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I have model in Vuforia Studio with 11 Assembly Steps,
I Create the assembly sequence in Creo Illustrate
How can I Create separate buttons for each Step that control the assembly sequence that I Create in Creo Illustrate.? Ex. If I Press the Step 1, the assembly sequence in step 1 will appear
and when I press the Step 5, the assembly sequence show the assembly sequence number 5.
you can use below code for add sequence or step on each button:
$scope.sequence1 = function () {
//$scope.view.wdg['model-1']['sequence'] = 'app/resources/Uploaded/l-Creo 3D - TestFigure1.pvi';
//reset it only if you want to interrupt a playing step otherwise is not necessarily
//does not work synchronously
//delay of .5 sec to be sure that all action are done
$timeout(function () {
$scope.$applyAsync(()=>{$scope.setWidgetProp('model-1', 'currentStep', 1);});
//further delay for a 0.5 sec to be sure that the step is set and then play
$timeout(function () {$scope.$root.$broadcast('app.view["Home"].wdg["model-1"]'); }, 500);
}, 500);
Hi @Ronerick ,
I do not think that it is possible to create automatic buttons ( as widget button) automatically.
Ok it depends on the way how you want to create this. Means you want to use an unknown model where you do not know the number of steps , sequence names etc. and you will want to explore the model on retrieval and create for all sequences and steps button. I think this will be difficult.
Let consider here the following points:
so we can use some code like this:
$rootScope.$on("modelLoaded", function(){
$scope.goList = function(event, data) {
//set the selected value to the current_step parameter
$ = data.value;
//this will fill the list widget
$scope.populateList = function() {
var listvalue=[
display: "Step 1",
value: 1
display: "Step 2",
value: 2
display: "Step 3",
value: 3
display: "Step 4",
value: 4
$scope.view.wdg['list-1']['list']= listvalue;
$scope.view.wdg['list-1']['label']= 'display';
The code will define a list as json and will set to the List Property of the list widget
The goList funciton is used then in the Item Click event of the list widget so it will then define the action for a click on list item/on particular step
We can see now the list which contains the steps and we can click on step to play it.
To play the step we need to create a binding between the parameter CURRENT_STEP and the model widget property Current Step. Additionally we need to call the play service :"model-1", 'play');"model-1", 'playAll');
var mySeqList=app.view['Home'].wdg['model-1']['sequenceList']