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New Scenario Using Multi-Kepware for Asset Monitoring in Connected Factories   A new scenario has been completed for Connected Factory implementations, furthering the IOT EDC's goal of providing a reference library of ThingWorx performance. This scenario builds upon the first, with additional tests being performed to demonstrate the capabilities of multiple Kepware Servers running side-by-side. Horizontal scaling is very common for multi-line factory implementations, so be sure to check out the new scenario in this ever-expanding benchmark document.   Note that tests below 10,000 writes per second were not repeated with multiple Kepware Servers, since there is little reason to desire such a configuration in implementations that small. ThingWorx deployment sizing was also held constant throughout these tests to demonstrate the limits of a given configuration. Changes that may improve the results of a failed test (such as adding CPUs or Memory) will be mentioned but not validated as part of this benchmark.   Let us know about your applications and how they compare with the data shared here. Happy developing!
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Generating and Reviewing JMeter Results Overview The 4th in a series of articles on load testing with JMeter, this one covers pushing the limits of a test to see how much the application can handle, as well as generating and analyzing reports once the testing completes. This article rounds off the basics of JMeter, such that anyone should be able to perform enterprise-level load testing after reviewing the content here.    Multiple criteria can be used to evaluate results, including: response time (as monitored both by JMeter, and by some other tool on the system side) throughput number of errors resource saturation CPU, Memory, disk, and network utilization Depending on use case, some of these may be considered more important than others. For instance, some customers don't care if users wait a while for results to appear on the page (response time), because they set their users' expectations and mitigate the experience with well-designed loading graphics. With response times secondary, the real issues center around data loss or system outages, with resource utilization and number of errors becoming the more important indicators of system health. Request and database timeout errors are more important indicators, as they occur most often when resources are saturated and there is data loss.   It is typical for many customers to find preventing data loss and/or promoting data integrity to be more important than preventing long response times. Consider which of these factors is most important to your use case as you determine what kind of information to gather and review in your reports.   How to Create Client-Side Reports in JMeter Creating reports for the client-side data is very simple using JMeter, both from the command line and within the UI (as shown in the tutorial below). These reports have graphical displays of response times, information about the number and type of response errors, and other criteria of performance used to gauge the success or failure of a load test. Follow these steps to generate an index file, which when opened in your browser of choice, will show all of the relevant JMeter data. Tutorial: Create an empty directory in which to store reports: Start the JMeter test with these options, or run these commands after the fact, to generate the HTML report: Once the test completes, use: jmeter -g <outputfile.jtl/csv> -o <path to output folder for html report>​ To start a test with the correct command for report generation, use this command: jmeter -n -t <test JMX file> -l <outputfile.jtl/csv> -e -o <Path to output folder>​ Running the above commands will generate these files: When the test is complete, the many JMeter client consoles will look like this: Go ahead and close the windows to terminate once they are finished. Optionally you can run multiple tests sequentially using the same jmeter-server windows. Click on the “index.html” file to open the results viewing window:     At any time, modify the settings of this “HTML dashboard” using the details from the JMeter user manual. This citation describes many options for these dashboards, as well as recommendations on how to group and format the results in ways which best convey the success or failure of the test, based on the custom requirements of the application and how granular the view needs to be. Most of the time, the default settings work ok, showing something similar to this: The charts aren’t labeled very well here, so click on the Response Times submenu: This page may take some time to render if there is a lot of data: Next, scroll down to see all the requests that occurred and sort them by how long they took to complete. Anything which took over 5 seconds (or more depending on what is expected) should be investigated as part of the post-test analysis. Does something need to be tuned or optimized? This is how to tell which request is holding things up for your customers.  There is also a chart that shows the overview, grouping the response times by how long they took to demonstrate the health of the system more concretely. Typically, the bars look something like this:  This represents expected behavior, where most of the requests are quite fast, and then there are a few that had errors or took a bit longer. This is pretty typical for web activity. You can also generate the report through the main JMeter client: Give it a results file and an output directory to generate the same index file: There are log files in each of the JMeter client directories called “jmeter-server.log”: These files may show the wrong timezone, but the elapsed times are correct, and they will show when the JMeter clients started, how many threads they ran, which servers were which, and if there were any errors. Not all errors will mean a failed test, so review anything that appears and determine what is expected. Consider designing a batch script to gather all of these logs together, or even analyze them automatically to extract only relevant information.     How to Create Server-Side Results in DynaTrace Collecting data from the environment, including CPU usage, Memory utilization (used vs. total), Garbage Collection times and other metrics of system health on the server, will require the use of an external tool. PTC’s official tool for this is called DynaTrace (PTC System Monitor), shown here. PTC offers a runtime license for DynaTrace to anyone who buys certain products, including Kepware Server, ThingWorx Foundation and Navigate, Windchill, Integrity, and more. Read more information about DevOps on the PTC Community, and stay tuned for more articles on the subject to come from the EDC.   Another option would be something like telegraf and Grafana (from the previous blog post), which facilitate the option to create dashboards around the data output specific to the needs of the application, which can still be monitored even once the application goes live. It can certainly be worth it to use such a tool for monitoring the server-side, but the set-up takes more time. Likewise, many VMs have monitoring faculties for CPU usage and memory utilization built-in, but DynaTrace also has visualization, consolidation of system elements, and other features that make it easy to use right out of the box. See the screenshots below for some examples on how to use DynaTrace, and be sure to review PTC’s full documentation here.   The example shown here is a ThingWorx Navigate system, with Windchill and ThingWorx Foundation set up side-by-side. This chart shows the overall response times of the server-side of the system. JMeter collects the statistics on what the client looks like, while another tool is required to collect the server-side metrics like CPU usage and Memory utilization, things that indicate the health of the VM or computer hosting the clients. An older version of DynaTrace is depicted here, available for free for all ThingWorx customers from the PTC Downloads Site (under various product listings).   