform and will send that data gracefully when the connection is re-established. • In mashups, row and column gadget sizes 1 to 8 are now available. TW-25477 Bug Fixes Platform Related JIRA • Fixed an issue with Thing Shapes when editing subscriptions twice before canceling or closing in which the second edit was not saved. TW-28718 • Fixed an issue that was causing SQL Server apparent deadlock exceptions. TW-28208 • Added useful log information for troubleshooting LDAP and Active Directory errors. TW-23873 • Fixed an issue with exception handling in DSLProcessor in which line numbers were not included in the log. TW-18042 TW-17255 • Fixed an issue in which opening/closing brackets are not highlighted if there were 100 or more lines of code in a JavaScript service. TW-12740 Mashup Builder • Service error notification messages were fixed to display on multiple lines based on line breaks in the message. TW-24738 • Fixed an issue in which a master mashup header image was not fully displayed. PSPT-3365 Extensions Related JIRA • The Google Maps JavaScript API was updated to prevent the use of the library without an api key. If you are using the Google Map extension in your application, verify that the extension's metadata.xml file is updated with the correct URL ( Re-zip the extension and reimport into ThingWorx after making this change.
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The Asset Simulator can simulate actual device behavior without having to connect to a physical asset. It does this by replaying data sequences derived from mathematical distributions or actual asset data imported as CSV files. Virtual assets can be configured to reference these data sequences and expose them as asset behavior.   The Asset Simulator communicates with KepServerEX in the same way that a real device does. The simulated asset behavior is controlled through an administration console. If you would like to test with the Asset Simulator 8.2.0, please find attached a guide and the actual files necessary.   Notes: The attached Asset Simulator applies to both Manufacturing and Service Apps If using ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps, import the Manufacturing Apps demo data If using ThingWorx Service Apps, import the Service Apps demo data
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Sometimes M2M Assets should poll the platform on demand, such as in the case of avoiding excessive data charges from chatty assets.  A mechanism was developed that instructs the Asset to contact (poll) the platform for actions that the Asset needs to act on such as File Uploads, Set DataItem, etc. The Shoulder Tap SMS message is the platform’s way of contacting the Asset – tapping it on the shoulder to let it know there’s a message waiting for it.  The Asset responds by polling for the waiting message.  This implementation in the platform provides a way to configure the Model Profile that is responsible for sending an SMS Shoulder Tap message to an M2M Asset.  The Model Profile contains model-wide instructions for how and when a Shoulder Tap message should be sent. How does it work? The M2M asset is set not to poll the Axeda Platform for a long period, but the Enterprise user has some actions that the Asset needs to act upon such as FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air).       Software package deployed to M2M Asset from Axeda Platform and put into Egress queue.       The Shoulder Tap mechanism executes a Custom Object that then sends a message to the Asset through a delivery method like SMS, UDP, etc.       The Asset’s SMS, etc. handler receives the message and the Asset then sends a POLL to the Platform and acts upon the action in the egress queue How do you make Shoulder Tap work for your M2M Assets? The first step is to create a Model Profile, the model profile will tell Asset of this model, how to communicate. For Example, if the Model Profile is Shoulder Tap, then the mechanism used to communicate to the Asset will imply Shoulder Tap.  Execute the attached custom object, createSMSModelProfile.groovy, and it will create a Model Profile named "SMSModelProfile". When you create a new Model, you will see  “SMSModelProfile“ appear in the Communication Profile dropdown list as follows: The next step is to create the Custom Object Transport script which is responsible for sending out the SMS or other method of communication to the Asset.  In this example the custom object is be named SMSCustomObject​.  The contents of this custom object are outside the scope of this article, but could be REST API calls to Twilio, Jasper or to a wireless provider's REST APIs to communicate with the remote device using an SMS message.   This could also be used with the IntegrationPublisher API to send a JMS message to a server the customer controls which could then be used to talk directly with custom libraries that are not directly compatible with the Axeda Platform. Once the Shoulder Tap scripting has been tested and is working correctly, you can now directly send a Shoulder Tap to the Asset from an action or through an ExtendedUI Module, such as shown below: import; final ServiceFactory sFact = new ServiceFactory() def assetId = (Long)parameters.get("assetId") def stapService = ServiceFactory.getShoulderTapService() stapService.sendShoulderTap( assetId ) See Extending the Axeda Platform UI - Custom Tabs and Modules for more about creating and configuring Extended UI Modules. What about Retries? maxRetryCount  - This built in attribute’s value defines the number of times the platform will retry to send the Shoulder Tap message before it gives up. retryInterval -The retry interval that can be used if the any message delivery needs to be retried. Retry Count and Interval are configured in the Model Profile Custom Object like so: final DeliveryMethodDescriptor dmd = new DeliveryMethodDescriptor(); fdmd.setMaxRetryCount(2); fdmd.setRetryInterval(60);
