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Survey - direct Mathcad files attachments

25-Diamond I

Survey - direct Mathcad files attachments

While this topic may belong to "Community Help" I post it here on purpose to reach the right people.

Some of us already made the experience that Mathcad files can't be attached directly but must be zipped before we are allowed to attach them. Thats cumbersome - especially compared to the way we could make attachments in the previous forum.

I already posted a thread here

and @Tmetcalf is already aware of the problem but has no solution so far.


Now I noticed that at least two times in this forum users were able to attach a Mathcad file directly. That means that something on the user side could be the cause for the upload failing (it should not and the problem has to be fixed by Lithium or PTC) and I am curious as to what it could be.

I downloaded gthe files of the people who were successful and trie to upload the very same files - no succes. So its nothing special with the files.

I usually work with Firefox and so I gave it a try with Chrome and with Internet explorer. But with none of them I was succesful, all would refuse the upload.

At the time I am limited to a machine with good old  Win XP.

Could the OS be the difference, or the installed Java version, or ....??


Could you please try yourself to upload a Mathcad file directly and report here about fail or success!?

Maybe your responses can help Toby to find a solution.

If you need dummy files you can find thme in the attached archive.


23-Emerald III

OK. Now I've also changed the registry setting for:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\MIME\Database\Content Type\Application/x-mathcad-mcd]
"Extension"=".mcd"     to     ".mcdx".


But still:

 What happens If I just change the extension of the Prime file to .mcd?


23-Emerald III

Now I've changed the registry entry:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\Application/x-mathcad-mcd]
"Extension"=".mcd"     to      ".dcm"


And it still attaches the file with no problems.

So these registry settings do not matter.


From what source does Lithium draw what it thinks is information??





Can you upload this MC11 worksheet from another PC?

Good day everyone - a support ticket for this has been filed with Lithium 

Thank you, Toby.

23-Emerald III

Trying to attach from another PC...


Cause? Mystery.

25-Diamond I

@LucMeekes wrote:

Trying to attach from another PC...

Did you ever had a trial of MC14 or MC15 installed on that other PC.

Uploading files seems to be an endless story ...

23-Emerald III

I've had trial versions installed on both PC's. There's no apparent difference in the registry contents.

But I already demonstrated that Lithium does not look at the registry contents, or it does, but then probably in some cases mutilates the data before comparison...


25-Diamond I

Hmm, nope.

The idea was that MC14/15 writes something in the registry which Lithium does not like (because so far if someone was able to upload its was either MC11 or Prime format).

The mapping "content-type" <-> "extension" seems to be stored in more than one or two places in the registry.

Nevertheless it remains a mystery as to what exactly is going on.

Curious if there ever will be a fix from Lithium in the near future - guess we better don't hold our breath.

23-Emerald III

Another machine to try to attach:

 But Mathcad 11 was successful.

Win7/32 & FireFox


23-Emerald III

 one more machine to try:

 All successful.

This machine never had any Mathcad or Prime it does not have the corresponding entries in the register.



Good day everyone,

I am working this with Lithium.

@LucMeekes @Werner_E @RichardJ would you be willing to send me a file that gives you trouble that I can give to Lithium to test?

Thank you,


25-Diamond I

Hi @Tmetcalf

Here you are!

In the attached zip file you find files in MC11, MC15, MC15zipped and Prime 3 format.

I attached that kind of zip archive already in the very first post in this thread but when I try to open it now I am getting an error from my zip-program. Further investigations showed that the zip-file I uploaded a month ago was now somehow replaced by a photo of a screenshot showing a Mathcad 3D graph. This pic sure is not mine and I never uploaded it! The filename still is but the content of the file is a picture!! The EXIF information in the pic says that it was taken on 20. Februray 2016, so it may belong to a thread from that time.

What may have happend??? Its severe if our attachments (the new ones we already did in Lithium) get messed up!!!


BTW - any news about enabling the browser spell checker in Rich Text mode? It already was enabled here but just for a few hours and then disabled again. So it should be easy to enable it again, I guess.


Focusing on the file types @Werner_E and thank you for this post.



Any news?

