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I have put together a small sample of how to get property values from a Windows Powershell command into Thingworx through an agent using the Java SDK. In order to use this you need to import entities from ExampleExport.xml and then run passing in the parameters shown in run-configuration.txt (URL, port and AppKey must be adapted for your system). ExampleExport.xml is a sample file distributed with the Java SDK which I’ve also included in the zipfile attached to this post. You need to go in Thingworx Composer to Import/Export … Import from File … Entities … Single File … Choose File … Import. Further instructions / details are given in this short video: Video Link : 2181
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      Thingworx extensions are a great place to explore UI ideas and get that special feature you want.   Here is a quick primer on Widgets (Note: there is comprehensive documentation here which explores the complete development process ).The intention is not to explain every detail but just the most important points to get you started. I will explore more in additional posts. I also like images rather than lost of words to read. I have attached the simple Hello Word example as a start point and  I'm using Visual Code as my editor of choice.   The attached zip when unzipped will contain a folder called ui and metadata xml file. Within the ui folder there needs to be a folder that has the same name as the widget name. In this case its helloworld.   Metadata file - The 3 callouts are the most import. Package version: is the current version and each time a change is made the value needs to be updated. name: a unique name used through out the widget definition UIResources: The source locations for the widget definition. The UIResources files are used to define the widget in the ide (Composer) and runtime (Mashup). These 2 environments ide and runtime have matching pairs of css (cascading style sheets)  and a js (javascript) files.   The js files are where most of the work is done. There a number of functions used inside the javascript file but just to get things going we will focus on the renderHtml function. This is the function that will generate the HTML to be inserted in the widget location.   renderHtml(helloWorld.ide.js) In this very simple case the renderHtml in the runtime is the same as in the ide renderHtml (helloWorld.runtime.js)   Hopefully you can see that the HTML is pretty easy just some div and span tags with some code to get the Property called Salutation.   So we have the very basics and we are not worried to much about all the other things not mentioned. So to get the simple extension into Thingworx we use the Import -> Extensions menu option. The UI and metadata.xml file needs to be zipped up (as per attachment).  Below is a animated gif that shows how to import and use the widget   Very Quick Steps to import and use in mashup. Video Link : 2147   The next blog will explore functions and allow a user to click the label and display a random message. This will show how to use events   Widget Extensions Click Event
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The following code snippet will retrieve a months worth of data from the system and return it as a CSV document suitable for import into your spreadsheet or reporting tool of choice. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* def ac = new AuditCriteria() ac.fromDate = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-01') ac.toDate   = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-31') def retString = '' tcount = 0 while ( (results = auditBridge.find(ac)) != null  && tcount < results .totalCount) {   results.audits.each { res ->     retString += "${res?.user?.id},${res?.asset?.serialNumber},${res?.category},${res.message},${}\n"     tcount++   }   ac.pageNumber = ac.pageNumber + 1 } return retString
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Axeda Enterprise has long provided a feature to run custom code on the server side in response to end user requests or events triggered by data sent in by remote agents.  Version 6.6 introduced Axeda Artisan - an Apache Maven based tool to add modern best practices to developing Axeda-based solutions, using modern code editors such as Eclipse and IntelliJ, and allowing for the use of source code control tools like Git or Clearcase.  One downside to Artisan, however, is that it has no export tool - no way to take currently existing entities in the Axeda instance, and save them. The attached Groovy script, GetCustomObjects.groovy, solves that problem for custom objects.  It will iterate an Axeda instance and save any found CustomObjects to disk for backup, or to use to bootstrap an Artisan project from an existing instance. { / }  » groovy GetCustomObjects.groovy usage: getCustomObjects -acceptBadSSL          Ignore any TLS validation issues -h                     help -instance <instance>   instance name - directory to store results -password <password>   password -url <url>             url of Axeda Machine Cloud -username <username>   username An example call might look like: { / } groovy GetCustomObjects.groovy -instance prod-instance -url -username <uname> -password <pwd> This will save all custom objects in a directory called prod-instance.
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You can control the Tracking Indicator that is used to mark the ThingMark position. The Tracking Indicator is a green hexagon, in the screenshot below the red arrow points to it. You can control the display of this tracking indicator via the Display Tracking Indicator property of the ThingMark widget: But you can also get fancier. Here is an exmaple that shows the tracking indicator for 3 seconds when the tracking has started and then hides it automatically. To achieve such a behavior you'll have to use a bit of Javascript. We'll first create a function hideIn3Sec() in the javascript section of our view and then add it to the javascript handler of the Tracking Acquired event of the ThingMark widget. Step 1: Here is the code for copy/paste convenience: $scope.hideIn3Sec=function(){   // The $timeout function has two arguments: the function to execute (defined inline here)   // and the time in msec after which the function is invoked.   $timeout( function hide(){     // you may have to change 'thingMark-1' by the id of the ThingMark in your own experience     $['Home'].wdg['thingMark-1']['trackingIndicator']=false;   },   3000); } Step 2: That's it. Have fun!