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This Expert Session will provide you with an in depth explanation behind how Signals are calculated in ThingWorx Analytics, what purpose they serve, and why we use them.  Some basic mathematical concepts are discussed so viewers will have a better idea of how ThingWorx Analytics operates behind the scenes.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Why we need improve ThingWorx Query Performance? ThingWorx is good at injesting data from systems and devices and persisting data in Value Stream. When users build mashups/services which pull anything more than small amounts of data back, or have many users making queries at the same time, they encounter slow performance and/or server failure. Let's take a typical example which may happen among many of our end users: User A is currently gathering data from their edge devices and placing them in a Value Stream. About 80 properties are sharing the same Value Stream and they are estimating roughly 10 million rows a month of data into the platform. Their application requires querying large sections of this data and displaying aggregate info to certain mashups. A ton of work has been done to optimize these queries to make them as efficient as possible. However, querying with results larger than a few thousand rows causes RAM usage to spike so high, that the JVM runs out of heap space and brings down the server. What we have done to improve Query Performance in ThingWorx 8.2? 1. Improvements to the implementation of QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory services:      1) These two query services are optimized by:          (1) Before ThingWorx 8.2, we query property history from database for each properties(imagine 80 properties in our example in the beginning), and then combine the            dataset(80 datasets in our example!) and display them in one table.          (2) In ThingWorx 8.2, we have replaced the "query for each property" with "single query for all properties"      2) Moved most of the query work to database level which is formally done post processing after grabing all the dataset from database including:          (1) Moved Combiner logic to database          (2) Moved Filter functionality in database Note: This improvement is only implemented on MS SQL and PostgreSQL, other persistence providers are not considered in this version, and this may be the plan for future release. 2. Improved string handling for the Query<Basetype>PropertyHistory services Memory reduction for these services are implemented by storing only one copy of each distinct string How much memory reduction could the Query Service Improvement bring QueryPropertyHistory and QueryNamedPropertyHistory Services From our internal test scenario we have seen approximately a 20% reduction in Thingworx platform memory utilization for these services with no Filter applied. Filtering may reduce memory an additional amount. Besides, a approximately 10% execution time saved as a result of this new improvement! Query<Basetype>PropertyHistory services Memory reduction is highly dependent on the stored data. From our internal test scenario, this improvement is providing up to 10% memory reduction on the platform. Note: This improvement is only implemented on MS SQL and PostgreSQL, so the memory reduction is not applied to other persistence providers. Best practice to call Query Services to improve Performance Although there are some Query service improvements in 8.2, still by following some rules or choosing a suitable service would bring extra performance improvement according to different use scenarios. From this point of view, this secion applies to all ThingWorx versions not specially for 8.2. 1. Limit the number of calls to the Query services from a given mashup/app       By repeatedly calling QueryPropertyHistory to display data may cause severe performance problems. Try to clean up unnecessary service calls in mashup and there should be a significant       improvement to the system.       Note: That was without any of the above improvements. 2. Use Query<BASETYPE>PropertyHistory service as much as possible     Unless customer needs to create a normalized dataset for multiple properties, try using QueryIntegerPropertyHistory, QueryStringPropertyHistory, etc. as they return smaller datasets and do not     use the combiner to normalize the data across a large number of properties. 3. Use QueryNamedPropertyHistory as much as possible     Similarly, QueryNamedPropertyHistory can provide a smaller dataset if you don’t need the values from all the properties on the Thing. So for example if a Thing has 10 logged properties but     you only need 3 returned; using QueryNamedPropertyHistory and identifying the three properties specifically needed will return a significantly reduced data set. 4. Use a Query to narrow down the dataset Where/when it makes sense, use a Query to narrow down the dataset; similarly to option 3, the returned dataset will be smaller. Note: this will have limited use scenario though. What needs to be done for end user when upgrading or utilize the service in ThingWorx 8.2 All the changes are transparent to the user! We improved the underlying implementation of the existing services so users won’t need to do anything after upgrade to see the improvements. There are no changes to the databases or schema.  
