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Good morning everybody.
am using IOT Data within my experince. To do so I use Thingworx & get the data via the Get property value service within Vuforia.
I now want to make a picture visible when two properties have a specific value.
Property 1: Additional Sensor -> its a string which is sent. -> "Endposition Reached"
Property2: Status of Gripper arm -> again a string -> "Active"
When the Properties have the above mentioned value I want to make a picture visible.
Does someone have a hint for me how to do it best? Is it within bindings with filter or is it in the java script of the project?
Thank you!
with javascript in vuforia studio it is possible based to property change from thingworx platform.
Thank you for the reply! Do you have a code example for me? I don't know how to start that atm.
I had in the past similar taks to implement but for me was the usage of another TWX event more convenient in this case and I think it could be applicable also in your case therefore I want to share this here. Lets look on the following exmple ->I have in Thingworx a Thing where I have a string property :
added e.g. then the TWX Event DataChange for the property (my_sensor_test1) - thing CADtestRepository to the External Data
So I have now the event on the right side /External Data panel. I created binding to app parameters.
So also to see the value I linke the app parameters to 2 labels - label-1 (here the new value is linked) and label-2 ( oldValued linked)
In the label I wnat to display the value (as in your example .. active , Endstation or something else) and want to set a color for the different states.
After the settings mentioned above it will update only the value. To have also a different color I defined :
- Css styles in the STYLES> APPLICATION tab:
.mygreen {
background-color :green;
color: blue;
.myred {
background-color :red;
.myblue {
background-color :blue;
And to set the styles depending the current value I used a $watch construct:
$scope.$watch('app.params["my_sensor_test1_newVal"]', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
console.log("$watch >> newValue :: "+newValue+" >>>oldValue :: "+oldValue);
//handling of newVal
if(newValue!=null ) {
if(newValue.indexOf('active') != -1 )
{ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-1','class','mygreen'); $scope.$applyAsync();
} else
if(newValue.indexOf('Endstation') != -1 )
{ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-1','class','myred'); $scope.$applyAsync();
{ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-1','class','myblue'); $scope.$applyAsync();
}//end of handling of newVal
//handling of newVal
if(oldValue!=null ) {
if(oldValue.indexOf('active') != -1 )
{ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-2','class','mygreen'); $scope.$applyAsync();
} else
if(oldValue.indexOf('Endstation') != -1 )
{ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-2','class','myred'); $scope.$applyAsync();
{ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-2','class','myblue'); $scope.$applyAsync();
}//end of handling of newVal
So this was all, now tested the value - where I changed the property my_sensor_test1 in Thingworx UI and checked the display in preview mode- so the color was changed/updated according to the value setting: