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  Hi everyone,   Ever feel like your hands are too full? Are you juggling your cup of coffee in one hand and your tablet in another so that you can read Ask Kaya on the go?   Problem solved.   Today, we’re introducing ThingWorx On Air—the Ask Kaya developer-focused podcast designed to take the complexity out of building IIoT solutions.   Listen to our first episode here or search “ThingWorx on Air” on iTunes.   In Episode 01, we introduce Operator Advisor, a brand-new PTC manufacturing solution that helps you accelerate your development of IIoT applications for workers on the shop floor. Learn how you can use it to quickly build solutions that provide greater visibility of equipment statuses across your factory to improve workforce efficiency. I hope you enjoy!   Be sure to tune into Episode 02 where we’ll share the “Wowza Widget of the Week.”   Stay connected, Kaya   P.S. If you have any questions you’d like answered in our next episode, comment below!
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Hi All   Our expert session: Thingworx Flow Overview is tomorrow!!! Click the link below to register and remember to talk about it to colleagues that might benefit from its content.   Expert Session: Thingworx Flow Overview Date and Time: December 10th, 8h00 EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Antony Moffa; Vinay Vaidya - Thingworx IoT Platfom Senior Directors Registration Here:    See you there!   Here are other upcoming sessions that might be of your interest: Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts This session will highlight the key points you should evaluate to properly plan your upgrade to Thingworx 9 Register Here Active Active Clustering This session will cover the main aspects of the High Availability Clustering feature launched with the ThingWorx 9.0 release Register Here
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Here is a tutorial to explain the process of uploading a PMML file from an external system to Thingworx Analytics. The tutorial steps are explained in the attached PDF and all referenced files can be found in the attached ZIP.  
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We will host a live Expert Session: "Thingworx Navigate 3D Viewer" on October 9th at 11:00 AM EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session and the registration link .   Expert Session: Thingworx Navigate 3D Viewer Date and Time: Friday, October 9th, 2020 11:00 am EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Robbie Morrison, Product Management Senior Manager   Description: Following the series of new capabilities released with Navigate 9.0, this session will focus in the details of Navigate 3D Viewer leverage this to your use cases   Register here   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’.   You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.   Here are some recorded sessions that might be of your interest. You can find recordings for the full library of webinars using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’ in PTC support portal search   Navigate 9.0 – What’s New? This session is the intro of a series that will cover new capabilities of the recent Navigate 9 release and the value that each can bring to your implementation. Then we will have further sessions covering the details of some of them   Recoding Link Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support     Recording Link Thingworx 9.0 Component Based App Development Following the series of new capabilities released with Navigate 9.0, this session will focus in the details of Navigate Component Based app development and how to leverage this to your use cases Recording Link
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Hi All   Our expert session: Thingworx Flow Overview is tomorrow!!! Click the link below to register and remember to talk about it to colleagues that might benefit from its content.   Expert Session: Thingworx Flow Overview Date and Time: December 10th, 8h00 EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Antony Moffa; Vinay Vaidya - Thingworx IoT Platfom Senior Directors Registration Here:    See you there!   Here are other upcoming sessions that might be of your interest: Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts This session will highlight the key points you should evaluate to properly plan your upgrade to Thingworx 9 Register Here Active Active Clustering This session will cover the main aspects of the High Availability Clustering feature launched with the ThingWorx 9.0 release Register Here
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Getting Started on the ThingWorx Platform Learning Path   Learn hands-on how ThingWorx simplifies the end-to-end process of implementing IoT solutions.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 210 minutes.   Get Started with ThingWorx for IoT   Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Data Model Introduction Configure Permissions Part 1 Part 2 Build a Predictive Analytics Model  Part 1 Part 2
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Datasets with ordinal or categorical goal cannot currently be used in ThingWorx Analytics Builder. However this is only a UI limitation, ThingWorx Analytics Server can handle those data. It does simply require to use the services from the AnalyticsServer-Training and AnalyticsServer-Prediction things to perform the operations.   This can be done using a mashup or via Rest API call (see ) . The below video expands on the mashup solution. Attached are also the entities used during the video and a sample dataset with ordinal goal.     Update for ThingWorx 9.0  The API has changed in 9.0, use the entities Entities-90-3Jun2020.xml for release 9.0  
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Hello!   We will host a live Expert Session: "Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting" on Sept 3rdh at 09:00 AM EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session as well as the link to register .   Expert Session: Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting Date and Time: Thursday, Sept 3rd, 2020 09:00 am EST Duration: 1 hour Description: How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we will cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support Registration: here   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’   You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.
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Recently a customer from the ThingWorx Academic Program sent in a sample program they were having problems with. They were trying to post data from a Raspberry PI using Python to their ThingWorx server. It turns out that their program did work just fine and was also a great example of posting data from a PI using REST. Here is how to set up this example. 1. Import the attached "Things_TempAndHumidityThing.xml" entity file. 2. from the PI run 'sudo pip install requests' 3. from the PI run 'sudo pip install logging' 4. from the PI run 'sudo pip install http_client' 5. Create a python file call that contains this example code: #!/usr/bin/python import requests import json import logging import sys # These two lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->http.client) # You will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA. # The only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged. try:     import http.client as http_client except ImportError:     # Python 2     import httplib as http_client http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 # You must initialize logging, otherwise you'll not see debug output. logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log.propagate = True #NYP Webserver URL in Thingworx NYP_Webhost = sys.argv[1] App_Key = sys.argv[2] ThingName = 'TempAndHumidityThing' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'appKey': App_Key } payload = { 'Prop_Temperature': 45, 'Prop_Humidity': 33 } response = requests.put(NYP_Webhost + '/Thingworx/Things/' + ThingName + '/Properties/*', headers=headers, json=payload, verify=False) 6. From the command line run, './ http://twhome:8080 e9274d87-58aa-4d60-b27f-e67962f3e5c4' except substitute your server and your app key. 7. A successful response should look like: INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): twhome send: 'PUT /Thingworx/Things/TempAndHumidityThing/Properties/* HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: twhome:8080\r\nappKey: e9274d87-58aa-4d60-b27f-e67962f3e5c4\r\nContent-Length: 45\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.8.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{"Prop_Temperature": 45, "Prop_Humidity": 33}' reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' header: Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 header: Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=E7436D2E6AE81C84EC197D406E7E365A; Path=/Thingworx/; HttpOnly header: Expires: 0 header: Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache header: Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0 header: Pragma: no-cache header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked header: Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2015 12:39:24 GMT DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"PUT /Thingworx/Things/TempAndHumidityThing/Properties/* HTTP/1.1" 200 None My thanks to the customer who sent in the simple example.
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Hello!   We will host a live Expert Session: "What's new in Navigate 9.0" on August 18h at 01:00 PM EST. Please find below the description of the expert session as well as the link to register.   Expert Session: What's new in Navigate 9.0 Date and Time: Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 01:00 pm EST Duration: 1 hour Registration link: Description: This session is the intro of a series that will cover new capabilities of the recent Navigate 9 release and the value that each can bring to your implementation. Then we will have further sessions covering the details of some of them   You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.
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The natively exposed ThingWorx Platform performance metrics can be extremely valuable to understanding overall platform performance and certain of the core subsystem operations, however as a development platform this doesn't give any visibility into what your built solution is or is not doing.   Here is an amazing little trick that you can use to embed custom performance metrics into your application so that they show up automatically in your Prometheus monitoring system. What you do with these metrics is up to your creativity (with some constraints of course). Imaging a request counter for specific services which may be incredibly important or costly to run, or an exception metric that is incremented each time you catch an exception, or a query result size metric that informs you of how much data is being queried from the database.   Refer to Resources > MetricsServices: GetCounterMetric GetGaugeMetric IncrementCounterMetric DecrementCounterMetric SetGaugeMetric You'll need to give your metric a name - identified by key - and this is meant to be dotted notation* which will then be converted to underscores when the metric is exposed on the OpenMetrics endpoint.  Use sections/domains in the dotted notation to structure your metrics in-line with your application design.   COUNTER type metrics are the most commonly used and relate to things happening through time.  They are an index which will get timestamped as they're collected by Prometheus so that you will be able to look back in time and analyse and investigate what happened when and what the scale or impact was.  After the fact functions and queries will need to be applied to make these metrics most useful (delta over time, increase, rate per second).   Common examples of counter type metrics are: requests, executions, bytes transferred, rows queried, seconds elapsed, execution time.     Resources["MetricServices"].IncrementCounterMetric({ basetype: "LONG", value: 1, key: "__PTC_Reported.integration.mes.requests", aggregate: false });     GAUGE type metrics are point-in-time status of some thing being measured.   Common gauge type metrics are: CPU load/utilization, memory utilization, free disk space, used disk space, busy/active threads.     Resources["MetricServices"].SetGaugeMetric({ basetype: "NUMBER", value: 12, key: "__PTC_Reported.Users.ConnectedOperatorCount", aggregate: true });     Be aware of the aggregate flag, as it will make this custom metric cluster level which can have some unintended consequences.  Normally you always want performance metrics for the specific node as you then see what work is happening where and can confirm that it is being properly distributed within the cluster.  There are some situations however where you might want the cluster aggregation however, like with this concurrently connected operators.   Happy Monitoring!  
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Disclaimer: Please note that, while the ThingWorx Git Backup Extension is a very useful tool, it is not a PTC product, nor is it supported by PTC.   Hi ThingWorx users,   Trying to manage your ThingWorx application artifacts in a CI process? Wondering who changed that line of code in your Thing Service? Trying to see what your Mashup looked like last release? Time to Git excited! Introducing the Git Backup Extension, an open-source tool available here to offer a stronger integration with the Git source repository. This Git feature can push or pull code and artifacts (like entities, data exports or extension dependencies) to your Git repository.   Here are some highlights of how this works within ThingWorx:   First, configure your Git repo to work with ThingWorx by creating a Git Backup Thing. Then, simply open your new Thing, navigate to the Configuration editor and enter information like your Git URL, your Git username and password, your repo and branch names, etc. See example below. Configuring your Git repoWith this configuration in place, you can now use the Home Mashup of this new Git thing to browse the repository and pull down contents to your local ThingWorx instance. For new projects, you can also push new entities to the repo as you work on your application.   As you and your team are working, you’ll want to see the differences of the files you are editing and working on collaboratively. The Git extension feature makes this easy. Just like you can see diffs clearly delineated for a file with your Git client, you can see the same with this Git integration in ThingWorx. Similar to the git status command, the Git ThingWorx extension will show you the list of files you have changed that are available to push, as well as their diffs. See an example below. Checking the Git status While working, if you want to switch branches or pull down a new project, you can check out a specific version and see all commits available on that branch (see below). Checking out a specific commit Want to learn more or try it for yourself? Find the open-source Git Backup Extension here and check out the Git Backup Extension User Guide for guidance.   Stay connected, Kaya   P.S. What do you think? Comment your thoughts below!