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This blog post provide information on the technical changes in Thingworx 8.0, New Technical Changes in ThingWorx 8.0.0 Here are some common questions and answers in regards to the Licensing change: Does that mean all the extensions in the marketplace won't be free anymore? Depends on the extensions. The main extensions we are licensing for 8.0 are Navigate, Manufacturing and Utilties. We are not licensing the MailExtension on the marketplace, for example. Partners and customers can still import their custom apps/extensions If TWX connects to RP(remote platform) which has its own subscription based Flexera license (InService, for example), how does this interaction works- license validation.  Is server to sever connection counts as user login direct to PTC product? License files are per TWX instance. For RP, each would have their own license files. User counts (if entitled and enforced) are generic to each system.
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This design session introduces a real-world product scenario along with requirements for developing a related IoT-based application. You will also be introduced to core ThingWorx terminology and concepts that will help to map out an efficient design plan for the model hierarchy.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This is a lessons learned write up that I proposed to present at Liveworx but it didn't make the cut, but I did want to share it with all the developer folks. Please note that this is before we added Influx and Micro Services, which help improve the landscape. Oh and it's long 🙂 ------------------------------------------ This is written as of Thingworx 8.2   Different ways to scale Data and Processing with Thingworx Two main issues are targeted Data Storage Platform processing Data Storage in Thingworx Background Issues around storage is that due to the limited indexing in the Persistence Provider with then the actual values according to the datashape being in a JSON Blob So when you look in the Persistence Provider you’ll see Source sourceType Location entityID Datetime Tags ValueJSONBlob   The first six carry an index, the JSON Blob which holds the values according to the datashape is not, that can read something like {value1:firstvalue,value2:secondvalue,value3:[ …. ]} etc. This means that any queries beyond the standard keys – date/time, entityID (name of Stream or DataTable), source, sourcetype, tags, location become very inefficient because it will query the records and then apply the datashape query server side. Potentially this can cause you to pull way more records over from Persistence Provider to Platform than intended. Ie: a Query on Temperature in my data, that should return 25 records for a given month, will perhaps first return 250K records and then filter own to 25. The second issue with storage is that all Streams are stored in one table in the Persistence Provider using entityID as an additional key to figure out which stream the record is for. This means that your record count per table goes up much faster than you’d expect. Ie: If I have defined 5 ValueStreams for 5 different asset types, ultimately all that data is still in one table in the Persistence Provder. So if each has 250K records, a query against the valuestream will then in actuality be a query against 1.25 million records. I think both of these issues are well known and documented? By now and Dev is working on it. Solution approaches So if you are expecting to store a lot of records what can you do? Archive The easiest solution is to keep a limited set and archive off the rest of the data, preferably into a client’s datalake that is not part of the persistence provider, remember archiving from one stream to another stream is not a solution! Unless … you use Multiple Persistence Providers Multiple Persistence Providers Thingworx does support multiple persistence providers for storing data. So you can spin up extra schemas (potentially even in the same DataBase Server) to be the store for additional Persistence Providers which then are mapped to a specific Stream/ValueStream/DataTable/Blog/Wiki. You still have to deal with the query challenge, but you now have less records per data store to query through. Direct queries in the Persistence Provider If you have full access to your persistence provider (NOTE: PTC Cloud Services does NOT provide this right now). You can create an additional JDBC connection to the Persistence Provider and query the stream directly, this allows you to query on the indexed records with in addition a text search through the JSON Blob all server side. With this approach a query that took several minutes at times Platform side using QueryStreamEntries took only a few seconds. Biggest savings was the fact that you didn’t have to transfer so many records back to the Platform server. Additional Schemas You can create your own schema (either within the persistence provider DB – again not supported by PTC Cloud Services) in a Database Server of your choice and connect to it with JDBC/REST. (NOTE: I believe PTC Cloud Service may/might offer a standalone server with actual root access) This does mean you have to create your own Getter/Setter services to retrieve and store information, plus you’ll need some event to store (like DataChange). This approach right now is probably a common if not best practice recommendation if historical information is required for the solution and the record count looks to go over 1 million records and can’t just be queried based on timestamp. Thingworx Event Processing Background Thingworx will consistently deal with many Things that have many Properties, and often times there will be Alerts/Rules that need to run based on value changes. When you are using straight up Alerts based on a limit value, this isn’t such a challenge, but what if you need to add some latch/lock/debounce logic or need to check against historical values or check multiple conditions? How can you design something that can handle evaluating these complex rules, holds some historical or derived values and avoid race conditions and be responsive? Potential Problems Race conditions Multiple Events may need to update the same Permanent or Temporary store