I have issue when converting creo files to pdf, the Silk screen text overlap and is not visible clearly in pdf.
Please help me to resolve the same at the earliest.
Your quick reply would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Honeywell Aerospace
1. What version of the program are you using?
2. Please show a screenshot with your issue.
I think Honeywell Aerospace company has its own CAD administrator. Why don't you ask him/her ?
Please find response below:
I am using Creo 6.0 and Adobe acrobat Pro DC (64-Bit) for viewing pdf Below is the snap shot of Silkscreen converted from Creo to pdf wherein Silkscreen is overlappingSnap shot of the same from Creo tool:
your problem is related to pentable. You have to set pen widths properly.
Open the PDF in Acrobat or Acrobat reader and use CTRL+5 which should change the line weight on visible lines and may correct the overlap. It may be a quick fix for the issue. The "real" fix is to deal with the pen assignments to avoid this as @MartinHanak has mentioned.
I am using Ctrl+5 as a temporary option but I am looking for a permanent solution.
Need help on pentable settings.
Here are a couple of discussions on pen tables:
Hopefully these help.
@NC_8870740 wrote:
I am using Ctrl+5 as a temporary option but I am looking for a permanent solution.
Need help on pentable settings.
your config.pro must contains following options
use_8_plotter_pens yes
pen_table_file E:\users\creo7_parametric\pentable.pnt
pdf_use_pentable YES
Path used in pen_table_file option is individual for every company.
If you send me your pentable.pnt file I can check its contents for you.
I guess that for your application it is necessary to set small thickness value for pen 1.
Creo does not display drawings on screen as they would be printed. As @MartinHanak mentioned, the line thickness when printed (PDF is a printed version) is controlled by the pen table.
The PDF view can be improved, in relation to fine details by pressing Ctrl+5. This is a temporary thinning of all lines to one pixel.