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  Hi everyone,   In case you’re looking for more reasons to appreciate the power of Azure, today we’re answering 10 frequently asked questions around how and why to use Azure SQL with ThingWorx.   You likely already know that we support multiple persistence providers, like Azure SQL, InfluxDB, H2, MSSQL and PostgreSQL, for you to store and persist your ThingWorx data. Here’s an up-close-and-personal look into why we recommend Azure SQL.   1. What is Azure SQL?         Azure SQL is a relational database hosted in the Azure cloud and is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) Database Engine. Azure SQL Database engine is based on the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server. The Azure platform fully manages every Azure SQL Database with a high percentage of data availability and guarantees no data loss. Azure SQL Database comes with built-in high availability, disaster recovery, and upgrade for the database. Refer to Microsoft's Azure SQL Database - Platform as a Service documentation for more information on Azure SQL Database and its features.   2. What are the top 3 reasons to use Azure SQL with ThingWorx?   Ease of Use and Management: Azure SQL greatly reduces the need to manage database resources for ThingWorx. It helps to reduce your total cost of ownership for managing database resources for ThingWorx by managing virtual machines, operating system, database software, upgrades, high availability, and backups for you, so you can focus on building your IoT solution. It provides unmatched scale and high availability for compute and storage without sacrificing performance. With Azure SQL, you can scale your application on demand with up to 99.95% availability.   Hybrid Deployments: ThingWorx supports multiple persistence providers to store IoT data for different use cases. Please refer to the ThingWorx Model and Data Best Practices Guide to learn more. If you’re already using Microsoft SQL Server with ThingWorx on premise, then you can use Azure SQL for your cloud deployments of ThingWorx-based IIoT solutions in hybrid scenarios. This allows you to reduce development time—develop once and deploy anywhere through a common programming surface area across Azure SQL (on cloud) and SQL Server (on premise). You can leverage ThingWorx federation to run ThingWorx in different deployment topologies.   If needed, you can also accelerate your on-premise SQL Server migrations without changing the application code by leveraging Managed Instance. Use the Azure Hybrid Benefit Savings Calculator to calculate your TCO. Enjoy additional deployment flexibility with Single Database for SQL applications created in the cloud or Elastic Pool for multi-tenant applications.   Security and Compliance: Azure SQL Database meets the most stringent compliance standards with built-in auditing and information protection technology. With its availability in different regions, its best suited for Government cloud and sovereign cloud. Please see this link to check for the latest update on Azure product availability by region. You can also get multi-layered security provided by Microsoft across physical datacenters, infrastructure, and operations and will always have the latest SQL Server capabilities in the cloud, with no patching or upgrading. It also offers protection to your databases from malicious acts with fine-grained access controls, Always Encrypted technology, and advanced threat protection capabilities.   3. How do I configure ThingWorx for Azure SQL? From ThingWorx Foundation platform version 8.4 release onwards, ThingWorx provides you an option to choose Azure SQL as a persistence provider to store your value stream, stream, and data table data. This Help Center provides all the details and steps to help you set up Azure SQL with ThingWorx.    You can run ThingWorx with Azure SQL either by downloading the ThingWorx Azure SQL .WAR file or by running it as containerized ThingWorx Docker images by downloading ThingWorx Dockerfiles. For reference, see the below image to help you download ThingWorx 8.4 artifacts.   Here’s a video demonstrating how to install ThingWorx. (view in My Videos)   Here’s a second video that walks you through configuring ThingWorx with Azure SQL. (view in My Videos)   4. Which versions of Azure SQL does ThingWorx support? Consult the latest system requirements guide here to learn which versions of Azure SQL ThingWorx supports.   5. What database deployment options do I have? In Azure, you can have your SQL Server workloads running in a hosted infrastructure (IaaS) or running as a hosted service (PaaS). Within PaaS, you have multiple deployment options and service tiers within each deployment option, such as Single Database, Elastic Pool sets, and managed Instance. ThingWorx supports all the deployment options to setup Azure SQL as a persistence provider. You can refer to this link on Azure SQL Database versus SQL Server to help you choose an option that works best for your business needs.   6. Why would I want to use an PaaS database? Service tools and built-in features enable a more streamlined and automated means of controlling and operating your database. The need for constant manual control and tweaking of information, recovery tools, compliance and updates is now configured and built into Azure SQL for a more hands-off approach to your storage database. Here is a table to inform you on how Azure SQL PaaS helps.   7. Which features are new to Azure SQL 2019? Azure SQL now offers Always Encrypted data transfer through TLS and auto-failover for managed instance deployment to enable transparent and coordinated failover of multiple databases. Azure SQL also offers a data migration assistant, which detects compatibility issues that can impact functionality when upgrading your database. For more information on features and functionality, see Microsoft SQL documentation or Azure SQL’s latest release notes.   