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Thingworx actually provides some services for this, but it exports them to an XML file. I'm pretty sure that there are people who will be able to turn this into something easily legible in a mashup. There are two services in CollectionFunctions ExportUserPermissions ImportUserPermissions
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The System user is pivotal in securing your application and the simplest approach is to assign the System user to ALL Collections and give it Runtime Service Execute. These Collection Permissions ONLY Export to ThingworxStorage vs. the File Export, it becomes quite painful to manage this and then roll this out to a new machine. Best and fastest solution? Script the Assignment, you can take this script which does it for the System user and extend it to include any other Collection Level permissions you might need to set, like adding Entity Create Design Time for the System user. --------------------------------------------------------- //@ThingworxExtensionApiMethod(since={6,6}) //public void AddCollectionRunTimePermission(java.lang.String collectionName, //       java.lang.String type, //       java.lang.String resource, //       java.lang.String principal, //       java.lang.String principalType, //       java.lang.Boolean allow) //    throws java.lang.Exception // //Service Category: //    Permissions // //Service Description: //    Add a run time permission. // //Parameters: //    collectionName - Collection name (Things, Users, ThingShapes, etc.) - STRING //    type - Permission type (PropertyRead PropertyWrite ServiceInvoke EventInvoke EventSubscribe) - STRING //    resource - Resource name (* = all or enter a specific resource to override) - STRING //    principal - Principal name (name of user or group) - STRING //    principalType - Principal type (User or Group) - STRING //    allow - Permission (true = allow, false = deny) - BOOLEAN //Throws: //    java.lang.Exception - If an error occurs //   var params = {     modelTags: undefined /* TAGS */,     type: undefined /* STRING */ }; // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: EntityCount var EntityTypeList = Subsystems["PlatformSubsystem"].GetEntityCount(params); for each (var row in EntityTypeList.rows) {     try {         var params = {             principal: "System" /* STRING */,             allow: true /* BOOLEAN */,             resource: "*" /* STRING */,             type: "ServiceInvoke" /* STRING */,             principalType: "User" /* STRING */,             collectionName: /* STRING */         };         // no return         Resources["CollectionFunctions"].AddCollectionRunTimePermission(params);     }     catch(err) {     } }
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Objective Learn how the Scripto Web Service helps you to present platform information in your HTML with JavaScript and dynamic page updating.  After this tutorial, you will know how to create Axeda Custom Objects that return formatted results to JavaScript using XmlHttpResponse, and how a very simple page can incorporate platform data into your browser-based user interface. Part 1 - Simple Scripto In Using Scripto, you learned how Scripto can be called from very simple clients, even the most basic HTTP tools. This tutorial builds on the examples in that tutorial. The following HelloWorld script accepts a parameter named "foo". This means that the caller of the script may supply a value for this parameter, and the script simple returns a message that includes the value supplied. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* return "Hello world, ${}" In the first part of this tutorial, we'll be creating an HTML page with some JavaScript that simply calls the HelloWorld script and puts the result on the page. Create an HTML File Open up your favorite text editor and create a blank document. Paste in this simple scaffold, which includes a very simple FORM with fields for your developer platform email and password, and the "foo" parameter. <html> <head> <title>Axeda Developer Connection Simple Ajax HelloWorld Example</title> </head> <body> <form name="f1">         Platform email (login): <input name="username" type="text"><br/>         Password: <input name="password" type="password"><br/>         foo: <input name="foo" type="text"><br/> <input value="Go" type="button" onclick='JavaScript: callScripto()'/></p> <div id="result"></div> </form> </body> </html> Pretty basic HTML that you've seen lots of times. Notice the form onclick refers to a JavaScript function. We'll be adding that next. Add the JavaScript Directly under the <title> tag, add the following <script language="Javascript"> var scriptoURL =""; var scriptName ="HelloWorld2"; </script> This defines our JavaScript block, and a couple of constants to tell our script where the server's Scripto REST endpoint is, and the name of the script we will be running. Let's add in our callScripto() function. Paste the following directly under the scriptName variable declaration: function callScripto(){ try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE }    var xmlHttpReq =false;    var self =this;    // Mozilla/Safari    if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest();    }// IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }    var form = document.forms['f1'];    var username = form.username.value;    var password = form.password.value;    var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password;   'POST', url,true);             self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');             self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function() {       if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){                     updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText);       }    }    var foo =;    var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);    self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); } That was a lot to process in one chunk, so let's examine each piece. This piece just tells the browser that we'll be wanting to make some Ajax calls to a remote server. We'll be running the example right off a local file system (at first), so this is necessary to ask for permission. try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE } This part creates an XmlHttpRequest object, which is a standard object available in browsers via JavaScript. Because of slight browser differences, this code creates the correct object based on the browser type. var xmlHttpReq =false; var self =this; // Mozilla/Safari if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Next we create the URL that will be used to make the HTTP call. This simply combines our scriptoURL, scriptName, and platform credentials. var form = document.forms['f1']; var username = form.username.value; var password = form.password.value; var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password; Now let's tell the xmlHttpReq object what we want from it. we'll also reference the name of another JavaScript function which will be invoked when the operation completes.'POST', url,true);     self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');     self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function(){ if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){             updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText); } } Finally, for this function, we'll grab the "foo" parameter from the form and tell the prepped xmlHttpReq object to post it. var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);     self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); almost done. We just need to supply the updatepage function that we referenced above. Add this code directly before the </script> close tag: function updatepage(str){             document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str; } Try it out Save your file as helloworld.html and open it in a browser by starting your browser and choosing "Open File". You can also download a zip with the file prepared for you at the end of this page. If you are using Internet Explorer, IE will pop a bar asking you if it is OK for the script inside this page to execute a script. Choose "Allow Blocked Content". Type in your platform email address (the address you registered for the developer connection with) and your password. Enter any text that you like for "foo". When you click "Go", the area below the button will display the result of the Scripto call. Note that if you are using Mozilla Firefox, you will be warned about the script wanting to access a remote server. Click "Allow". Congratulations! You have learned how to call a Custom Object-backed Scripto service to display dynamic platform content inside a very simple HTML page. Next Steps Be sure to check out the tutorial on Hosting Custom Applications to learn how you can make this page get directly served from your platform account, with its very own URL. Also explore code samples that show more sophisticated HTML+AJAX examples using Google Charts and other presentation tools.
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This script will get all contacts (optionally limited to a particular organization) and check whether there is a DeviceContact associated with it.  If there is no DeviceContact (meaning it is not associated with a device), it deletes the contact. Note - It is worthwhile to test this script by commenting out the contact.delete() line first and reviewing which contacts will be deleted.  Also, this script works by finding all contacts, therefore it is not recommended to run the script repeatedly within a short period of time. Parameter: organizationName  (OPTIONAL) - Str - the name of the organization import net.sf.json.JSONObject import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model import import import net.sf.json.groovy.JsonSlurper import import import import import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import import import import groovy.json.* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.scripto.Request import /** * ContactDelete.groovy * ----------------------- * * Finds all contacts, then finds the device contact for each contact. If null, deletes the contact. * * @params * organizationName (OPTIONAL) Str - limit the contact deletion to an organization * * * @author Sara Streeter <> */ /** * initialize our global variables * json = the contents of our response * infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script * contentType = the content type we will return * scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places */ def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def infoString = new StringBuilder() def contentType = "application/json" def scriptName = "ContactDelete.groovy" def root = ["result":["deleted":[]]] def timings = [:] timings.contactFinding = 0 timings.contactIterating = 0 wholestart = System.currentTimeMillis() final Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext() try {       def params = Request?.parameters?.size() > 0 ? Request?.parameters : parameters       ContactFinder cfinder = new ContactFinder(CONTEXT)       def start = System.currentTimeMillis()     def organization       if (params.organizationName != null && params.organizationName != ""){         OrganizationFinder oFinder = new OrganizationFinder(CONTEXT)         oFinder.setName(params.organizationName)         organization = oFinder.find()               if (organization){             cfinder.setOrganization(organization)         }     }       List<Contact> contacts = cfinder.findAll()     timings.contactFinding += System.currentTimeMillis()-start       root.result.contactSize = contacts.size()       start = System.currentTimeMillis()     contacts.each{  contact ->           DeviceContactFinder dcfinder = new DeviceContactFinder(CONTEXT)         dcfinder.setContactId(         def dc = dcfinder.findAll()         if (dc.size() == 0){             root.result.deleted << [                 id:,                 firstName: contact.firstName,                 lastName: contact.lastName,                 organization: contact.organization?.name             ]             contact.delete()  // comment out this line to check which contacts will be deleted first.         }     }     timings.contactIterating += System.currentTimeMillis()-start     } catch (Exception e) {     processException(scriptName,json,e) } finally {     timings.wholescript = System.currentTimeMillis() - wholestart     root += [timings: timings] } return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)] /*     Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection     @param json The markup builder */ private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {     // catch the exception output     def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()     e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))     logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")     /*         Construct the error response         - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum         - errorMessage The text of the exception      */     json.errors  {         error {             message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()             timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"         }     }     return json }
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This is an example to show returning an uploaded file as a binary from a Groovy Script. Parameters: model_name serial_number import import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.* import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap try {     Context ctx = Context.getUserContext()     ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(ctx)     modelFinder.setName(parameters.model_name)     Model model = modelFinder.find()     DeviceFinder dfinder = new DeviceFinder(ctx)     dfinder.setModel(model)     dfinder.setSerialNumber(parameters.serial_number)     Device d = dfinder.find()     UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(ctx)     uff.device = d     def ufiles = uff.findAll()     UploadedFile ufile     if (ufiles.size() > 0) {         ufile = ufiles[0]         File f = ufile.extractFile()     def type = getType(f)     return ['Content-Type': type, 'Content': new FileInputStream(f)]      } else {     return ['Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Content': 'No files have been uploaded'] } } catch (Exception e) {     StringWriter logStringWriter = new StringWriter();     PrintWriter logPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(logStringWriter)     e.printStackTrace(logPrintWriter) } static String getType(File f) {   MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeTypesMap = new MimetypesFileTypeMap()   return mimeTypesMap.getContentType(f); }
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Update properties on a model. Parameter: modelName (REQUIRED) - String - the name of the model to have its properties updated. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceProperty import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DevicePropertyFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Property import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.PropertyType import Set<String> REQUIRED_PROPERTIES = [     "TestProperty0","TestProperty1","TestProperty2" ] try {       final def Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()       ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT);     modelFinder.setName(parameters.modelName)    Model model = modelFinder.find();    if (model == null){ throw new Exception("No model found") }    modelProperties = findModelProperties(CONTEXT,     updateProperties(CONTEXT,, modelProperties, REQUIRED_PROPERTIES){"$ :$it.value") } } catch (Exception e){ e.localizedMessage } return true private DeviceProperty findModelProperties(Context context, Identifier modelID) {   def finder = new DevicePropertyFinder(context) = modelID   finder.type = PropertyType.MODEL_TYPE   return finder.findOne() as DeviceProperty } private void updateProperties(Context context, Identifier modelID, DeviceProperty modelProperties, Set<String> requiredProperties) {   if (!modelProperties) {     modelProperties = new DeviceProperty(context) = modelID     modelProperties.type = PropertyType.MODEL_TYPE = []   }   (requiredProperties - new HashSet<String>( { })).inject( { list, propertyName -> list << new Property(0, propertyName, "") } }