In DynaTrace, you can build new dashboards using PurePaths: You can also look at the response times for each service, but be sure to change the response limit to a large number so that all the results are returned. Changing the response limit to a large number to ensure all of the results show in the PurePaths dashboard.   Highlighted here in DynaTrace is the longest service that ran, which in this case took 95 seconds to fully respond: More specific analysis of this service can now begin. Perhaps it needs to be tuned, or otherwise optimized to handle the number of threads, i.e. the number of users. Perhaps the system needs more resources or the VM isn’t large enough for the test. Perhaps more JMeter clients and system resources are required. Something will explain this long response time, and that will inform as to what work might still remain before this system can scale up to the enterprise level.   How to Use the Test Results Load Testing often means scaling the test up a little more each time until the system eventually breaks, or the target performance is reached. Within JMeter, this won’t mean increasing the overall number of threads per one JMeter client, but instead, scaling horizontally to other JMeter clients (as covered in the previous blog post). Now that the remote or distributed clients are configured and the test running, how do we know when the test is beginning to fail?   It turns out that this answer is not a simple one. Which results are considered desirable will vary from one customer to the next based on many factors, and analyzing the test results is a massive topic all on its own. However, there is one thing that any customer would care to review, and that is the response time overview chart found within the JMeter reports. This chart can be used to compare the performance of the majority of threads against a baseline, indicating the point at which the test begins to fail, i.e. the point at which the limits of the system are reached.   The easiest way to determine a good standard response time for a load test, a baseline, is to start with a single JMeter client and record the response times for just 1-5 threads. You can record the response times for individual requests, particularly queries and other services with expected long response times, or the average response times across all requests or groups of requests, if the performance of some mashups are more important than others.   This approach is better than relying on the response times seen in a browser because HTML pages load differently when rendered in a browser, with differing graphical resource requirements than what is requested in JMeter. Note that some customers will also manually record response times within a separate browser-based test scenario during load testing as either a sanity check or as part of their overall benchmarking in order to further validate the scalability of the application, but this wouldn’t involve JMeter given that browsers load things differently and cross-comparison is a bad idea.   Once the baseline response times are established, start increasing the thread counts across the many JMeter clients until you see the response times go up on average. PTC’s standard criteria for load testing is exceeded when the average response times are roughly doubled, or when the system seems overwhelmed with the user load on the server side (which is what to look out for in DynaTrace or the external system monitor). At this point, the application is said to have reached a bottleneck, which could be a simple tuning problem, or it could be saturated by resource requirements. Either way, the bottleneck is proof that the system can’t take any more threads without users beginning to notice and the response times approaching an unreasonable delay.   Other criteria can be used as well, say if any one thread takes more than 5 seconds to respond. Also ensure there are no unexpected errors, as gateway errors represent failed tests too. Sometimes there will be errors even when the test is successful, though, so consider monitoring the error percentage, a column in the Summary Report tab of JMeter, to see what is normal. The throughput column may also be something to monitor. Many watch for increases in throughput as the thread count increases to ensure there is no degradation in performance (which may indicate hardware or sizing constraints).   The Summary Report will look something like this, with thread group results from all of the clients appearing side by side, differentiated from each other by the unique port: Conclusions Generating and reviewing reports within JMeter is straight-forward and easily customizable. Be sure to also monitor the system itself using an external tool like DynaTrace, PTC’s official System Monitor, which has a lot of value considering how easy it is to use out of the box. If the system looks healthy on the server side and the response times are within an acceptable range on the client side, then the application is ready for enterprise use. Be sure to generate a baseline for response times within JMeter, remembering that browsers have different loading processes than JMeter, and not to cross-compare.   This article constitutes the end of the basics. The final article to come will talk about more advanced test design features and best practices, so stay tuned!
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Distributed Testing with JMeter Overview Running JMeter to the scale required by most customers is something that demands additional considerations than discussed in the previous two articles. At scale, a test may need to simulate thousands of users, which will require more than just one JMeter client be set-up on one or many hosts, as shown in the 3rd JMeter article here, in a tutorial on Distributed Testing.     Distributed Testing Remote Testing configuration in which the main JMeter client is located at one IP address, controlling the rest as they step through their own copies of the JMeter tests, based on their own unique data files as necessary, to simulate a user load across a network, a series of regions, or simply across many machines if limited by the size of the physical hardware [JMeter link for this image in text body below] One key aspect of a proper JMeter load test is distributed or remote testing, i.e. making use of more than one JMeter client at a time to simulate the user load on the Application server. There are many reasons to make use of a network of clients such as this, like mimicking cross-region user access to the Foundation server, simulating different levels of latency for different users, and increasing the overall number of users which can contribute to the load test, while minimizing the performance cost of hosting that many threads on any single server.      A single JMeter client has a practical limit of 150-250 threads across all groups and requires about 1 CPU and 8 Gb of RAM. After this point, the amount of garbage collection and other processing there is for each client to do is substantial. As the client processes its own data and sends requests to the Application server at the same time, there are diminishing returns, and the responses begin to take longer (or errors start occurring) simply because of resource starvation within the client process rather than on the Application server. Therefore, distributed testing is required for most customers doing larger load tests using JMeter. Many applications will have more than a few hundred users and/or will have users accessing the system from a variety of regions and networks, each of which could have significantly different network latency. So, in order to work with the limitations of the JMeter executable and address regional concerns, distributed or remote testing is typically required for almost all of PTC’s customers who scale test with JMeter.      