for the determination of a condition. Duplicates If you don’t have some ‘central’ tracker, you may possibly trigger the same rule multiple times. Slow response You are potentially triggering thousands or more events at the same time, depending on how you’ve set up your logic, your response could become so slow that the next event will be firing before finish and you’ll overload the system. System queue overrun If your events trigger faster than you can handle the events, you will slowly build up and finally overrun the event queue. System Thread count overrun Based on the number of cores in your system, you can overrun the number of threads that can be handled. Connection Pool overrun Each read/write to a stream/datatable but also Property Persist is a usage of the connection pool to your persistence provider. If you fire a lot at once, you can stack up requests and cause deadlocks System out of memory Potentially in handling the events you are depending on in memory information, if that is something that grows over time, you could hit an ‘Out of Memory’ issue. Solution Approaches Batch processing Especially with Agents/Sources that write a set of property updates, you potentially trigger multiple threads that all may need the same source information or update the same target information. If you are able to process this as a batch, you can take all values in account and only process this as a single event and have just a single read from source or single write to target. This will be difficult to achieve when using something like Kepserver, unless it is transferring as something non-standard like MQTT. But if you can have the data come in as a single REST POST this approach becomes possible. In Memory vs. Table/Stream Storage To speed up response time, you can put necessary information into Memory vs. in a DataTable or Stream. For example, if you need the most current received record together with some historical values, you could: Use a Stream but carry the current value because the stream updates async. (ie adding the current value to the stream doesn’t guarantee that when you read from the stream it has already been committed) Use a DataTable because they are synchronous but it can make the execution slow, especially if you are reaching 100K records or more Use an InfoTable or JSON Property, now this information is in memory and runs the fastest and is synchronous. Note that in some speed testing JSON object was faster than InfoTable and way faster than DataTable. One challenge is that you would have to do a full overwrite if you need to persist this information. Doing a full write does open up the danger of a race condition, if this information is being updated by multiple threads at the same time. If it is ok to keep the information in memory than an InfoTable is nice because you can just add/delete rows in memory. I sadly haven’t figured out yet how to directly do this to a JSON object property :(. It is important to consider disaster recovery scenarios if you are only using this in memory Centralized Processing vs. Distributed Processing Think about how you can possibly execute some logic within the context of the Entity itself (logic within the ThingShape/ThingTemplate) vs. having it fire into a centralized Service (sync or async) on a separate Entity. Scheduler or Timer As much as Schedulers and Timers are often the culprit of too many threads at the same time, a well setup piece of logic that is triggered by a Scheduler or Timer can be the solution to avoid race conditions If you are working with multiple timers, you may want to consider multiple schedulers which will trigger at a specific time, which means you can eliminate concurrence (several timers firing at the same time) Think about staggering execution if necessary, by using the hated, looked down upon … but oft necessary … pause() function !!!! Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Asynchronous execution can give great savings on the processing speed of a thread, since it will kick off the asynch parts and continue on. The terrible draw back, you can’t tell when it is finished nor what the resulting output is. As you mix and match synch/asynch vs processing speed, you may need to consider other ways to pick up when an asynch process finishes, some Property elsewhere that will trigger into a DataChange for example. Interesting examples Batch Process With one client there was a batch process that would post several hundred results at once that all had to be evaluated. The evaluation also relied on historical information. So with some logic these properties were processed as a batch, related to each other and also compared to information held in memory besides historically storing the information that came in. This utilized several in memory objects and ultimately also an eval() statement to have the greatest flexibility and performance. Mix and Match With another client, they had a requirement to have logic to do latch/lock and escalation. This means that some information needs to be persisted, however because all the several hundred properties per asset are coming in through Kepware once a second, it also had to be very fast. The approach here was to have the DataChange place information into an in memory infotable that then was picked up by a separate latch/lock/escalation timer to move it over to the persistent side. This allowed for the instantaneous processing of DataChange and Alerts, but also a more persistent processing of latch/lock/escalation logic. In Conclusion Remember that PTC created its software for specific purposes. I don’t think there ever will be a perfect magical platform that will do everything we need and want. Thingworx started out on a specific path which was very high speed data ingest and event platform with agnostic all around connectivity, that provided a very nice holistic modeling approach and a simple way to build UI/UX. Our use cases will sometimes go right past everything and at times to the final frontier aka the bleeding edge and few are a carbon copy of another. This means we need to be innovative and creative. Hopefully all of you can use the expert knowledge you have about our products to create those, but then also be proactive and please share with everyone else!  