8. Is there any guidance available to help me migrate to Azure SQL? Yes! Microsoft’s Database Migration Service enables seamless migration to Managed Instance with downtime measured in minutes. The process is highly automated and risk-free while streamlining the transition of SQL Server and on-Microsoft database systems such as Oracle to Azure SQL Database. You can learn more about upgrading to Azure SQL here.   9. What purchasing models are available to me?   vCore based (recommended) - For customers that prioritize flexibility and control, this model offers scaling of compute, storage, and I/O resources independently to optimize price based on need. The customer chooses the hardware and service tier based on high-availability design, storage type, fault-isolation methods, and I/O ranges.   DTU based - Three distinct available tiers are differentiated based directly upon compute, memory, and I/O resources. This model bundles the measures together for customers who want pre-configured or simplified resource options. You can refer to more pricing and purchase options here.   10. What should I do if I need technical support? If you select Azure SQL as your persistence provider, then all support requests related to configuring Azure SQL can be logged through PTC Technical Support at or by calling 1-800-477-6435.   You may also want to use the PTC Community to learn and collaborate with the growing PTC developer community. For all other requests related to database management, troubleshooting, monitoring, and administration, we encourage you to reach out to Microsoft directly.   Let me know what you think in the comments below.   Stay connected, Kaya
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Large files could cause slow response times. In some cases large queries might cause extensively large response files, e.g. calling a ThingWorx service that returns an extensively large result set as JSON file.   Those massive files have to be transferred over the network and require additional bandwidth - for each and every call. The more bandwidth is used, the more time is taken on the network, the more the impact on performance could be. Imagine transferring tens or hundreds of MB for service calls for each and every call - over and over again.   To reduce the bandwidth compression can be activated. Instead of transferring MBs per service call, the server only has to transfer a couple of KB per call (best case scenario). This needs to be configured on Tomcat level. There is some information availabe in the offical Tomcat documation at Search for the "compression" attribute.   Gzip compression   Usually Tomcat is compressing content in gzip. To verify if a certain response is in fact compressed or not, the Development Tools or Fiddler can be used. The Response Headers usually mention the compression type if the content is compressed:     Left: no compression Right: compression on Tomcat level   Not so straight forward - network vs. compression time trade-off   There's however a pitfall with compression on Tomcat side. Each response will add additional strain on time and resources (like CPU) to compress on the server and decompress the content on the client. Especially for small files this might be an unnecessary overhead as the time and resources to compress might take longer than just transferring a couple of uncompressed KB.   In the end it's a trade-off between network speed and the speed of compressing, decompressing response files on server and client. With the compressionMinSize attribute a compromise size can be set to find the best balance between compression and bandwith.   This trade-off can be clearly seen (for small content) here:     While the Size of the content shrinks, the Time increases. For larger content files however the Time will slightly increase as well due to the compression overhead, whereas the Size can be potentially dropped by a massive factor - especially for text based files.   Above test has been performed on a local virtual machine which basically neglegts most of the network related traffic problems resulting in performance issues - therefore the overhead in Time are a couple of milliseconds for the compression / decompression.   The default for the compressionMinSize is 2048 byte.   High potential performance improvement   Looking at the Combined.js the content size can be reduced significantly from 4.3 MB to only 886 KB. For my simple Mashup showing a chart with Temperature and Humidity this also decreases total load time from 32 to 2 seconds - also decreasing the content size from 6.1 MB to 1.2 MB!     This decreases load time and size by a factor of 16x and 5x - the total time until finished rendering the page has been decreased by a factor of almost 22x! (for this particular use case)   Configuration   To configure compression, open Tomcat's server.xml   In the <Connector> definitions add the following:   compression="on" compressibleMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json"     This will use the default compressionMinSize of 2048 bytes. In addition to the default Mime Types I've also added application/json to compress ThingWorx service call results.   This needs to be configured for all Connectors that users should access - e.g. for HTTP and HTTPS connectors. For testing purposes I have a HTTPS connector with compression while HTTP is running without it.   Conclusion   If possible, enable compression to speed up content download for the client.   However there are some scenarios where compression is actually not a good idea - e.g. when using a WAN Accelerator or other network components that usually bring their own content compression. This not only adds unnecessary overhead but is compressing twice which might lead to errors on client side when decompressing the content.   Especially dealing with large responses can help decreasing impact on performance. As compressing and decompressing adds some overhead, the min size limit can be experimented with to find the optimal compromise between a network and compression time trade-off.
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Greetings, Community Members! PTC has launched ThingWorx 9.6.0 as of June, and it's now ready for your upgrade! Let's explore the key enhancements in this latest version of ThingWorx.   What are the top three areas of updates in ThingWorx 9.6?   Performance, Scalability, Reliability, and Security: There's a significant boost in file transfer performance between connected devices and the ThingWorx platform. A notable enhancement in server startup performance, with some instances showing an 84% reduction in startup time. Numerous logging improvements, including limitations on log verbosity, log filtration, and configurable log storage capabilities, contribute to the stabilization of the ThingWorx system. Additionally, ThingWorx now supports log extraction to third-party software like Sumologic, Datadog, Splunk, Grafana, etc., utilizing the industry-standard OpenTelemetry framework starting from TWX 9.6. Content Security Policy has been implemented, fortifying ThingWorx against script and data injection attacks, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, and clickjacking. Several tech stack updates in 9.6; support now available for Azure B2C and TLS 1.3 (limited)   Developer Productivity: Introducing a new Collection widget with improved performance, enabling a transition away from the legacy Collection and Repeater widgets. Several other new widgets such as KPI dial widget, Tree selector widget, Progress Tracker widget and other critical enhancements for ThingWorx WebComponents are now available Support for viewing mashup configurations such as layouts, bindings, and widget properties in a read-only mode, helping improve user experience by allowing multiple users to review mashup designs simultaneously without making edits.   Solutions updates: Streamlined continuous improvement with the ability to View and Create Actions in One-Click from performance analysis screens for the Digital Performance Management (DPM) solution. Enhanced performance for the Asset Monitoring & Utilization (AMU) solution, with alarm events creation now handled asynchronously. Several fixes and improvements for Connected Work Cell (CWC), Real-Time Production Performance Monitoring (RTPPM), and DPM such as limits evaluation, messages not displayed, incorrectly calculated KPIs and issues with Running Time on the operator display and more, helping customers achieve continuous improvements in their manufacturing operations   View release notes here and be sure to upgrade to 9.6!   Dilanur Bayraktar ThingWorx Product Management
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ThingWorx Performance Monitoring with Grafana authored by EDC team member Desheng Xu ( @xudesheng )   Monitoring ThingWorx performance is crucially important, both during the load testing of a newly completed application, and after the deployment of new code in an existing application. Monitoring performance ensures that everything works as expected at the Enterprise level.  This tutorial steps you through configuring and installing a tool  which runs on the same network as the ThingWorx instance. This tool collects data from the Platform and translates it into something visual and easy to understand via Grafana.    tsample is  small and customizable, and it plays a similar role to telegraf. Its focus is on gathering ThingWorx performance metrics. Historically, this tool also supported collecting OS level performance metrics, but this is no longer supported. It is highly recommended to collect OS level performance metrics by using telegraf, a tool designed specifically for that purpose (and not discussed here). This is not the only way to go about monitoring ThingWorx performance, but this tool uses a very good approach that has been proven effective both at customer sites and internally by PTC to monitor scale tests.   Find the most recent release here.   Recommended Deployment Architecture tsample can be deployed in the same box where ThingWorx Tomcat is running, but it's recommended to deploy it on a separated box to minimize any performance impact caused by the collector. tsample supports export to InfluxDB and/or local file. In this document, it is assumed that InfluxDB will be used for monitoring purpose. Please note that this is not the same instance of InfluxDB being used by ThingWorx (if configured). This article will not cover setting up InfluxDB or NGINX (if necessary), so please configure these before beginning this tutorial.   Supported Platform tsample has been tested on Windows 2016, MacOS 10.15, Ubuntu 16.04, and Redhat 7.x.  It's anticipated to work on a more general Ubuntu/Redhat/Mac/Windows release as well. Please leave a comment or contact the author, @xudesheng , if Raspberry Pi support is needed.    Configuration File Where to Store the Configuration File tsample will pick up the configuration file in the following sequence: from the command line...   ./tsample -c <path to configuration file>​     from the environment... Linux:   export TSAMPLE_CONFIG=<path to configuration file> ./tsample​   Windows:   set TSAMPLE_CONFIG=<path to configuration file> tsample.exe   from a default location... tsample will try to find a file with the name "config.toml " from the same folder in which it starts.   How to Craft a Configuration File You can use following command to generate a sample file:     ./tsample -c config.toml -e     or:     ./tsample -c config.toml --export       A file with the name "config.toml " will be generated with a sample configuration. You can then adjust its content in accordance with the following.   Configuration File Content Format Configuration file must be in toml format. title and owner sections Both sections are optional. The intention of these two sections is to support doc tool in future. TestMachine section This is section is required, and it defines where this tool will run.   thingworx_servers section This section is where you define targeted ThingWorx applications. Multiple ThingWorx servers can be defined with the same or different metrics to be collected.   thingworx_servers.metrics sections Underneath each thingworx_servers section, there are several metrics. In default example, following metrics have been included: ValueStreamProcessingSubsystem DataTableProcessingSubsystem EventProcessingSubsystem PlatformSubsystem StreamProcessingSubsystem WSCommunicationsSubsystem WSExecutionProcessingSubsystem TunnelSubsystem AlertProcessingSubsystem FederationSubsystem You can add your own customized metrics, as long as the result follows the same Data Shape. The default Data Shape has 3 columns: If the output Data Shape exceeds this limit, the tool will likely not work properly.   result_export_to_db section This section defines the target InfluxDB as a sink of collected performance metrics.   result_export_to_file section This section defines the target file storage for collected performance metrics.   