21-Topaz I

9 months on and still nothing?  Wow!

23-Emerald III


The three files I was able to successfully upload three weeks ago (see my previous post in this thread) from the one machine that never had any Mathcad or Prime installed on it, gave problems on other machines,.. or not.

Use them at your discretion.

I just checked them, they still seem to be OK.




So, I tested the files with extensions ".mcd", ".xmcd", ".xmcdz", ".mcdx" and all without success. I used the following web browsers with Windows 7 32-bit and always received the same error:

  • Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18738
  • Google Chrome 59.0.3071.115
  • Firefox 54.0.1
  • Opera 46.0.2597.46
  • Tor 7.0.2


25-Diamond I

Guess we won't solve that puzzle here and have to wait for lithium to reply to Toby. Hopefully wih a fix and not with "its a security feature and working to specification.".

In any case this is strange Smiley Frustrated.

25-Diamond I

It even got worse!

I just tried to attach a zip file named "". The second dot in the name threw off Lithium completely and it refused the upload.

Pic.pngIf this would be a software from DOS ages I would say OK, they didn't know better.

But here I would say that Lithium has some very severe bugs and limitations when it comes to file uploading!



23-Emerald III

It's not per se the second dot in a file name.
Note that my file got uploaded without problems...
Let's hope that Lithium soon solves this and other problems (I really do miss the facility to just paste an image into a message).

25-Diamond I

@LucMeekes wrote:
It's not per se the second dot in a file name.

No, its the first 😉 The text after it seems to be considered to be the file extension. When I replaced the first dot by an underscore I was able to upload.


Note that my file got uploaded without problems...

Maybe extension ".1" is considered an allowed one.?


Let's hope that Lithium soon solves this and other problems

 Hmm, I won't bet on it. When we were moved from the Collab to the first Jive forum it was really a very bad deterioration with respect to usability and clearness (and we lost a big deal of valuable posts, links and attachments). We were promised fixes and improvements which never were provided. So we had to deal with that social media rubbish (OK, later we got the ability to embed pics easily which was an improvement even over the Collab).

Then we experienced the move to a new Jive version (think it was 7) and things got worse. No distinct message system - just streams you can filter (now we have distinct messages at least rudimentary - we can't store them in folders sorted by whatever we like but at least we have them in one place and can delete them). Usability and easiness of navigation took another step back.

And now we experience the change to Lithium and again we see very very few improvements but a whole lot of problems and disadvantages. Another change for the worse. I am not talking about some still missing groups, missing attachments (videos), the unfavorable layout (to keep it polite) or the loss of 1 week of posts, the hierarchy and structure with regards to labels. I guess Toby is working on those problems and I can imagine improvements here. But the upload problem, the inability to copy and paste of pictures, the inability to view an embedded picture in full resolution (without having to download it),  the inferior spellchecker ,... those are problems where I don't expect a solution in the near future. 😞


I really do miss the facility to just paste an image into a message.

So do I. This really was a time saver and I see now that I ever so often am not willing to jump through the loop and so abstain from embedding a pic even thought this would have helped a lot more than many words.

Have you noticed that we cannot look at pictures in full size/resolution.

I noticed it by some posts from F.M. who seems to like to post very big (especially very high) pictures of full worksheets instead of the sheet itself :-(.

In the message text those pictures are scaled down automatically in a way so the width does not exceeds the with of the post (which is not even half of the screen width!!). When we click the pic to "enlarge" it it opens in a new popup window and is again scaled to fit. If the pic is very high then its even smaller than in the post itself. Normally right clicking a pic and choosing "show graphics" can cure  such problems, but not here in this Lithium forum - it simply does not work here. Only way to see the picture in readable form is to use the ability to download it and view it with a locally installed picture viewer.

The philosophy seems to be "we make uploading pics more difficult than necessary, so for fairness sake we make viewing pics more difficult, too" ?

That we often don't see the full name of an attachment and have to mouse over and look at the status line of the browser to see what kind of file type it is looks like a minor problem compared to the above. But why must we see the attachments to the right of the post and not below?




According to lithium, jive, proboards and all that forumsoftware-rubbish:

All that seems to me, that they think, we haven't enough problems.