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Sends an email with an alarm name passed in by an Expression Rule. Parameters (passed in as arguments to ExecuteCustomObject in the Expression Rule): fromaddress toaddress import /* * ExprRuleAlarmToEmail.groovy * * Sends an email with an alarm name passed in by an Expression Rule. * * @param fromaddress - (REQ):Str email address of sender. * @param toaddress - (REQ): Str email address of recipient * * * @note Should be executed from an Expression Rule like the following: * * Type: Alarm * If: Alarm.severity > 490 && Alarm.severity < 700 * Then: ExecuteCustomObject("ExprRuleAlarmToEmail", "","") * * @author Sara Streeter <> */ try {   String fromaddress = parameters.fromaddress   String toaddress = parameters.toaddress   String subject = "Axeda Alarm - ${}"   String body = "You are receiving this alarm ${} because you are subscribed to its updates."   sendEmail(fromaddress, toaddress, subject, body) } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.message) }     public void sendEmail(String fromAddress,String toAddress,String subject, String body) {         try {             Email.send(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, body);         } catch (AddressException ae) {             logger.error(ae);         }     }
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These code snippets illustrate parsing CSV files and populating the Axeda Enterprise with data, locations and organizations.  These files are incoming to the Axeda Platform. Note:  These snippets do NOT handle null values in the CSV due to the lack of a CSV parsing library.  Workaround is to populate empty values with an empty or null signifier (such as a blank space) and test for these on the Groovy side. Code Snippets: CSV file to Data Items CSV file to Location Organization Script Name: CSV file to Data Items Description: Executed from an expression rule with file hint "datainsert", takes a CSV file and adds data based on values. Parameters: OPTIONAL - only needed for debugging modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem import import java.util.regex.Pattern import groovy.json.* import import net.sf.json.JSONObject /** * CSVToData.groovy * ----------------------- * * Executed from an expression rule with file hint "datainsert", takes a CSV file and adds data based on values. * * @note  There must be a column with "model" and one with "serial".  The rest of the columns should be data item names with values * in the rows. DOES NOT handle null values in CSV.  Workaround is to insert blank spaces in null values and test for those on the Groovy side. * Solution would be to add a library for CSV parsing such as open csv. * * @params - only needed if NOT executed from expression rule - primarily for debugging * modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model * serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number * * */ /** * initialize our global variables * json = the contents of our response * infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script * contentType = the content type we will return * scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places */ def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def infoString = new StringBuilder() def contentType = "application/json" def scriptName = "CSVToData.groovy" def root = ["result":["items":[]]] def columns = [] try {   Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()   def modelIndex   def serialIndex   // initialize Model and Device Finders   ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)   DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)   // implicit object compressedFile   File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile() /* //begin non-expression rule code, useful for debugging     File file     modelFinder.setName(Request.parameters.modelname)               def model1 = modelFinder.find()     deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(Request.parameters.serialNumber)     deviceFinder.setModel(model1)     def d = deviceFinder.find()      UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(CONTEXT)     uff.device = d     def ufiles = uff.findAll()     UploadedFile ufile     if (ufiles.size() > 0) {         ufile = ufiles[0]         file = ufile.extractFile()     }          */ //end non-expression rule code   file.eachLine {line ->       def row = line.tokenize(',')          // set the column headings       if (columns.size() == 0){         columns = row              // find model and serial index, assumes there's a column that has "model" and "serial", otherwise take columns 0 and 1         def modelpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}model[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         def serialpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}serial[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         modelIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } : 0         serialIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } : 1            }       // otherwise populate data       else {                  modelFinder.setName(row.get(modelIndex))           def model = modelFinder.find()                  deviceFinder.setModel(model)           deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(row.get(serialIndex))                  def device = deviceFinder.find()                  def assetInfo = [                     "model":,                     "serial": device.serialNumber,                     "data":[]                     ]                  row.eachWithIndex{ item, index ->               if (index != modelIndex && index != serialIndex){                 def dataItemName = columns[index].replace(" ","")                 DataItemFinder dif = new DataItemFinder(CONTEXT);                 dif.setDataItemName(dataItemName);                 dif.setModel(model);                 DataItem dataItem = dif.find();                              if (dataItem){                     if (item.isNumber()){                        item = Double.valueOf(item)                     }                     DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(CONTEXT, device, dataItem, item)                            }                 else {                     DataItem newDataItem                     if (item.isNumber()){                         newDataItem = new DataItem(CONTEXT, model,DataItemType.ANALOG, dataItemName)                         item = Double.valueOf(item)                     }                     else {                        newDataItem = new DataItem(CONTEXT, model,DataItemType.STRING, dataItemName)                     }                              DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(CONTEXT, device, newDataItem, item)                            }        << [                         "name": dataItemName,                         "value": item                     ]                            }               root.result.items << assetInfo           }              }   } } catch (Exception e) {     processException(scriptName,json,e) } //return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)] /*     Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection     @param json The markup builder */ private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {     // catch the exception output     def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()     e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))     logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")     /*         Construct the error response         - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum         - errorMessage The text of the exception      */     json.errors  {         error {             message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()             timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"         }     }     return json } Script Name: CSV file to Location Organization Description: Executed from an expression rule with file hint "locorginsert", takes a CSV file and adds orgs and locations based on values. Parameters: OPTIONAL - only needed for debugging modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem import import java.util.regex.Pattern import groovy.json.* import import net.sf.json.JSONObject import import import import import import /** * CSVToLocOrg.groovy * ----------------------- * * Executed from an expression rule with file hint "locorginsert", takes a CSV file and adds orgs and locations based on values. * * @note  There must be a column with "model" and one with "serial".  The rest of the columns should be either parts of a * location or an organization.  The location parts columns should be prefixed with the org# that they correspond to. * DOES NOT handle null values in CSV.  Workaround is to insert blank spaces in null values and test for those on the Groovy side. * Solution would be to add a library for CSV parsing such as open csv. * * @params - only needed if NOT executed from expression rule - primarily for debugging * modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model * serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number * * * */ /** * initialize our global variables * json = the contents of our response * infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script * contentType = the content type we will return * scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places */ def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def infoString = new StringBuilder() def contentType = "application/json" def scriptName = "CSVToLocOrg.groovy" def root = ["result":["items":[]]] def columns = [] try {   Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()   def modelIndex   def serialIndex   def locIndices = [:]   def locKeys = ["line1","line2", "address1", "address2", "city","state","zip","country", "org"]   // initialize Finders   ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)   DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)   LocationFinder locationFinder = new LocationFinder(CONTEXT)   OrganizationFinder organizationFinder = new OrganizationFinder(CONTEXT)   // implicit object compressedFile   File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile()   /* //begin non-expression rule code, useful for debugging     File file     modelFinder.setName(Request.parameters.modelname)               def model1 = modelFinder.find()     deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(Request.parameters.serialNumber)     deviceFinder.setModel(model1)     def d = deviceFinder.find()      UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(CONTEXT)     uff.device = d     def ufiles = uff.findAll()     UploadedFile ufile     if (ufiles.size() > 0) {         ufile = ufiles[0]         file = ufile.extractFile()     }           */ //end non-expression rule code   file.eachLine {line ->       def row = line.tokenize(',')       // set the column headings       if (columns.size() == 0){         columns = row         // find model and serial index, assumes there's a column that has "model" and "serial", otherwise take columns 0 and 1         def modelpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}model[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         def serialpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}serial[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         modelIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } : 0         serialIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } : 1               locKeys.each{ key ->             // construct a regex for each key and create a map for finding/creating             def locPatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{0,}${key}[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)             def colIndex = columns.findIndexOf{                     def match = it =~ locPatt                     if (match){                         return match?.getAt(0)                     }                 }                       if (colIndex > -1){                 locIndices[colIndex] = key             }         }       }       // otherwise populate data       else {           modelFinder.setName(row.get(modelIndex))           def model = modelFinder.find()           deviceFinder.setModel(model)           deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(row.get(serialIndex))           def device = deviceFinder.find()           def assetInfo = [                     "model":,                     "serial": device.serialNumber,                     "locs":[]                     ]                   def locMap = [:]           def orgName           def locKey           def locBool = false // make sure we get some criteria           row.eachWithIndex{ item, index ->                            if (index != modelIndex && index != serialIndex && item && item != ""){                   locKey = locIndices[index]                                   if (locKey){                       locBool = true                       if (locKey == "address1"){                         locKey = "line1"                       }                       if (locKey == "address2"){                         locKey = "line2"                       }                       if (locKey == "org"){                             orgName = item                       }                       // don't execute if we've got an organization key                       else {                           // for finding                           locationFinder[locKey] = item                           // for creating (if