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Reset application parameters after placing order


Reset application parameters after placing order

I want to reset application parameters in Vuforia Studio after placing an order.The orderid is getting reused even after setting it to undefined ex: $['uid'] = undefined.Can you please help me with this.



Hi @SS_11298241 ,

when you set the parameter to an value you need to check what is the value there.

I believe that app parameter could not be set later to undefined but it is an empty string- there is some automatic parsing. 

The quesiton how you did hanlde the setting a parmater value to undefined. Possibly you can use the string 'undefined' and check something like 

if($['uid'].indexOf('undefined') !=-1) ...  please see also

but possibly you can check an empty string

or not valid uid ... (so means the stinng does not match the uid requirments) I think you need to have define your function e.g. (check_valid_uid) what should be the best option.

It depends when you say reused - what that means. where you reuse .it ?  e.g. $whatch construct or some service call.... you can even do you check if ui is valid or not.


Hi Roland,

Thanks for responding to my previous post. Apologies if my earlier explanation was too vague. Here's a detailed description of the issue I'm facing with my cart application:

Problem Description

My cart application generates a unique ID (uid) whenever items are added to the cart. However, I've encountered an issue when users place multiple orders without refreshing the page.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. First Order:

    • User selects 2 items and places the order.
    • The order is successfully placed, and the user receives an email confirmation for the 2 items.
  2. No Page Refresh:

    • The user does not refresh the browser after placing the first order.
  3. Second Order:

    • The user selects 3 new items for a second order.
    • On placing the second order, the application processes it with 5 items (2 from the previous order + 3 new ones).


The cart application reuses the uid for subsequent operations when the page is not refreshed, resulting in a merge of the previous order's items with the current one.


I would like the addToCart functionality to use a new uid for each order without requiring the user to refresh the page or triggering a location.reload().


How can I ensure that a new uid is generated and used for each order without requiring a page refresh?

I've attached my bindings for reference. Any suggestions or best practices to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

possibly we need to check more detailed the calling sequence to see why that happend 

... but when you say - when the customer will not refresh the view. - so means that issue is chrome - is that also in view on device?

- and I will undertand your statement that it will work ok when user will referesh the view /browser after the order- therefore possibly via some a little stupid technques we can force the refresh. $sope.apply() - found follow internal info but never used it- so possibly you can try if that will referesh:


$scope.$apply() function takes a function as parameter which is executed, and after that $scope.$digest() is called
internally. That makes it easier for you to make sure that all watches are checked, and thus all data bindings refreshed.
Here is an $apply() example:
$scope.$apply(function() {
$ = "Another value";
The function passed to the $apply() function as parameter will change the value of $ When the
function exits AngularJS will call the $scope.$digest() function so all watches are checked for changes in the watched


one possible way to refersh I know is to call a second view widget

let say a dummy view widget what has e.g. a text saying  something like  " am processing your order" etc. let say you view is named order_process

so you can call 




that will call the 2D view and there we can define in oder_process.js some think like :


 $scope.$on("$ionicView.afterEnter", function (event,info) {
//======when the view is loaded
//then wait 1 second and navigate back to Home or what ever the name
    $timeout( () =>{ //I will call with 2550 delay the srv
        let navigateObject = {'viewname': 'Home'};
        $scope.$emit('app-fn-navigate', navigateObject);}
}) //######################## finish afterEnter view    


So means you will navigate to the process_view and then after 1 second it will navigate back to the Home or what ever you name of the original view is. You can also use for that an app parameter e.g.    $ e.g


 $ ="MyStartView"


and then the defintion in order_process.js

 $scope.$on("$ionicView.afterEnter", function (event,info) {
//======when the view is loaded
//then wait 1 second and navigate back to Home or what ever the name
    $timeout( () =>{ //I will call with 2550 delay the srv
        let navigateObject = {'viewname': $ };
        $scope.$emit('app-fn-navigate', navigateObject);}
}) //######################## finish afterEnter view    

Could you check if that will work in your case? Thanks

Hello @SS_11298241


It looks like you have some responses from some community members. If any of these replies helped you solve your question please mark the appropriate reply as the Accepted Solution. 

Of course, if you have more to share on your issue, please let the Community know so other community members can continue to help you.

Vivek N.
Community Moderation Team.

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