If i would work like them in my job, they would fire me immediately!

...licence to make money...

23-Emerald III

Every improvement is (involves) a change. But not every change is an improvement.
It would seem that PTC wants every change to be a deterioration. And they succeed in that more than we like.

Why did PTC move from Jive to Lithium?
Was there a compelling reason?

@LucMeekes wrote:
It would seem that PTC wants every change to be a deterioration. And they succeed in that more than we like.

The sad thing is that: you're right


@LucMeekes wrote:
It would seem that PTC wants every change to be a deterioration. And they succeed in that more than we like.

I understand your point, but of course that is not true. Also be aware that you (like me, and most others here) view PTC through the lens of Mathcad. I don't think I will get much argument (except perhaps from a PTC troll) when I say that PTC has destroyed Mathcad. At least, they have destroyed it as a general math and data analysis tool. Why? There there are only two possible answers: they are grossly incompetent, or they have a very different vision of what Mathcad should be. We have plenty of evidence that it's the latter. They have no interest in the legacy Mathcad users or what they want. Mathcad will become an add-on for Creo, and all the advanced functionallity that we had in Mathcad 15 (or asked for, and never got) is not coming, either in the near or distant future. So, to be honest, I care much less about this forum migration that I did about the migration from the Collaboratory, because I care much less about Mathcad as a tool I use. I see no future in it, and as such could never choose it as a computation platform for my company. It's time to move on, and give up on all the investment of the past. There's no real alternative with a whiteboard interface, but that cannot be the only factor in choosing a product. The product has to have a viable future, and as long as PTC owns it, Mathcad doesn't.

25-Diamond I

@LucMeekes wrote:
Why did PTC move from Jive to Lithium?
Was there a compelling reason?

We will never know for sure, I guess.

Jive was inferior when it came to navigation and clearness, but this here is not really much better from what I have seen so far and when it comes to visibility and waste of space the theme used here is even much worse. But the driving force behind such actions usually is always money in some way. Maybe the motto is "We should have something like this because eventually it is good for customer loyalty and all the others have that, too. But we sure do not want to invest that much money and man power on this." After all I guess that we all made the experience that PTC does not really care what we do here - its just us who see this as a user driven support forum. So forum features which are important for us sure are not really important for PTC.

As things seem to go worse from change to change its no wonder we lose regular contributors because of this. They either leave completely or their posting/answering frequency drops significantly. As Tom Gutman once wrote before he left (a very big loss IMHO) after the migration to Jive - we are here for fun, not for self-flagellation.


> According to lithium, jive, proboards and all that forumsoftware-rubbish:

> All that seems to me, that they think, we haven't enough problems.

Yes Volker, I see it the same way and often enough have already written that. But must see that the problem also could be one of socialization to some degree. The way you see those "features" or the ranking of people given them funny name may differ depending on were you were grown up and got socialized. Were we live it may be usual that a child gets a golden star glued in its notebook by its teacher when it did a task pretty well as a method for motivation and sign of appreciation. This works well up to a certain age (say 10 or 12). After that age such methods are seen as childish and are not welcome. So if we get adult and are treated by given badges or are ranked by "funny" names, get "liked" or "kudod" we don't are motivated but rather feel  humbled and demeaned as we feel treated like a small child.

In other countries that system of rewarding and appraisal by giving badges, certificates, small goodies, rank names, titles, etc. for otherwise trivial and normal activities is not stopped at the age of 10. People get used to it even in higher ages and as adults they also expect that their normal activity should be rewarded in some way, being it points in a forum, badges, small goodies like a bottle opener (of course with company logo), etc. and they really can be motivated by such things.

I don't say that one form of socialization is better than the other. I just say that they are quite different and companies working internationally should be aware of that and respect it - most don't.

Guess this explains why we experience this "gamification" here, as mstarkey calls in in that thread/blog about ranks -> rank discussion


EDIT: Just saw Richards reply after posting. Of course he is right. Discussions about the functionality of this forum is discussing a sideline.

Guess most of us will (have to) quit using Mathcad sooner or later and therefore will also leave this forum. Sad, but true.


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