With a simple (monolithic) distributed test, all of the JMeter clients are located on the same host and share an IP address, but each must be configured with a unique RMI port to connect to the controlling process. If these are located on a VM, then the resource specifications can merely be increased and the VM sized larger as necessary to ensure the network of JMeter clients runs as expected. Each JMeter client requires around 8 GB for its heap size and 1 CPU (with some additional resources for the host operating system). Multi-hosted testing becomes the required option when limited by physical hardware (or a relatively small VM hardware host). If there are only 4-core, 32-GB machines, then plan for a machine per every 3 JMeter clients. If simulating thousands of users, this could mean half a dozen machines or more are required, which can still sometimes work out to be more cost efficient than one large, 256 GB, VM hosted in the cloud. Using many hosts in physical locations can also simulate regions with different network characteristics.      A tutorial for distributed testing across one host is shown here. For more information, see the Apache web articles on each topic: Remote Testing and Distributed Testing Step by Step.     Tutorial: Step Up Distributed Test on One Host Copy the source directory for the whole JMeter project and rename it however many times as required. Here there are 22 JMeter clients side-by-side on a single, 256-GB VM (3000+ users):   Each directory (shown above) is identical, except that the “” files (found in the bin directory in each project) have unique settings, namely the RMI port:     Each JMeter client must contain a copy of the same test scripts found on the main server:   In the “” file for the main server, specify the IPs and ports for each remote/distributed client (under remote_hosts), as shown: In this image, the IPs are all the same, with just the port differing from client to client. Here only 4 clients are in use, with the rest commented out for future tests. This is how to scale up and test incrementally more users each time. Just add another server to add another 150-250 users, until eventually the target number of users is reached, or the server is saturated. These IPs will differ if doing a true remote test, with each being the server location of the JMeter client within the same network. The combination of IP address and port will all still need to be unique, and communication between the overall jmeter controller and the clients over the RMI ports needs to be allowed by the network/firewalls. Note that the number of users is set using the parameter under “Test Plan” which was set-up last time. This value represents the number of users by specifying the number of threads per thread group, and it can remain the same for every client or vary accordingly, if for instance one region is smaller than another. The “Test Plan” parameters are shown here:   To optionally start all of the clients at once in preparation for test execution, create a basic batch or shell script which goes to the bin directory of each agent and calls the start command: “jmeter-server”. In this image from a Windows JMeter host, only the first few agents are in use, but removing the “rem” to uncomment the other start command lines in this file would add more servers to be started. Note how the Java parameter for java.rmi.server.hostname must match the main JMeter client network configuration here for them to connect (see Apache links above for more information). This will start each of them in their own CMD window, which once closed, will terminate the JMeter client processes. Parameter like rampUp time within the main test script will scale with the number of client processes. For example, 100 users and 300 seconds rampUp with 4 clients results in 400 overall user threads that are all logged in after 300 seconds. Once all clients are running, then click Remote Start All to start the test across every server from a GUI (usually for debugging) or execute the test using command line: jmeter -n -r -t <test.jmx> -l <results.jtl>   The main server sends the actions to the remote clients to run, so all the clients need is input parameters. For instance, a CSV file may exist in each directory which has different data from client to client, to create pseudo-random user loads and represent different kinds of user activity. The file shown in this image is different, and unique, in each of the client directories:   Conclusion Here, we learned how to horizontally scale the load test, setting up more JMeter clients to facilitate larger, more complete user loads. We also discussed the difference between distributed and remote testing, and how the former is easier to set up and use, especially on VMs, but the latter might be better for simulating region differences and the impact of network latency. The latter will likely also be required if there are hardware constraints to consider, since each JMeter client needs about 8 GB for its heap, and another 8 GBs, or a core or two of similar size, is needed per every 3 JMeter clients for the communication and processing of data. Stay tuned for the next article on generating and reviewing the results of the load tests.  
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ThingWorx and Azure IoT Hub Benchmark This Azure IoT Hub Reference Benchmark showcases the capabilities of ThingWorx and Microsoft Azure IoT Hub, a cloud-hosted solution backend that facilitates secure and reliable communication between an IoT application such as ThingWorx and the devices it manages. By making use of this third party tool, remote monitoring with ThingWorx has never been simpler.   In this benchmark, PTC verifies the reliability and scalability of ingesting data through the Azure IoT Hub into the Azure IoT Hub Connector(s) and ThingWorx Foundation. The preliminary version of this document focuses primarily on how the Azure IoT Hub’s capabilities modify and/or enhance the data ingestion and device management capabilities of ThingWorx.   Find the benchmark document attached here, and stay tuned for more reference benchmarks to come!
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Remote Monitoring of Assets in Connected Factories   As stated in the previous reference benchmark, one of the missions of the IOT Enterprise Deployment Center (EDC) is to showcase how real-world IOT business problems are solved. Our goal is that these benchmarks can be used as a reference or baseline for architects working on their own implementations, showing not only a successful at-scale implementation, but also what happens when that same implementation is pushed to, or even past, it's limits.   The second in this series is attached here, this time reflecting a Connected Factory implementation. ThingWorx was deployed alongside Kepware Server, with the numbers of things, the number of properties, and the write rate for those properties being varied to once again test the capabilities of a remote monitoring use case, but this time in a Connected Factory setting. The business logic was kept simple to ensure it was not the limiting factor, as the throughput between Kepware Server and ThingWorx was pushed to the limit. See first hand the capabilities of Kepware Server and ThingWorx Foundation to handle implementations centered around real-time data reporting   More Connected Factory implementations will be added to this document in time, with multiple Kepware Server deployments and other scenarios to come. Please feel free to use this community post to ask any questions about our approach and discuss any design, deployment, and simulation factors. 