Grafana Configuration Example Monitor Value Stream Step 1. Connect Grafana to InfluxDB   Step 2: Create a New Dashboard   Step 3. Create a New Query Depending on which metrics you defined to collect in the tsample configuration file, you will see a different choice of measurement in Grafana. Here, we will use ValueStreamProcessingSubsystem as an example.   Step 4. Choose the Right Platform and Storage Provider Some metrics depend on the database storage provider, like Value Stream and Stream.   Step 5. Choose the Metrics Figures   Select "remove" to get rid of the default 'mean' calculation. Select "non_negative_difference" from Transformations. Using this transformation, Grafana can show us the speed of writes.     Then, remove the default GROUP BY "time" clause. Assign a meaningful alias of this query.   Step 6. Add Another Query You can add another query as 'Value Stream Queued Speed' by following the same steps.   Step 7. Assign a Panel Title   Step 8. Review the Result Let's go back to the dashboard page and select "last 15 minutes" or "last 5 minutes" from the top right corner. It should show a result similar to the chart below.   Step 9. Save the Dashboard Don't forget to save your dashboard before we add more panels.   Step 10. Refine the Panel It's difficult to figure out the high-level write speed from the above panel, so let's enhance it. Add a new query with the following configuration: In the above query, there are two additional figures: 20s and 1m... How do you choose? 20s should be the same as sampling_cycle_inseconds in your tsample configuration file. If you choose a different value, then you could end up with misleading results. Larger values such as "1m" may give you a smoother result, but they could also hide system instability. Going larger than 1m is not recommended in most cases. With this new query, it's much easier to figure out what the average write speed in current testing is.   Tips: if your sampling_Cycle_inseconds is 30s, then you may not need this additional query. The following image is a sample at the 30s interval time. You would not need an additional average query to get a smooth write speed.   The next example is a sample at the 10s interval time. Without additional queries, you may not be able to get a meaningful understanding of the write speed. From the above three examples, it's recommended to configure the sampling interval time at 30s, or anything larger than 20s. You can then choose whether you need additional queries based on the visualization result.   Step 11. Further Refinement The above charts illustrate the queuing and writing speed. However, it is possible that the Value Stream may perform at a reasonable speed, but the Value Stream queue may be growing and could exceed its capacity. Let's add another query to monitor this: However, it is difficult to read this chart, since it has a different value range on the y-axis: Let's move this query to a second y-axis on the right: This will make the view much easier to see: The current queue size or remaining queue size will always move up and down; it is healthy as long as it does not continue to grow to a high level.   What Else Can Be Monitored? The following metrics would be monitored by most customers: Value Stream write and queue speed Value Stream queue size Stream write and queue speed Stream queue size Event performed speed (completedTaskCount) Event submitted speed (submittedTaskCount) Event queue size Websocket communication Websocket connection   ThingWorx Memory Usage Monitoring Create a new panel and add a new query: In a running system, memory usage will always move up and down - at times sharply or quickly - when the system is busy. The system is healthy as long as memory doesn't go up continuously or stay at a maximum for a long period of time.   Conclusion Setting up monitoring is absolutely crucial to managing the performance of an enterprise ThingWorx application. Using Grafana makes tracking and visualizing the performance much easier. Stay tuned to the EDC tag for more monitoring tips to come!
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Remote Monitoring of Assets Benchmark   As @ttielebein introduced previously, one of the missions of the IOT Enterprise Deployment Center (EDC) is to publish benchmarks that showcase the ThingWorx Platform deployed to solve real-world IOT business problems.    Our goal is that these benchmarks can be used as a reference or baseline for architects working on their own implementations... showing not only a successful at-scale implementation, but also what happens when that same implementation is pushed to ...or even past... it's limits.   Please find the first installment attached - a reference benchmark demonstrating ThingWorx deployed to monitor 15,000 assets with a high-volume of data properties per asset.  Over 250 hours of simulations were conducted as part of producing this benchmark.   The IOT EDC team will be monitoring this post (as well as our other posts in the IOT Tech Tips forum) to answer any questions we can about the approaches taken in designing, deploying and simulating this implementation.    As the team will publish more benchmarks like this will be published in the future, we also greatly value any feedback you have that can help us to improve the content for future documents.
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Since it's somewhat unclear on how to set up the reset password feature through the login form, these steps might be a little more helpful. Assuming the mail extension has already been imported into the Thingworx platform and properly configured - say, PassReset - (test with SendMessage service to verify), let's go ahead and create a new user - Blank, and a new organization that will have that user assigned as a member - Test. Let's open the configuration tab for the organization, assign the PassReset mail thing as the mail server, assign login image, style, prompt (optional), check the Allow Password Reset, then the rest looks like this: Onto the Email content part, it is not possible to save the organization as is at the moment: Clicking on the question mark for the Email content will provide the following requirements: Now this is when it might not be too clear. The tokens [[:user:]], [[:organization:]], [[:url:]] can be used in the email body and at the runtime will be replaced with the actual Usernames, organization, and the reset password url. Out of those fiels, only [[:url:]] token is required. So, it is sufficient to place only [[:url:]] in the body and save the organization: Then, when going to the FormLogin, at <your thingworx host:port>/Thingworx/FormLogin/<organization name>, a password reset button is available: Filling out the User information in the reset field, the email gets sent to the user address specified and the proper message appears: Since in this example only the [[:url:]]  token has been used in the email content, the email received will look like this: To troubleshoot any errors that might be seen in the process of retrieving the password reset link, it's helpful to check your browser developer tools and Thingworx application log for details.
