Hi everyone, I appreciate the tutorial on How to incorporate metadata inside of Vuforia.
Now, I want to extract the metadata BEFORE loading the pvz into Studio.
How can I extract the file model.metadata.json outside of Vuforia?
I want to create a procedure that could access to a series of pvz file into a folder of my desktop and copy/paste the metadata into the "/.../Resources/Uploaded" folder.
Anyone has some help?
Hi @leonardosella ,
so far, I know the current implementation of Studio for the extraction of the metadata is working only in the context of the UI as integral part of the Studio dev UI.
It seems that there is not a Studio library which could be used as standalone call - means to be called outside the Studio Dev environment. I believe, also such usage of the tool as standalone utility is not intended /supported by PTC
The supported way currently for customers to extract the data form PVZ to json is:
To use the Studio dev UI to load the pvz file to the upload folder and to create the json file by selecting the metadata check box (also multi file select) later the files could be used in other projects
Unfortunately, I could not find information about such officially supported PTC tools for the general use.
I checked also the pvsoptimize tools argument sbut seem that the Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\node_modules\cad-import-filters\import_filters\bin\pvsoptimize.exe -? or -H
There are not any supported parameters for metadata output. So far my observation the metadata extraction is done by some code written to temp files metadataService.js - commonProperties.js which are generated in the UserProfile\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\node_modules\.cache\nyc directory but I do not think that it is easy to use them because the javascript code there is encrpyted
Hi Roland! It's been almost a year since this post. Has this changed? Can we now derive metadata outside of the UI? Thanks!
Hey @HectorAtLmco ,
I did requested info by PTC R&D team if there are some changes in the meantime. Ticket Jira VTS-683. I will provide here the feedback from R&D Team. Thanks
Hi @HectorAtLmco ,
I checked the internal ticket Ticket Jira VTS-683 status is still enhancement where dev team consider soon implementation but there is no info about a deadline
BUT it seems that there is already a TWX extensions which implements the extraction of the JSON of pvs file. Furter more it seem to extract more information as UI in the post ( solution posted by@sgreywilson ) there you can find information about this extension
and the extension could be downloaded on github https://github.com/mvonhasselbach/CreoViewRWExtension
possibly could be helpful in your case. (there are also complete java src files - so possibly you can use 2 clases Structure2.java and CreoViewRWHelper.java outside TWX)