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Building More Complex Tests in JMeter Overview This is the second in a series of articles which help inform how to do user load testing in ThingWorx. This article picks up where the previous left off, continuing with the project created there. The screenshots do appear a little differently here because a new “Look and Feel” was selected for the JMeter application (switched from “Metal” to “Windows Classic”) to provide more readable screenshots. In this guide, we are going to make the very simple project more complex, working towards a better representation of a real load test. The steps below walk you through how to create and configure thread groups and parameterize the processes and procedures defined by each thread group.   Adding More Thread Groups Within JMeter, thread groups are used to organize the HTTP requests in a test into various processes or procedures, such that different mashups (and all of the HTTP requests required on each) or processes can be executed simultaneously by different thread groups throughout the test. Varying the number of threads in a group is how to vary the number of users accessing that mashup during the test, a number which increases over time in accordance with the ramp up time. The thread group name will also show up in the Summary Report tab at the end of the test, making it easier to parse through and graph the results. Start by renaming the existing thread groups so that their process or procedure names are recognizable at the end of the test: Highlight the line which reads “HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder”. (Optional) Add an Include filter to only capture the URLs relevant to your application using the Requests Filtering tab. For example, with the escape character \ necessary for ‘.’, myhost.mycompany.mydomain becomes: myhost\.mycompany\.mydomain Now record a new thread group clicking the “Start” button: Once the control box shows up in the top left corner, click to open a browser and access the ThingWorx Navigate application. Then click on “View Parts List” or some other mashup: Once the mashup loads, search using a string and/or wildcard, or click on one of the recent results if any exist: Wait for the mashup to fully load with the details on that part or assembly, and then click “Stop” in the recording controller window: All of the HTTP requests performed in the process of loading and using this mashup will be added to the JMeter project here: Next, add a new thread group manually to the project: Highlight the newly created “Thread Group” (default name) and rename it to something that relates to the nature of that process: Drag and drop the new collection of requests so that it is considered a part of the new thread group: Then drag the whole group up so that it is next to the other thread groups in the test: In more complex projects, different thread groups may be added at different times, and each time, the service calls are all assigned an index (at the end of the request URL, for example: <request>-344). These indexes may not be unique depending on how and when the thread groups were created, especially in more complex tests. The easiest way to fix this issue is save the test from the JMeter GUI, then open the JMX file in a text editor and perform a find and replace within the relevant section of text.   This is usually done using a regular expression for the number. For example, if the request name indexes are numbered -500 through -525, a regular expression to increase them to -700 through -725 would be (in Notepad++): Find: -5([0-9])([0-9]) Replace: -7\1\2 Note that if you do not use a Request Filter, sometimes the recorder will log URLs that are not part of the target application, like these “generate” samplers. These URLs are typically happening in the background of the browser to track performance, security and errors. These can be deleted: At other times, you will be repeating steps that are already part of another thread group, for example: logging in. This genidkey is a part of the login, as you can see if you look back at the login thread group. Because logging in is only necessary once, and it is assumed to be complete by the time the test starts on the second thread group, this entire section can be deleted: To see for sure if a request can be removed because it is called in a previous thread group, do a non-case-sensitive search for the name of the request: All of the requests found in this particular instance were performed in the previous thread group, so therefore this entire category can also be deleted: Another odd thing you may see (if you do not use a Request Filter with the recording feature) are “blank” requests like these: The recorder isn’t sure what to call these “non-requests”, so anything like this that isn’t an actual URL within the target application should be deleted. Static downloads should be disabled or deleted from scale testing since they are usually cached by the user browser client. In this ThingWorx example, there are static “MediaEntites” which can be deleted or disabled: Within the JMeter client there is no good way to highlight and reset them all at once, unfortunately. The easiest way to remove all of these at once is to open the JMX file in a text editor and use regex expressions for search and replace “enabled=true” with “enabled=false”. Most text editors have examples on how to use regular expressions within their Help topics. The above example is for Notepad++. Parameterize Thread Groups Parameterization is usually the part of creating a JMeter test that takes the most effort and knowledge. Some requests will require the same information for every thread, information which can therefore be defined statically within the JMeter element rather than being parameterized. Some values used within the JMeter test script can be parameterized as inputs in the top level of the test controller, for example: Duration, RampUp time, ApplicationHost, ApplicationPort.   Other values may be unique to only one thread group and could be defined in a User Defined Variables element within that group controller. The value(s) used within a request can also be determined on the fly by the results of earlier requests within a thread group. These request results typically must be post-processed and parameterized for later thread elements to function correctly.   The highest level values that are unique to each thread should be inputs from a CSV file that are passed into the threads as parameters, for example Username and Password. Data used within the test is usually parameterized in order to better emulate real world application use by multiple users. In the following example, we will parameterize the number of users for each thread group by adding a user- defined variable.   Start by selecting the new thread group and parametrizing the number of threads (i.e. the number of users accessing this mashup at a time during the test). The way to enter a variable is with syntax like this: $(searchandviewpartstructure_threads) In this case, make this a user defined variable: or a variable for the whole project, by highlighting “Test Plan” and adding the information there. Begin looking at the samplers to see what types of things need to be parameterized in your test. Consider such things as: thread count (as shown above), ramp up time (also depicted above), duration, timings, roles, URL arguments, info table information, search result information, etc.   Another example here parameterizes the search parameters for a query by adding an overall search string column to a CSV file (which can then be randomly generated by some other script): First, parameterize the body data of the request by highlighting the request, and changing the value of the desired field to something like this: $(searchString) Next, define the parameter under the Test Plan and set a default value: Now define the searchString column again as part of the CSV Data Set: Now it can be varied simply by providing different pseudo-random values with wildcards and/or known values in the CSV file.   Post Processors and Extractors Most JMeter load tests become more complex when the results of one request are sent as parameters into later requests. This is done in JMeter by using Post Processors (Extractors), tools which facilitate extracting information out of the request results so it can be assigned to JMeter parameters. There are many different types of extractors which can process the results of previous requests: CSS Selector Extractor – commonly used extractor for values returned as html attributes JSON Extractor – processes JSON objects using regular expressions BeanShell Post Processor –facilitates using code scripts to process return text when needed Regular Expression Extractor – JMeter supports use of regular expressions on request results   The JSON Extractor can be used to find and store information like the partOID number for a Windchill part as a parameter in JMeter, which can then be used to build more realistic workflows within the JMeter test. The example below steps you through setting up a JSON Post Processor.   Start by right-clicking the request that contains the results of our search. Then click “Add” > “Post Processors”> “JSON Extractor”, as shown in the image below: The extractor will now show up under that request as a sub-menu item. Select it, and name the variable something easy to reference. For the JSON Path expressions, pull the object number or some other identifying characteristic out of the search results: $.rows[0].objNumber for example. Another option would be to take information like the partOID number send that into the search string field, by defining both as properties and having one refer to the other. To pull the partOID out, use a Regular Expression Extractor: Another thing to parameterize is the summary report result file name. Adding in the number of users and ramp up time can result in files that are easier to reference later being stored on your machine. We will cover generating and reviewing Summary Reports in full in the next article in this series.     Conclusion In this article we saw how to create new thread groups, removing extraneous requests from those groups, and reduce the overall ambiguity of which thread groups are representing which processes or mashup calls. We also covered how to parameterize the individual requests as well as the summary report. Note that things like Windchill URL and hostname, search parameters and part IDs, timings, durations, offsets, anything at all that influence the results of the test, should not be hard-coded. It is better to create variables for these things to ensure that all of the various simulated activities are configured in the exact same way every time. That way, the system can be tested again and again under various strains and loads until the capabilities of the application are verified.