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Javascript, everyone knows it, at least a little bit. What if I told you that you could do serious data acquisition with just a little bit of Javascript and you may already have the tools to do it, right now on your "Off the Shelf" device. Node.js is a command line implementation of Javascript that can be run on common, credit card sized devices like the Raspberry PI or the Intel Edison. I suspect that if you already know about Node.js, you may have encountered its non-blocking asynchronous, "Call back", style of programming which can be a little different that most other languages which block or wait for commands to complete. While this can be a benefit for increasing performance, it can also be a barrier to entry for new users. This is the problem that Node Red really solves. Node Red is a web based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that turns the "Call Back" style Javascript programming of Node.js into a series of interconnected Nodes, each Node of which represents a Javascript function which is connected by a callback to another node/function. A simple hello world program in Node Red would look something like this ( with annotations in red) : You can re-create this program using the Node Red IDE yourself. Here is a brief video (with no sound) which should familiarize you with how to create your own hello world flow. Video Link : 1333 How can you install Node Red on your own system to try it out? The good news is, if you have a Raspberry PI 2 with a NOOBS installed on it, Node.js and Node Red come pre-installed. If you do not already have it installed, or want to install it on your own system it is still pretty simple. Here are the steps: 1. Download and install Node.js ( 2. Run the command:  sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red     Omit the sudo on windows (see  for more info) 3. You now have Node Red. To run it, just type: node-red  on your command line. 4. Using your web browser goto http://localhost:1880 and the Node Red IDE will appear in your browser. How about a real hardware integration example? Node Red comes with many built in Nodes and many more nodes you can add to connect to specific peripherals you may have on your device. Rather than provide a complete tutorial on Node Red, I will focus on discussing using this IDE to re-create a hardware integration that I created in the past using the Java SDK, The Raspberry PI, AM2302 Weather Station (see Weather Applications with Raspberry Pi | ThingWorx)​. This example contains detailed specifics on the attachment of the AM2302 Temperature/Humidity sensor to your Raspberry PI. I am going to assume you have the hardware already attached to your Raspberry PI as described in this tutorial ( ). I am also assuming that you have installed the python based sample program described in this tutorial as well and you now have a python script called "" installed on your PI that produces the following output when it is run. pi@raspberrypi:~/projects/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples $ sudo ./ 2302 4 Temp=22.3*  Humidity=30.6% pi@raspberrypi:~/projects/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples $ If you don't have any of this hardware installed, you can still proceed with this example and just create your own temperature and humidity values manually. We are going to connect the output of this python script directly to ThingWorx and sample its output value every 5 seconds. I will start assuming you do not have the Am2302 hardware and create simulated values. I will then replace them with the actual output of the python script as a final step. Polling versus Interrupt Driven Data Collection In the Java SDK version of this example, we are polling for changes in data. Every so many seconds our device will wake up and take a reading. How do we recreate the same effect in Node Red without having to push an inject button every 5 seconds. No. We need an input node that activates on its own every 5 seconds. The Inject Node will do this. Drag out an inject node and configure it as shown below. This is an input node so it will be starting a new flow. It will fire off every 5 seconds from the minute this sheet is deployed. Simulate Data Collection Lets generate a random humidity and temperature value before getting the actual data. For this node we will use a Function node. Drag one out and configure it as shown below. Here is the Javascript for this node so you can cut and paste it into this dialog. var tempF = Math.random() * 40 + 60; var tempC = (tempF-32)/1.8; var humidity = Math.random() * 80 + 20; msg.payload = {     "tempF":tempF,     "tempC":tempC,     "humidity":humidity     }; return msg;                                    Remember that the returned message is the message that the next node will receive. The payload property is the standard or default property of a message that most nodes use to pass data between each other. Here, our payload is an object with all of our simulated data in it. Lets Test it Out Connect the two nodes together and add a debug output node and deploy your sheet. The completed flow will look like this. As soon as you deploy you should see the following output in your debug tab and every five seconds another data sample will be generated. So how does this data get to ThingWorx? What we need to do is take this data and deliver it to ThingWorx in the form of a REST web service call. This is easier to do than it sounds. First off, lets create a Thing on your ThingWorx server that looks like this. Now give it these properties. Next, create an Application Key in the application keys section of the composer. Assign it to the "Administrator" user. Your keyId will of course be different. This key will be the credential you need to post your data. Installing the ThingRest Node Red Node To simplify the process of posting the data to ThingWorx, I have created my own custom node to post data. To install a custom node into your Node Red installation you have to find the directory Node Red is using to store your sheets in. By default this is a directory called ".node-red" in your home directory. On a Raspberry PI this directory would be /home/pi/.node-red. If you are running Node Red now, quit it by hitting control-c and cd into the .node-red directory. Below is the sequence of commands you would issue on your PI to install the ThingRest node. cd ~/.node-red npm install git+ node-red                     The node package manager (npm) will install this new node automatically into your .node-red directory. Now re-run node-red and go back to your browser and refresh your Node Red IDE. You should now have a "REST Thing" node. Adding a REST Thing node to your flow Drag a REST Thing output node into your flow and configure it as shown below. Remember, your Application Key will be different than the one shown here. Also, your ThingWorx server URL may be different if your server is not on the same machine you are working on. Now connect it as shown below. When you deploy this sheet, you will be posting data to ThingWorx. Go back to your WeatherStation1 Thing in ThingWorx and use the Refresh button shown below to see your data changing. Wait, that is? Thats the whole data collection program? Yes. The flow above is the equivalent of the Java SDK code from the Java weather station example. Now for Some Real Data As promised, we will now replace the simulated data in the Generate Data node with real data obtained from the "~/projects/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 2302 4" python command on your Raspberry PI using an Exec node. The exec node can be found