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Warning This post is quite long, has various chapters and you might get bored reading it. If you just want a summary read the "Use case" and "Conclusion" chapter - and maybe the "Required Logic" chapter, because I made a cool graph for it. The rest is all about implementation... Introduction I recently had the opportunity to deliver a ThingWorx training for Saint Gobain. One of the use cases for their ThingWorx application is monitoring machine errors and outages on the production line. If an outage or error status is triggered, the machine operator will see a popup on the monitoring screen where he is forced to select a root cause. This root cause will then be persisted in ThingWorx for more data transformation, analytics and reporting - like cost analysis or optimization opportunities. During the training we were also discussing on how such a forced root cause monitoring can be implemented via Mashups and the usage of modal popups. I've compiled the details into this post as it might also interest other developers. The ThingWorx Entities I'm using in this example can be downloaded from here Note: I'm using the word "Alert" here - but not in the context of a ThingWorx Property Alert... just beware to not be confused due to the wording. Use Case One of the requirements for Saint Gobain's IoT Solution was an interactive alert monitoring directly in the factory on the production machines. Let's say the machine has stopped, the root cause should be recorded. For this an interactive popup will be displayed on the machine's monitoring display and an employee has to choose the root cause from a pre-defined list. This could be planned outages, e.g. for maintenance or unplanned outages, e.g. material jam. The root cause will then be recorded and a history of outage causes can be stored in a ThingWorx value stream. This can then be later analyzed with e.g. ThingWorx Analytics capabilities to understand and optimize the machine's production capabilities and efficiency. As the root cause must be entered, the popup will be forced to be displayed when a certain condition / criteria is met - and it will only disappar when a root cause is chosen. The user should not be able to interact with any other elements of the Mashup and not be able to just close the popup. The popup will close itself and reset the initial condition once the root cause has been identified and chosen. Requirements Required Entities Required Logic Note: Just to make it easier to manage and export Entities, I will add all of the created elements in a new Project called RootCausePopups. All of the elements will have a "rcp_" added in front of their name - just to make it easier for me to find and identify them. Implementation Before we start - set a Project Context Create Entities Create a Popup Mashup Create the Main Mashup Testing the Mashups Conclusion Certain conditions (like the state of a checkbox) can be used to trigger modal popups. A modal popup forces a user interaction and the interaction will not offer any other option until a choice is made. With these parameters it's easy to have mandatory reaction from users when it's important to capture data which rely on the analysis of an engineer or a user - e.g. reasons for machine outages. Using this technique there's not much training required for staff, other than pushing a button with an option of their choice - this saves quite some time in capturing data in any other way (e.g. updating Excel files or manual pen-and-paper techniques). As this data is now part of the ThingWorx instance it can be used for further transformation, analysis or just for monitoring purposes There's of course more possibilities when it comes to states and formatting which would exhaust the context of this post - but feel free to explore... In the example we wouldn't need the textbox, but it's there to demonstrate if the correct values are persisted or not In the example we could of course also set the visibility of the checkbox to false, so that we would only see the popup and the Grid holding historic information We could also create different StateDefinitions to color-format / text-format the input differently from the output in the Grid If you found this interesting (and actually made it to the end of this post) - feel free to play with this concept a bit more... The dependencies might seem a bit difficult, but it should be easy to implement and to adjust to your own ideas and requirements.
