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Hello eveyone;
I recently discovered that in ThingWorx 8 , adding appKey to url for authentication has ben removed for security reasons.
I cant find working HTTP Requests examples which includes necessary headers with proper syntax.
I am using NodeMCU with MicroPython Flash. I can successfully make HTTP requests to any REST testing site. eg.
I also test my Url in Postman. which it also work properly.
Here is my code.
Note : I use urequests library as requests.
url = 'http://<server>/Thingworx/Things/NodemcuTest/Properties/input'
headers = {'appkey': 'xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx'
'Accept': 'application/json'}
getreq = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
s = getreq["rows"][0]["cont"]
I hope i made myself clear about the issue.
Thank you.
Murat Can
Hi Murat,
The application key can be passed in as an http header called "appKey" (caplital K).
Hopefully that helps!
Hi James;
I switch to using Arduino IDE to programming nodeMCU and it worked...only works on my local Thingworx Installition.
This syntax must be true -it works on my local Thingworx 8.0.2- but its not working on neither Postman nor our servers which installed Thingworx 8.0.2 and 7.4.
Hi Murat,
From a security standpoint, its preferable to use http headers over URL parameters. For example
Post to http://localhost:8080/Thingworx/Things/JamesTestThing/Services/HelloWorld
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: Application/json
appKey: <someAppKeyAsAVeryLongString>
This returns a result for me
"dataShape": {
"fieldDefinitions": {
"result": {
"name": "result",
"description": "",
"baseType": "STRING",
"ordinal": 0,
"aspects": {}
"rows": [
"result": "Hello World"
I tried your suggestions and is making a GET call to a thing property from Postman.
I have tried sending the appKey in url and it gave me a 404 not found error.
Next, i tried sending it as Header and still I am getting a 404. please see the screen shot attached. Any help would be appreciated.
Do you have this myhouse thing for which you are fetching watts property.
I was able to solve this issue
This is with reference to the article
Will the appkey param also supported in the Request header in the 7-4-15 ThingWorx version ?