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Still not sure what the reference benchmarks have to offer? Check out this short video abstract reviewing the purpose of the reference benchmarks, some notes on how to read the guide, and information about what these guides will have to offer. Then, check out the reference benchmark for remote monitoring here!   ~~
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The Property Set Approach This article details an approach developed by Prachi Rath and Roy Clarke, refined by the EDC team in the December 2019's Remote Monitoring of Assets Reference Benchmark , and used to handle multi-property business rules in an Enterprise ThingWorx application.   Introduction If there are logic rules which depend upon multiple properties, and each property receives its updates one at a time, then each property will need to have an identical subscription, because there is no way for any one subscription to know the most up-to-date values for the other properties. This inefficient approach would create redundancy and sizing constraints, reducing the capacity of the application to scale up to the Enterprise level. The Property Set Approach resolves this issue by sending in all property updates as one Info Table or JSON property (called the “property set”), which can then have a single subscription. The property set is assembled on the Edge when an update needs to be sent, and then the Platform dissects, processes, and stores the data within this property set as required by the business logic.   This approach also involves caching the last property value into a runtime variable so that it can be referenced within the business logic subscription without having to be retrieved from the database. This can significantly improve the runtime of the subscription, reducing the number of resources required to sustain the business logic and ensuring that any alerts or events resulting from the business logic occur as soon as possible. It also reduces the load on the database, ensuring that data ingestion can complete unhindered.   So, while there are many benefits to this approach, it is also more complicated. It tightly couples the development of the Edge and Platform code and increases the application complexity, making it slightly less easy to maintain the application in the long run. The property set also requires a little more bandwidth and a more stable internet connection between Edge devices and the Platform since there is more metadata in an Info Table property, and therefore every update is slightly larger than it would be otherwise. So this approach is only recommended when multi-property rules are a requirement of the application and a stable internet connection exists between the Edge and Platform.   Platform Implementation I. Create an Info Table (or JSON) Property This tutorial uses the out-of-the-box Data Shape called NamedVTQ for the Info Table property, which is defined on a Thing Template as a remote property. It is important that this is not marked as persistent or logged, as the purpose is to reduce the amount of database writes and reads required by the Platform. The Info Table property has the following property definition:     <PropertyDefinition aspect.dataChangeType="ALWAYS" aspect.dataShape="NamedVTQ" aspect.isPersistent="false" baseType="INFOTABLE" isLocalOnly="false" name="numberPropertySetAsInfotable"/>       II. Create a Data Change Event Subscription for the Info Table Property The subscription has three parts: Cache the last value for the property in a runtime variable Start off the business rules processing, sending in the whole Info Table Send the Info Table to be logged as individual local properties in the database     // First step caches the last Value, refer to the next step… // Second step sets off the business rules processing with the Info Table me.ScaleTestBusinessRuleForPropertySetAsInfotable({ PropertySetAsInfotable: eventData.newValue.value }); // Third step sends the Info Table as one property into a service which parses it into the // individual properties, updating both the runtime properties on the remote thing and the database me.UpdatePropertyValues({ values: eventData.newValue.value /* INFOTABLE */ });       III. Set-Up Caching Each property which needs to be cached should be created on the Thing Template level and named in a similar way, say by placing the word “Last” at the end, such as “Property1” => “Property1Last”, “Property2” => “Property2Last”, etc. This property should NOT be logged or persistent, as the point of this is to store the most recent value in memory, removing any superfluous dependency on database queries in the process. Note that while storing the property in runtime memory makes it much more accessible, it also means that the property needs to be rewritten manually upon Platform restart. Additional code (not provided here) must be written to populate these properties from the database upon application start-up.   The following code should be placed in the data change event subscription (option 1 in the case where only a few properties need caching, or option 2 if every property value needs to be cached):   Option 1: Some but Not All Properties Need Caching     // Names of properties for which you want to cache the last value var propertyNames = ['number1', 'number2']; // Loop through the properties and cache their time if they are found in the property set; // This function can be split into two functions for Age and Last separately if need be function assignLast(propertyName) { logger.debug("Looping for property -> "+ propertyName); var searchprop = new Object(); = propertyName; property = eventData.newValue.value.Find(searchprop); if(property){ logger.debug("Found Row. Name= " +; var lastPropertyName = propertyName+"Last"; if(property.value) { // Set the cache property on me, this entity, to the current property value me[lastPropertyName] = me[propertyName]; } } else { logger.debug("Property Not Found in property set -> " + propertyName); } }       Option 2: All Properties Need Caching     var rowCount = eventData.newValue.value.getRowCount(); for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++){ logger.warn("property name->" + eventData.newValue.value[i].name + "----- property new value->" + eventData.newValue.value[i].value.value); var propertyName = eventData.newValue.value[i].name; var lastPropertyName = propertyName+"Last"; me[lastPropertyName] = me[propertyName]; logger.warn("done last subscription, last property value for lastPropertyName" + me[lastPropertyName]); }         Useful Platform Code Snippets I. Age Calculation     var date1 = new Date(); var date2 = me.GetPropertyTime({ propertyName: propertyName /* STRING */ }); var result = millisToMinutesAndSeconds (dateDifference(date1, date2) ); // This function converts from an unintelligibly large number in milliseconds to something formatted in minutes and seconds function millisToMinutesAndSeconds(millis) { var minutes = Math.floor(millis / 60000); var seconds = ((millis % 60000) / 1000).toFixed(0); return (seconds == 60 ? (minutes+1) + ":00" : minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds); }       II. Sort the Info Table by Time     var params = { sortColumn: "time" /* STRING */, t: me.propertySet/* INFOTABLE */, ascending: ascending /* BOOLEAN */ }; var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Sort(params);       III. Search the Info Table for a Property     var searchprop = new Object(); = propertyName; property = PropertySetAsInfotable.Find(searchprop); if(property === null){"Property Not Found -> " + propertyNumber1); } else {"Found Row. Name= [" + + "], value= " + property.value.value); }         Edge Implementation This example implementation uses the .NET Edge SDK to build a property set Info Table at the Edge.   I. Define the Data Shape A standard Data Shape is used (NamedVTQ), but because this Data Shape is not exposed in the Edge SDK code, it has to be created manually.     // Data Shape definition for NamedVTQ FieldDefinitionCollection namedVTQFields = new FieldDefinitionCollection(); namedVTQFields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_NAME, BaseTypes.STRING)); namedVTQFields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_VALUE, BaseTypes.VARIANT)); namedVTQFields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_TIME, BaseTypes.DATETIME)); namedVTQFields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_QUALITY, BaseTypes.STRING)); base.defineDataShapeDefinition("NamedVTQ", namedVTQFields);     II. Define the Info Table Property The property defined should NOT be logged or persistent, and it can be read-only, since data is always pushed from the Edge and read from the server cache when accessed on the Platform. Note that the push type of the info table property MUST be set to "ALWAYS" (if set to "VALUE", the data change event will only fire if the number of rows changes).   // Property Set Definitions [ThingworxPropertyDefinition( name = "DevicePropertySet", description = "Alternative representation of properties as an Info Table for rules processing", baseType = "INFOTABLE", category = "Status", aspects = new string[] { "isReadOnly:true", "isPersistent:false", "isLogged:false", "dataShape:NamedVTQ", "cacheTime:0", "pushType:ALWAYS" } ) ]     III. Define a Property to Store the GOOD Quality Status   private static String QUALITY_STATUS_GOOD =;     IV. Define Functions to Populate the Value Collections  An Info Table is really just made up of many Value Collections, where each Value Collection is considered a row. These services take in the name and value of a property and return a Value Collection object which can be added to the property set Info Table.   public ValueCollection createNumberValueCollection(String name, double value) { ValueCollection vc = new ValueCollection(); // Add quality and time entries to the Value Collection vc.SetStringValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_QUALITY, QUALITY_STATUS_GOOD); vc.SetDateTimeValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_TIME, new DatetimePrimitive(DateTime.UtcNow)); vc.SetStringValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_NAME, name); vc.SetNumberValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_VALUE, value); return vc; } public ValueCollection createBooleanValueCollection(String name, Boolean value) { ValueCollection vc = new ValueCollection(); // Add quality and time entries to the Value Collection vc.SetStringValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_QUALITY, QUALITY_STATUS_GOOD); vc.SetDateTimeValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_TIME, new DatetimePrimitive(DateTime.UtcNow)); vc.SetStringValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_NAME, name); vc.SetBooleanValue(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_VALUE, value); return vc; }     V. Build the Property Set Call this code from the processScanRequest method to build the property set.   // Create an instance of a new Info Table using the standard "NamedVTQ" Data Shape InfoTable propertySet = new InfoTable(getDataShapeDefinition("NamedVTQ")); // Set name/value for Temperature using convenience function propertySet.addRow(createNumberValueCollection("Temperature", temperature)); // Set name/value for Pressure using convenience function propertySet.addRow(createNumberValueCollection("Pressure", pressure)); // Set name/value for TotalFlow using convenience function propertySet.addRow(createNumberValueCollection("TotalFlow", this._totalFlow)); // Set name/value for InletValve using convenience function propertySet.addRow(createBooleanValueCollection("InletValve", inletValveStatus)); // Set name/value for FaultStatus using convenience function propertySet.addRow(createBooleanValueCollection("FaultStatus", faultStatus)); // Set the property set Info Table property base.setProperty("DevicePropertySet", propertySet);     VI. Update the subscribed properties These two lines of code update the properties and events, actually sending the property set (containing all property updates) to the Platform.   base.updateSubscribedProperties(15000); base.updateSubscribedEvents(60000);     Conclusion Following these steps will enable the Edge to build a property set before sending any property updates to the Platform. The Platform can then rely on caching to process the business logic with no database dependency, which is faster and more efficient than any other approach. Finally the updates are still written to the database, so in the end, there is no functional difference between using a property set and binding each property individually. Please don't hesitate to comment here with any questions about this approach.
