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I previously posted a version of this question, but did not get any response. So I decided to rephrase and try again.
I have been trying to compare the solvers (BDF, Radua, Stiffr and Stiffb) for stiff odes. Could be doing something stupid but BDF is the only one that I can get to run consistently. For the others I get error messages I do not understand (in this context):
"The return value of this function must match the problem size"
"This value must be real"
(BTW. Documentation says Stiffb does not work for more than 8 equations, but it seems like it should be "8 or more". 7 worked. 8 did not.)
Thanks to anyone who chimes in.
If you run the worksheet, be patient. It takes a while to calculate.
What is the initial setting of the problem that you want to solve with the program?
P.S. Crosspost:
The constant tp is neither defined nor initialized anywhere. How does the processor calculate sin (2πt / tp)?
@-MFra- wrote:
The constant tp is neither defined nor initialized anywhere. How does the processor calculate sin (2πt / tp)?
The solve block is evaluated symbolically and the result is assigned to a function D which has tp (substituted by y[5) as one of its arguments. So all is OK and when you let the sheet run it works OK (at least with BDF and Radau & IC21).
BTW, VladimirN had unearthed a more than 8 months old question and obviously no one had an idea so far why the solvers other than BDF fail.
Although you work in symbolic, don't you have to initialize the variables first and then reset them for symbolic computation? otherwise if you write tp = ? before the Given, it marks it in red. As a result nothing changes, on this I agree.
Why would you write tp = ... ? Sure the variable is not defined but its not necessary to define it as its just used as a formal function argument (disguised as y[5).
A solve block which is evaluated symbolically (a feature not available in Prime) does not need any guess values for the variables solved for.
Here is an example to demonstrate defining a function similar but much simplified to the one in the worksheet. Neither a nor b need to be initialized - "a", because we evaluate symbolically and "b" because its provided as function argument:
And here is the same using "substitute" to change the name of the formal function argument, similar to the procedure done in the worksheet but not using a vector as we only deal with one single variable:
Thanks for the clarification. However, I always prefer to define variables and then reset them in case I need them for a symbolic calculation.
@-MFra- wrote:
Thanks for the clarification. However, I always prefer to define variables and then reset them in case I need them for a symbolic calculation.
You sure do not define a variable x if you intend to define a function f(x):=.... later.
And so it also was not done in the worksheet with the variable tp (and others). The use of the solve block with symbolic evaluation and the substitution with x[5 just obscured the fact, that its just a "simple" definition of a function D of tp and other arguments.
But of course I agree thats its often good habit to define variables (and un-define them symbolically) which are used in symbolic evaluations and assignments to avoid the error from the numeric engine.
Please delete. Thank you.