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IoT Tips

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<p>We live in a connected world where we can (want!) to receive instant updates and notifications. ThingWorx leverages the power of Web 2.0 and its Always-On technology to deliver that, but our friendly SMS providers have also provided an easy and powerful way that can be used to deliver SMS notifications right to your phone. Email to Text!</p><div>Set up a 'notification' Thing using our MailServer Template, set up your outgoing e-mail server and you are now ready to invoke the 'SendMessage' service on a given event. All you need now is the email address of your SMS number, which you can find by following this link: <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-size:8.5pt;line-height:115%;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">List of e-Mail to SMS  addresses</span></a></div><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p><div><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p></div><p></p>
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Connecting to other databases seemed to be a hot desirable from our training feedback. So we've just added a video tutorial in the Wiki for connecting ThingWorx to SQL Server (or SQL Server Express). See topic 7.04 or go to the Video Appendix. In essence connecting to other databases like mySQL or Oracle will work the same way except you will have to change the Database URL and JDBC reference. Also let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed holiday season!
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One commonly asked question is what are the correct settings for the Configuration Tables tab when creating/setting up a Database Thing to connect to a SQL Server (2005 or later) database.  There are a couple of ways to do this but the tried and true settings are listed below. connectionValidationString - SELECT GetDate() jDBCConnectionURL - jdbc:sqlserver://servername;databaseName=databasename jDBCDriverClass - Max number of connections in the pool - 5 (this can be modified based on number of concurrent connections required) Database Password - databaseusername Database User Name - databaseuserpassword <br> The jdbc driver file sqljdbc4.jar is by default installed with the ThingWorx server.  It is located in TomcatDir\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\lib\
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Remember that when you are calling an external URL to fetch data via an API call to another system that you must encode special characters specifically. For example the URL that you may type into a browser to test may look like this: string&parameter2=test^number but when scripting that into a string variable you'll need to replace the space and the carrot with the proper encoded values (%20 and %5E) var params = { username : "me", password : "password", url : "", ignoreSSLErrors : false, timeout : 60, headers : headers }; var result = Resources['ContentLoaderFunctions'].LoadXML(params); also note that in this instance we're making a secure connection therefore port 443 (typically the default) was explicitly specified...
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