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ThingWorx 8.5 Sizing Guide Sizing is a very important part of the application design process, answering such questions as: how much hardware is required? What specifications does this hardware need to handle the expected load? And therefore, what is the overall cost of setting up and maintaining the ThingWorx environment? Properly sizing the environment before development begins ensures that there are no unexpected costs or limitations to application functionality later on down the road.   "Hardware sizing is driven by many factors - some more easily calculated than others", as stated in the new ThingWorx 8.5 Sizing Guide. "Measures like data streaming frequency (the data ingestion component) and HTTP request volume (the data visualization component) are easily calculated... However, sizing considerations for the data processing component of the application can depend largely on business use cases and application design." Enterprise-Ready applications have the capacity to handle all aspects of an IoT application, from data ingestion and processing to data visualization, as detailed in the friendly infographic above, which many will recognize from LiveWorx. Inside the ThingWorx 8.5 Sizing Guide,  there are formulas designed to help size the more analytical aspects of the application, as well as descriptions of other factors and how they (conceptually) play a role in sizing.    There are also two application design examples which step the reader through the calculations, the comparisons, and the selections of hardware for each use case. New in this version, these examples have been simulated in the real world to prove that the theory behind these calculations is sound, and to demonstrate the full process of designing, sizing, and testing an application.  One of the examples (shown here) sizes a Connected Product Solution, something which has many, many remote things in the field, each writing to the Platform at a slower rate, for consumption by a large number of general users, who don't access the same mashups many times nor refresh their view very often. The second example is much more complex, modeling an industrial use-case, where there are many different kinds of users each accessing the mashups many times, fewer things, and more variations in the types of properties each thing possesses. These examples are designed to help anyone with any use case step through the sizing of their application properly.   Please check out the new ThingWorx 8.5 Sizing Guide, especially because each version of ThingWorx is different and must be sized accordingly. Comments and questions about the guide are very welcome right here on this thread!
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Setting Up the Azure Load Balancer with a ThingWorx High Availability Deployment Purpose In this post, one of PTC’s most experienced ThingWorx deployment architects, Desheng Xu, explains the steps to configure Azure Load Balancer with ThingWorx when deployed in a High Availability architectural model.   This approach has been used successfully on customer implementations for several ThingWorx 7.x and 8.x versions. However, with some of the improvements planned for ThingWorx High Availability architecture in the next major release, this best practice will likely change (so keep an eye out for updates to come).   Azure Load Balancer The overview article What is Azure Load Balancer? from Microsoft will give you a high-level understanding of load balancers in general, as well as the capabilities and limitations of Azure Load Balancer itself. For our purposes, we will leverage Azure Load Balancer's capability to manage incoming internet traffic to ThingWorx Platform virtual machine (VM) instances. This configuration is known as a Public Load Balancer.   Important Note: Different load balancers operate at different “layers” of the OSI Model. Azure Load Balancer operates at Layer 4 (Transport Layer) – it is indifferent to the specific TCP Payload. As a result, you must either configure both the front-end and back-end to work on SSL, or configure both of them to work on non-SSL communications. “SSL Termination” or “TLS Offload” is not supported by Azure Load Balancer.   Azure offers multiple different load balancing solutions. If you need some guidance on choosing the right one for you, I highly recommending reviewing the Microsoft DevBlog post Azure Load Balancing Solutions: A guide to help you choose the correct option.   High-Level Diagram: ThingWorx High Availability with Azure Load Balancer To keep this article focused, we will not go into the setup of ThingWorx in a High Availability architecture. It will be assumed that ThingWorx is working correctly and the ZooKeeper cluster is managing failover for the Platform instances as expected. For more details on setting up this configuration, the best place to start would be the High Availability Administrator’s Guide.   Planning In this installation, let's assume we have following plan (you will likely need to change these values for your own implementation): Azure Load Balancer will have a public facing domain name: Azure Load Balancer will have a public IP: ThingWorx Platform VM instance 1 has a local computer name, like: vm1 ThingWorx Platform VM instance 2 has a local computer name, like: vm2   ThingWorx Preparation By default, the ThingWorx Platform provides a healthcheck end point at /Thingworx/Admin/HA/LeaderCheck , which can only be accessed with a credential configured in platform-settings.json : "HASettings": { "LoadBalancerBase64EncodedCredentials":"QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphZG1pbg==" } However, Azure Load Balancer does not permit this Health Check with a credential with current versions of ThingWorx. As a workaround, you can create a pings.jsp (using the attached JSP example code) in the Tomcat folder $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/docs . This workaround will no longer be needed in ThingWorx 8.5 and newer releases.   There are two lines that likely need to be modified to meet your situation: The hostname in final String probeURL (line 10) must match your end point domain name. It's in our example, don’t forget to replace this with your real hostname! You also need to add a line in your local hosts file and point this domain name to . For example: The credential in final String base64EncodedCredential (line 14) must match the credential configured in platform-settings.json. Additionally: Don't forget to make the JSP file accessible and executable by the user who starts Tomcat service for ThingWorx. These changes must be applied to both ThingWorx Platform VM instances. Tomcat needs to be configured to support SSL on a specific port. In this example, SSL will be enabled on port 8443. Please make sure similar configuration is included in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="8443" maxThreads="200" scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" keystoreFile="/opt/yourcertificate.pfx" keystorePass="dontguess" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreType="PKCS12"/> The values in keystoreFile and keyStorePass will need to be changed for your implementation. While pkcs12 format is used in above example, you can use a different certificate formats, as long as it is supported by Tomcat (example: jks format). All other parameters, like maxThreads , are just examples - you should adjust them to meet your requirements.   How to Verify Before configuring the load balancer, verify that health check workaround is working as expected on both ThingWorx Platform instances. You can use following command to verify: curl -I The expected result from active node should look like: HTTP/1.1 200 There will be three or more lines in output, depending on your instance configuration but you should be able to see the keyword: HTTP/1.1 200.   