needed)                           locMap[locKey] = item                       }                   }                               }           }                    Organization org                   if (orgName){               organizationFinder.setName(orgName)               org = organizationFinder.find()                           if (!org){                 org = new Organization(CONTEXT, orgName)                         }                       }                  Location loc           if (locBool){     "with bool")             loc = locationFinder.find()              }                   if (!loc){                          def line1 = locMap["line1"]                           def name = line1?.replace(" ","")?.replace(/\./,"")?.replace("_","") + "_Loc"                           def line2 = locMap["line2"]               def city = locMap["city"]               def state = locMap["state"]               def zip = locMap["zip"]               def country = locMap["country"]                           if (line1 && city){                loc = new Location(CONTEXT,name,line1,line2,city,state,zip,country)                                               }                           if (loc && org){                   org.addLocation(loc)                        }                       }                   assetInfo.locs << [                    "name":,                     "line1": loc.line1,                     "line2": loc.line2,                     "city":,                     "state": loc.state,                     "zip":,                     "country":                                      ]           = [                         "name":                                       ]           root.result.items << assetInfo       }   } } catch (Exception e) {     processException(scriptName,json,e) } //return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)] /*     Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection     @param json The markup builder */ private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {     // catch the exception output     def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()     e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))     logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")     /*         Construct the error response         - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum         - errorMessage The text of the exception      */     json.errors  {         error {             message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()             timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"         }     }     return json }
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This is a collection of methods for working with ExtendedObjects based on the functions used in Fleetster. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import import import import import import import import java.text.DecimalFormat import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceDataFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User import import import import import import groovy.time.* /* ************************************* */ /* HelperFunctionsExtendedObjects.groovy * Extended Object retrieval/manipulation functions. * * A collection of methods for working with ExtendedObjects. * * author: sara streeter <> ************************************* */     def eoSvc = new ServiceFactory().getExtendedObjectService()     def fetchFirstExtendedObject(DataItem dataItem, Map searchcriteria) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = 'com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem'         criteria.internalObjectId =         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         def eo       if (searchcriteria != null){             criteria.propertySearchCriteria = advancedPropertySearch(searchcriteria)         }        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         if (queryResult.size() > 0 ){         eo = queryResult.first()         }        return eo     }    def addOrFetchExtendedDataItem(DataItem dataItem, Map searchcriteria) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = 'com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem'         criteria.internalObjectId =         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         def eo       if (searchcriteria != null){             criteria.propertySearchCriteria = advancedPropertySearch(searchcriteria)         }        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)        if (queryResult.size() == 0 || queryResult == null){               eo = new ExtendedObject()               eo.internalObjectId =               eo.extendedObjectType = eoSvc.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname('com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem')               eo.externalClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"               eo = eoSvc.createExtendedObject(eo)             searchcriteria += [eotype: "ExtendedObject"]             createProperties(eoSvc, eo, searchcriteria)          }         else eo = queryResult.first()        return eo     }    def fetchExtendedDataItem(DataItem dataItem) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem"         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         criteria.internalObjectId =        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         return queryResult     }    def fetchExtendedObjectsAdvancedCriteria(DataItem dataItem, Map searchcriteria, String classname, String uniqueKey) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem"         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         criteria.internalObjectId =        if (searchcriteria != null){             criteria.propertySearchCriteria = advancedPropertySearch(searchcriteria)         }        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         return queryResult     }    def fetchExtendedObject(User user, Map searchcriteria) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User"         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedObject!${user.username}"         criteria.internalObjectId =         criteria.propertySearchCriteria = exactdatePropertySearch(searchcriteria)         def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria, -1, -1, null)         return queryResult     }    def addExtendedObject(String eoTypeName, Long referenceId, String referenceName, Map objectProperties) {       def eo = new ExtendedObject()       eo.internalObjectId = referenceId       eo.extendedObjectType = eoSvc.