at the very bottom of your node palette. It executes a command and returns the results as msg.payload to the next node in the flow. You may have noticed it has three outputs instead of one. In order these outputs are your Standard output, Standard Error and the integer return code of the process. Use the first output node to get the results of this command. Now Connect this in place of the Generate Data Node as shown below. At this point, we can't connect the collected data to the WeatherStation1 Thing because it is in the wrong format. It is console output and we need it in the form of a Javascript object. We are going to need a function to parse the console output into a Javascript object. Add the function node shown below. Here is the Javascript for cut and paste convenience. var temphumidArray=msg.payload.split(" "); var tempC = parseFloat(temphumidArray[0].replace("*","").split('=')[1]); var tempF = tempC *1.8 + 32; var humidity = parseFloat(temphumidArray[2].replace("%","").replace("\n","").split('=')[1]); msg.payload = {     "humidity":humidity,     "tempF":tempF,     "tempC":tempC   }; return msg;   Now msg.payload contains a javascript object identical to the one we were generating at random but now it is using real data. Connect up your nodes so they appear as shown below but when you deploy, don't expect it to work yet because there is still one problem you will have to get around. This python script expects to be run as the root user. How to run Node Red as Root You can start Node Red as root with the following command sudo node-red -u /home/pi/.node-red   Note that the -u argument is required to make sure you keep using the pi user's .node-red directory. If you loose your REST Thing node, you are not using the pi user's .node-red directory, but root's instead. If you see any error messages in your debug window, try re-attaching the the debug node to the Collect Data node and see what is being produced by the exec node. Don't forget to verify that your tempC,tempF and humidity properties are updating in ThingWorx. Lets Add a GPS Location You may have noticed that there is a stationLocation property on the WeatherStation1 Thing. Lets set that to a fixed location to complete this example of 40.0568764,-75.6720953,18. Below is the modified Javascript to update in the Parse Data node to add this location. var temphumidArray=msg.payload.split(" "); var tempC = parseFloat(temphumidArray[0].replace("*","").split('=')[1]); var tempF = tempC *1.8 + 32; var humidity = parseFloat(temphumidArray[2].replace("%","").replace("\n","").split('=')[1]); msg.payload = {     "humidity":humidity,     "tempF":tempF,     "tempC":tempC,     "stationLocation":"40.0568764,-75.6720953,18" }; return msg; What's Next? Node Red has many more nodes that you can add to your project through the use of the npm command. There is a GPIO node library you can install at which will give you input and output nodes for the GPIO pins on your PI as well, This library also supports accessing Arduino's attached to the PI over a USB cable which expand the possibilities for data collection and peripheral control.Hopefully this article has exposed you to the many other possibilities for connecting devices to your ThingWorx Server. The Rest Thing node is using the HTTP REST protocol to talk to ThingWorx. In the near future, with the Introduction of the ThingWorx Javascript SDK, a Node Red library can be created that uses ThingWorx AlwaysOn WebSockets protocol to communicate with your ThingWorx server which will offer even more capabilities and better performance.
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In the evolving landscape of software development, ensuring support for the latest, most secure versions of programming languages is essential. At PTC, we continuously evaluate our technology stack, and Java is no exception. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing secure and high-performing products, we’re announcing some important updates to the Java support plans for ThingWorx.   Current Java Support in ThingWorx (Through Version v9.1.X - v9.6.X)   As of ThingWorx v9.6, Java 11 is the only supported version. This version has been a mainstay of our IoT platform, ensuring stability and performance across various use cases. However, Java 11 entered Extended Support in September 2023, meaning its standard support phase has ended. While this version will continue to receive security updates for a while, its lifecycle is winding down.   Introducing Java 21 Support in ThingWorx v9.7 (Planned Release: December 2024)   With ThingWorx 9.7, releasing in December 2024, we will introduce support for Java 21, the next Long-Term Support (LTS) version of Java. This upgrade brings key benefits, including improved performance, enhanced garbage collection, and increased security, ensuring that ThingWorx remains optimized for enterprise-scale IoT deployments. (More details: The Arrival Of JAVA 21) Given the diversity of our customer base, we know that some are still using Java 11, while others are ready to move to Java 21. ThingWorx 9.7 will support both versions, allowing customers the flexibility to upgrade to the latest ThingWorx version while preparing their environments for Java 21.   The Road to Java 21-Only: What to Expect in ThingWorx v10.0 (Planned Release: June 2025)   As we assess the adoption of Java 21 following the ThingWorx 9.7 release, our goal is to phase out support for Java 11 with ThingWorx 10.0, scheduled for release in June 2025. Starting with ThingWorx 10, Java 21 will be the only supported version, marking the end of Java 11 support for the core platform.   This is driven by the need to stay aligned with modern standards and best practices, including support for third-party technologies such as Tomcat v10 and Spring Framework v6, which require latest Java versions. These updates will ensure that ThingWorx continues to benefit from the latest advancements in the Java ecosystem. Next steps for ThingWorx users   As we approach the release of ThingWorx 9.7, we encourage customers to begin planning for the move to Java 21. While ThingWorx 9.7 will support both Java 11 and Java 21, we recommend upgrading to Java 21 to take full advantage of the enhancements it offers. For more detailed information on overall third party support, do check Release Advisor Vineet Khokhar Principal Product Manager, IoT Security   Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the release of ThingWorx v9.7, and as always, in case of issues, feel free to reach out to <>  This post on ThingWorxTM status & roadmap is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with ThingWorx. This post contains intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the ThingWorxTM product. The information is furnished for information use only and is not intended to be binding upon ThingWorx to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. Please note that this document is subject to change and may be changed by ThingWorx at any time without notice; accordingly, you should not rely on this data for production or purchasing decisions. ThingWorx assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document.
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Here is a spreadsheet that I created which helps to estimate data transfer volumes for the purpose of estimating egress costs when transferring data out of region.   You find that there are a number of input parameters like numbers of assets, properties, file sizes, compression ratio, as well as a page with the cost elements which can be updated from the Interweb.    
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