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Disclaimer: This post does of course not express any political views.   Pie Chart Coloring   In ThingWorx Pie Charts use a default color schema based on the DefaultChartStyle Definitions. These schemas are using fixed numbering and coloring systems, e.g. 1 is blue, 2 is green, 3 is red and so on. All Pie Charts will be rendered with these colors in the same order, no matter which data the chart is using. Visualization of data with the default colors might not necessarily help in creating an easy to read chart.   Just take a look at the following example with the default color schema. Let's just take political parties - as they are usually associated with a distinct color - to illustrate how the default color schema will fail depending on the data displayed.         In the first example, just by sheer coincidence the colors are perfectly matching the parties. When introducing a new party to the pool suddenly the blues are rendered green and the yellows rendered light-blue etc. This can be quite confusing, especially on election night 😉   Custom Color Schema   PoliticalParties Thing   To test a custom color schema, we first need to create a new Thing: PoliticalParties as a GenericThing Add a dataset property with the following PoliticalParties DataShape.         Save the Thing and set the InfoTable to:   Key Value The Purples 20 The Blues 20 The Greens 20 The Reds 20 The Yellows 20 Others 20   Number values don't actually matter too much, as the Pie Chart will automatically distribute them according to their percentage.   PoliticalParties Mashup   Create a new Mashup and add a PieChart to the canvas. Bind the PoliticalParties > GetPropertyValues > dataset to the Data input of the Widget. Ensure to set the LabelField to key and the ValueField to value for a correct mapping.     Save the Mashup and preview it.   It should show a non-matching color for each party listed in the InfoTable.   Custom Styles and States   Create new custom Style Definitions for each political party. As the Pie Chart is only using the Background Color other properties can stay on the default. I chose to go with a more muted version of the colors to make the chart easier to look at.         With the newly defined colors we can now generate a new State Definition as follows:       The States allow to evaluate the key-Strings in the Thing's InfoTable and assign a Style Definition depending on the actual value. In this definition we map a color schema based on the InfoTable's key-value to create a 1:1 mapping for the Strings.   This means, no matter where a certain party is positioned in the chart it will be tinted with its associated color.   Refining the Mashup   Back in the Mashup, select the PieChart. In the ColorFormat property choose the newly created State Definition.     Save the Mashup and preview it. With the States and Styles applies, colors are now displayed correctly.       Even when changing positions and numbers in the original InfoTable of the PoliticalParties Thing, the chart now considers the mapping of Strings and still displays the colors correctly.  
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This Expert Session is about platform sizing with dependency on the type of environment and correlated scalability options. It talks about federation and high availability as well as provides visual diagrams to understand the architecture of different ThingWorx solutions.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for platform export and import. It discusses the available options for safely exporting and importing entities, data, and extensions. It also provides information on the use of exported entities during the system upgrading and/or moving from QA to production server.  It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Objective Learn how the Scripto Web Service helps you to present platform information in your HTML with JavaScript and dynamic page updating.  After this tutorial, you will know how to create Axeda Custom Objects that return formatted results to JavaScript using XmlHttpResponse, and how a very simple page can incorporate platform data into your browser-based user interface. Part 1 - Simple Scripto In Using Scripto, you learned how Scripto can be called from very simple clients, even the most basic HTTP tools. This tutorial builds on the examples in that tutorial. The following HelloWorld script accepts a parameter named "foo". This means that the caller of the script may supply a value for this parameter, and the script simple returns a message that includes the value supplied. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* return "Hello world, ${}" In the first part of this tutorial, we'll be creating an HTML page with some JavaScript that simply calls the HelloWorld script and puts the result on the page. Create an HTML File Open up your favorite text editor and create a blank document. Paste in this simple scaffold, which includes a very simple FORM with fields for your developer platform email and password, and the "foo" parameter. <html> <head> <title>Axeda Developer Connection Simple Ajax HelloWorld Example</title> </head> <body> <form name="f1">         Platform email (login): <input name="username" type="text"><br/>         Password: <input name="password" type="password"><br/>         foo: <input name="foo" type="text"><br/> <input value="Go" type="button" onclick='JavaScript: callScripto()'/></p> <div id="result"></div> </form> </body> </html> Pretty basic HTML that you've seen lots of times. Notice the form onclick refers to a JavaScript function. We'll be adding that next. Add the JavaScript Directly under the <title> tag, add the following <script language="Javascript"> var scriptoURL =""; var scriptName ="HelloWorld2"; </script> This defines our JavaScript block, and a couple of constants to tell our script where the server's Scripto REST endpoint is, and the name of the script we will be running. Let's add in our callScripto() function. Paste the following directly under the scriptName variable declaration: function callScripto(){ try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE }    var xmlHttpReq =false;    var self =this;    // Mozilla/Safari    if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest();    }// IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }    var form = document.forms['f1'];    