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname(eoTypeName)       eo.externalClientKey = referenceName       eo = eoSvc.createExtendedObject(eo)       eo = createProperties(eoSvc, eo, objectProperties)        return eo     }    def updateExtendedObject(ExtendedObject ExtendedObject, ExtendedObject ExtendedObject) {                 def ExtendedObjectprop = getProperties(ExtendedObject)                 def ExtendedObjectprop = getProperties(ExtendedObject)                 def newproperties = [:]                 if (ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp != null){                 def ExtendedObjecttype = ExtendedObjectprop.lasttype                 def ExtendedObjecttime = ExtendedObjectprop.lasttime                 if (ExtendedObjecttype == null){                     newproperties["lasttype"] = ExtendedObjectprop.type                     newproperties["lasttime"] = ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp                 }                 else {                     def oldtime = Long.valueOf(ExtendedObjecttime)                     def total = (Long.valueOf(ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp) - oldtime)/1000                     // illustrating getPropertyByName /                     def lasttype = ExtendedObject.getPropertyByName("lasttype")                     lasttype.setValue(ExtendedObjectprop.type)                     def lasttime = ExtendedObject.getPropertyByName("lasttime")                     lasttime.setValue(ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp)                     updateProperty(lasttype)                     updateProperty(lasttime)                     if (ExtendedObjectprop.containsKey(ExtendedObjecttype + "_total")==false)                         {                             newproperties[ExtendedObjecttype + "_total"] = total                         }                     else {                         def totalprop = ExtendedObject.getPropertyByName(ExtendedObjecttype + "_total")                         def lasttotal = Double.valueOf(totalprop.value)                         totalprop.setValue(String.valueOf(Double.valueOf(total) + lasttotal))                         updateProperty(totalprop)                     }                 }                 if (newproperties.size() > 0){                     ExtendedObject = createProperties(eoSvc, ExtendedObject, newproperties)                 }         }         return ExtendedObject    }     def getProperties(ExtendedObject object){         def result =[:]) { target, property ->               target += [( castPropertyValueToDefinedType(property)]             }         return result     }     def formatProperties(Map properties){         def result = properties.collect { property, value ->                [type: property, time: value]             }         return result     } def updateProperty(Property property){         eoSvc.updateProperty(property)         return property }     //default string version     def createProperties (ExtendedObjectService eoSvc, ExtendedObject object, Map properties) {         return createProperties(eoSvc, object, properties, PropertyDataType.String)     }     //WARNING: PDT may not work if it's a Date; it hasn't been tested.     def createProperties (ExtendedObjectService eoSvc, ExtendedObject object, Map properties, PropertyDataType PDT) {        //         PDT = PDT?:PropertyDataType.String         properties.each { k , v ->             def property = new             def propertytype = object.extendedObjectType.getPropertyTypeByName(k.toString())             if (propertytype == null){                 def newPropertyType = new PropertyType()        = k                 newPropertyType.dataType = PDT                 newPropertyType.extendedObjectType = object.extendedObjectType                 eoSvc.createPropertyType(newPropertyType)                 property.propertyType = newPropertyType             } else { property.propertyType = propertytype }             property.value = (PDT == PropertyDataType.Date && v instanceof Date?v.format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"):v.toString())             eoSvc.createPropertyOnExtendedObject(object, property)         }         object = findExtendedObjectById(         return object     }     def findExtendedObjectById(Long id){         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria() = id         def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         return queryResult.first() }     def findObjectByNextPropertyValue (ExtendedObject object, Map criteria, PropertySearchCriteria psCriteria){        Property prop = object.getPropertyByName(criteria.incrementName)        def incrementedProp = prop.value.toInteger() + criteria.incrementValue.toInteger()            psCriteria.setPropertyExpression(            PropertyExpressionFactory.and(                     psCriteria.propertyExpression,                     PropertyExpressionFactory.eq(criteria.incrementName, incrementedProp.toString())                    )             )        def eoCriteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         eoCriteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User"         eoCriteria.internalObjectId = object.internalObjectId         eoCriteria.propertySearchCriteria = psCriteria        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(eoCriteria,  -1, -1, null)        return queryResult.first()     }     def advancedPropertySearch (Map searchcriteria){           def propCriteria = new PropertySearchCriteria()        propCriteria.setPropertyExpression(            PropertyExpressionFactory.and(                PropertyExpressionFactory.eq("year", searchcriteria.year),                     PropertyExpressionFactory.and(                         PropertyExpressionFactory.eq("month", searchcriteria.month),                                     PropertyExpressionFactory.eq("date",                             )                    )             )         return propCriteria     }   static def extendedObjectToMap(ExtendedObject object) {     Map result = [:]     result.extendedObjectType = object?.extendedObjectType?.className     result.extendedObjectTypeId = object?.extendedObjectTypeId = object?.id     result.externalClientKey = object?.externalClientKey     result.internalObjectId = object?.internalObjectId     // build up the properties of the ExtendedObject. = object?.properties.inject([:]) { target, property ->       target += [(property?.propertyType?.name): castPropertyValueToDefinedType(property)]     }     return result   }       static def extendedObjectTypeToMap(ExtendedObjectType objectType) {         Map result = [:]         result.className = objectType.className =         result.displayName  = objectType.displayName         result.userDefined = objectType.userDefined         result.description = objectType.description = objectType.propertyTypes.inject([]) { List list, PropertyType propertyType ->           list << [                   name:,                   id:,                   description: propertyType.description,                   dataType: propertyType.dataType.toString(),                   extendedObjectType: propertyType.extendedObjectType.className           ]         }         return result       }       private static def castPropertyValueToDefinedType(Property property) {         switch(property.propertyType.dataType) {           case PropertyDataType.Boolean:             return property.value as Boolean           case PropertyDataType.Date:             Calendar calendar = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(property.value)             return calendar.getTime()           case PropertyDataType.Double:             return property.value as Double           case PropertyDataType.Integer:             return property.value as Long           case PropertyDataType.String:           default:             return property.value         }       }       static def removeExtendedObject(Long itemId) {         def eoSvc = new ServiceFactory().getExtendedObjectService()         eoSvc.deleteExtendedObject(itemId)       }       def removeUserExtendedObjects(User user) {         def queryresult = fetchUserExtendedObjects(user)         queryresult.each{                 eoSvc.deleteExtendedObject(         }       }      ExtendedObjectType findExtendedObjectType(String typeName) {     ExtendedObjectType userObjType = eoSvc.