Expected result from passive node should look like: HTTP/1.1 503   Load Balancer Configuration Step 1: Select SKU Search for “load balancer” in the Azure market and select Load Balancer from Microsoft Verify the correct vendor before you create a Load Balancer. Step 2: Create load balancer To create a proper load balancer, make sure to read Microsoft’s What is Azure Load Balancer? overview to understand the differences between “basic” and “standard” SKU offerings. If your IT policy only requires SSL communication to the outside but doesn't require a SSL communication in a health probe, then the “basic” SKU should be adequate (not considering zone redundancy). You have to decide following parameters: Region Type (public or Internal) SKU (basic or standard) IP address Public IP address name Availability zone PTC cannot provide specific recommendations for these parameters – you will need to choose them based on your specific business needs, or consult Microsoft for available offerings in your region.   Step 3: Start to configure Once a load balancer is successfully created by Azure, You should be able to see:   Step 4: Confirm frontend IP Click frontend IP configuration at left side and you should be able to see public IP address configuration. Please make sure to register this IP with your domain name ( in our example) in your Domain Name Server (DNS). If you unfamiliar with DNS configuration, you should consult with the administrator of your DNS server. If you are using Azure DNS, this Quickstart article on creating Azure DNS Zones and records may help.   Step 5: Configure Backend pools Click Backend pools and click “Add” to add a backend pool definition. Select a name for your Backend pool (using ThingworxBackend in our example). Next step is to choose Virtual network.   Once you select Virtual network, then you can choose which VM (or VMs) you want to put behind this load balancer. The VM should be the ThingWorx VM instance.   In a high availability architecture, you will typically need to choose two instances to put behind this load balancer.   Please Note: The “Virtual machine status” column in this table only shows VM status, but not ThingWorx status. ThingWorx running status will be determined by the health probe configured in the next step.     Step 6: Configure Health Probe Health Probe will be used to determine the ThingWorx Platform’s running status. When a ThingWorx Platform instance is running as the leader, then it will give HTTP status code 200 during a health probe. The Azure Load Balancer will rely on this status code to determine if the platform is running properly.   When a ThingWorx platform VM is not responding, offline, or not the leader in a High Availability setup, then this health probe will provide response with a different HTTP status code other than 200.   For the health probe, select HTTPS for the protocol. In our example port 8443 is used, though another port can be selected if necessary. Then, provide the “/docs/pings.jsp” we created earlier as the probe’s path. You may need to change this path value if you put this file in a different location.   Step 7: Configure Load balancing rules. Select “Load balancing rules” from left side and click “Add”   Select TCP as protocol, in our example we are using 443 as front-end port and 8443 as back-end port. You can choose other port numbers if necessary.   Reminder: Azure Load Balancer is a layer 4 (Transport Layer) router – it cannot differentiate between HTTP or HTTPS requests. It will simply forward requests from front-end to back-end, based on port-forwarding rules defined.   Session persistence is not critical for current versions of ThingWorx as only one active node is currently permitted in a High Availability architecture. In the future, selecting Client IP may be required to support active-active architectures.   Step 8: Verify health probe Once you complete this configuration, you can go to the $CATALINA_HOME/logs folder and monitor latest local_access log. You should see similar entries as pictured below - HTTP 200 responses should be observed from the ThingWorx leader node, and HTTP 503 responses should be observed from the ThingWorx passive node. In the example below, is the internal IP Address of the load balancer in the current region.   Step 9: Network Security Group rules to access Azure Load Balancer On its own, Azure Load Balancer does not have a network access policy – it simply forwards all requests to the back-end pool. Therefore, the appropriate Network Security Group associated with the backend resources within the resource group should have a policy to allow access to the destination port of the backend ThingWorx Foundation server (shown as 8443 here, for example). The following image displays an inbound security rule that will accept traffic from any source, and direct it to port 443 of the IP Address for the Azure Load Balancer.   Enjoy!! With the above settings, you should be able to access ThingWorx via: (replacing with the hostname you have selected).   Q&A Can I configure the health probe running on a port other than the traffic port (8443) in this case? Yes – if desired you can use a different port for the health probe configuration.   Can I use different protocol other than HTTPS for health probe? Yes – you can use different protocol in the health probe configuration, but you will need to develop your own functional equivalent to the pings.jsp example in this article for the protocol you choose.   Can I configure ZooKeeper to support the health probe? No – the purpose of the health probe is to inform the Load Balancer which node is providing service (the leader), not to select a leader. In a High Availability architecture, ZooKeeper determines which VM is the leader and talking with the database. This approach will change in future releases where multiple ThingWorx instances are actively processing requests.   How well does Azure Load Balancer scale? This question is best answered by Microsoft – as a starting point, we recommend reading the DevBlog post: Azure Load Balancing Solutions: A guide to help you choose the correct option.   How do I access logs for Azure Load Balancer? This question is best answered by Microsoft – as a starting point, we recommend reviewing the Microsoft article Azure Monitor logs for public Basic Load Balancer.   Do I need to configure specifically for Websocket and/or AlwaysOn communication? No – Azure Load Balancer is a Layer 4 (Transport Protocol) router - it only handles TCP traffic forwarding.   Can I leverage this load balancer to access all VMs behind it via ssh? Yes – you could configure Inbound NAT rules for this. If you require specific help in configuring this, the question is best answered by Microsoft. As a starting point, we recommend reviewing the Microsoft tutorial Configure port forwarding in Azure Load Balancer using the portal.   Can I view current health probe status on a portal? No – Unfortunately there is no current approach to do this with Azure Load Balancer.
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  The IoT Enterprise Deployment Center’s goal is to create and share knowledge around the best practices for architecting, designing, and deploying successful, enterprise-scale Thingworx IoT Solutions.    To accomplish this goal, the EDC team takes a “real world” approach, using simulated IoT assets and users to benchmark the capabilities of different Thingworx deployment configurations. First, each implementation is pushed to its limit in an effort to establish real-world baselines, metrics which can be used to help customers determine which architecture choices will work for their custom needs. Then, each implementation is pushed beyond its limits, providing useful insight into where and why things fail, and illuminating potential implementation changes which could push the boundaries further.   Through the simulations testing to come, the EDC will be publishing the resulting benchmarks for all to see! These benchmarks will include details on implementation goals and performance metrics for different stages of deployment. Additionally, best-practice articles which illustrate how to deploy the different architectural components (those referenced within the benchmarks) will also be posted, highlighting the optimal approach to integrating everything into the Thingworx platform.   Stay tuned to see more about just how versatile the ThingWorx Platform can be! We look forward to discussing these findings as they are published right here on the PTC Community. 
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