var username = form.username.value;    var password = form.password.value;    var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password;   'POST', url,true);             self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');             self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function() {       if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){                     updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText);       }    }    var foo =;    var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);    self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); } That was a lot to process in one chunk, so let's examine each piece. This piece just tells the browser that we'll be wanting to make some Ajax calls to a remote server. We'll be running the example right off a local file system (at first), so this is necessary to ask for permission. try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE } This part creates an XmlHttpRequest object, which is a standard object available in browsers via JavaScript. Because of slight browser differences, this code creates the correct object based on the browser type. var xmlHttpReq =false; var self =this; // Mozilla/Safari if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Next we create the URL that will be used to make the HTTP call. This simply combines our scriptoURL, scriptName, and platform credentials. var form = document.forms['f1']; var username = form.username.value; var password = form.password.value; var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password; Now let's tell the xmlHttpReq object what we want from it. we'll also reference the name of another JavaScript function which will be invoked when the operation completes.'POST', url,true);     self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');     self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function(){ if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){             updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText); } } Finally, for this function, we'll grab the "foo" parameter from the form and tell the prepped xmlHttpReq object to post it. var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);     self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); almost done. We just need to supply the updatepage function that we referenced above. Add this code directly before the </script> close tag: function updatepage(str){             document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str; } Try it out Save your file as helloworld.html and open it in a browser by starting your browser and choosing "Open File". You can also download a zip with the file prepared for you at the end of this page. If you are using Internet Explorer, IE will pop a bar asking you if it is OK for the script inside this page to execute a script. Choose "Allow Blocked Content". Type in your platform email address (the address you registered for the developer connection with) and your password. Enter any text that you like for "foo". When you click "Go", the area below the button will display the result of the Scripto call. Note that if you are using Mozilla Firefox, you will be warned about the script wanting to access a remote server. Click "Allow". Congratulations! You have learned how to call a Custom Object-backed Scripto service to display dynamic platform content inside a very simple HTML page. Next Steps Be sure to check out the tutorial on Hosting Custom Applications to learn how you can make this page get directly served from your platform account, with its very own URL. Also explore code samples that show more sophisticated HTML+AJAX examples using Google Charts and other presentation tools.
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This groovy script creates an xml output of the audit log filtered by the User Access category, so dates of when users logged in or logged out. Parameter: days - number of days to search import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategoryList import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategory import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditEntryFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.SortType import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditEntry import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder /* * AuditEntryList.groovy * * Creates an xml output of the audit log filtered by the User Access category, so dates of when users logged in or logged out. * * @param days        -   (REQ):Str number of days to search. * * @author Sara Streeter <> */ def writer = new StringWriter() def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer) try {     def ctx = Context.getUserContext()     ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(ctx, new Identifier(1))     Model model = modelFinder.find()     DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(ctx, new Identifier(1))     Device device = deviceFinder.find()     AuditCategoryList acl = new AuditCategoryList()     acl.add(AuditCategory.USER_ACCESS)     long now = System.currentTimeMillis()     Date today = new Date(now)     def paramdays = parameters.days ? parameters.days: 5     long days = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * Integer.valueOf(paramdays)     AuditEntryFinder aef = new AuditEntryFinder(ctx)     aef.setCategories(acl)     aef.setToDate(today)     aef.setFromDate(new Date(now - (days)))     aef.setSortType(SortType.DATE)     aef.sortDescending()     List<AuditEntry> audits = aef.findAll() // assemble the response     xml.Response() {         audits.each { AuditEntry audit ->                   Audit() {                 id(audit?.id.value)                 user(audit?.user?.username)                 date(audit?.date)                 category(audit?.category?.bundleKey)                 message(audit?.message)             }         }     } } catch (def ex) {     xml.Response() {         Fault {             Code('Groovy Exception')             Message(ex.getMessage())             StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();             PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);             ex.printStackTrace(pw);             Detail(sw.toString())         }     } } return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()]
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