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname(typeName)     return userObjType   }   ExtendedObjectType findOrCreateExtendedObjectType(String typeName) {     ExtendedObjectType type = findExtendedObjectType(typeName)     if (type == null) {       type = new ExtendedObjectType()       type.className = typeName       type.displayName = typeName       type.description = "Autocreated type for $typeName"       type = eoSvc.createExtendedObjectType(type)     }     return type   }
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This script will return, in XML format, all models for a particular user. It is designed to be called as a web service, in which case the username parameter will be supplied by the platform from the user authentication information passed in the web service call. You should define this script as a Custom Object of type Action. You can test this script in the Groovy development environment on the platform by explicitly supplying the username parameter (i.e., your email address). import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.*; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.model.*; import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.StringQuery; import java.util.*; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.* import; def writer def xml try {   String username = parameters.username   Context ctx = Context.create(username);   ModelFinder mf = new ModelFinder(ctx);   List dList = mf.findAll();   Context.create();   writer = new StringWriter()   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)   xml.Response() {     for (d in dList) Model('name': d.getName());   } } catch (Exception ex) {   writer = new StringWriter()   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)   xml.Response() {     Fault {       Code('Groovy Exception')       Message(ex.getMessage())       StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();       PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);       ex.printStackTrace(pw);       Detail(sw.toString())     }   } } //; return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()]
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This script will return, in XML format, the alarms, location information and some data for a particular asset, identified by serial number. It is designed to be called as a web service, in which case the username parameter will be supplied by the platform from the user authentication information passed in the web service call, and the devicename parameter will be passed as an argument to the call. You can test this script in the Groovy development environment on the platform by explicitly supplying the username and devicename parameters (i.e., your email address and "asset1"). The code below will filter data items and return values for the data item "value1". import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device; import; import; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.MobileLocation; import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.StringQuery; import; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; try { "parameters: " + parameters   if (! {     throw new Exception(" required");   }   // operate in the context of the user calling the service   Context ctx = Context.create(parameters.username);   // setup the finders   DeviceFinder df = new DeviceFinder(ctx); = new Identifier(Long.parseLong(;   // find the device and its data "Finding asset"   Device device = df.find();   if (!device) {     throw new Exception("Unable to find asset with id "+;   }   AlarmFinder af = new AlarmFinder(ctx);   af.device = device;   // generate the XML   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.Alarms() {     af.findAll().each() { Alarm alarm ->       xml.Alarm('id' {         xml.DataItemName(alarm.dataItemName);         xml.DataItemValue(alarm.dataItemValue);         xml.Date(;         xml.Description(alarm.description);         xml.MobileLocation() {           MobileLocation ml = alarm.mobileLocation;           if (ml) {             xml.BeginTimeStamp(ml.beginTimeStamp);             xml.EndTimeStamp(ml.endTimeStamp);             xml.Lat(;             xml.Lng(ml.lng);             xml.Alt(ml.alt);             xml.IsCurrentLocation(ml.isCurrentLocation());           }         }         xml.Name(;         xml.Note(alarm.note);         xml.Severity(alarm.severity);         xml.State(alarm.state);       }     }   }   // return the results   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] } catch (Exception ex) {   // return the exception   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.error() {     faultcode("ErrorType.Exception");     faultstring(ex.message);   }   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] }
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This script will return, in XML format, details of all alarms for a particular asset, identified by serial number. It is designed to be called as a web service, in which case the username parameter will be supplied by the platform from the user authentication information passed in the web service call, and the id parameter will be supplied as an argument to the call. You should define this script as a Custom Object of type Action. You can test this script in the Groovy development environment on the platform by explicitly supplying the username and id parameters (i.e., your email address and "asset1"). import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device; import; import; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.MobileLocation; import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.StringQuery; import; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; try { "parameters: " + parameters   if (! {     throw new Exception(" required");   }   // operate in the context of the user calling the service   Context ctx = Context.create(parameters.username);   // setup the finders   DeviceFinder df = new DeviceFinder(ctx); = new Identifier(Long.parseLong(;   // find the device and its data "Finding asset"   Device device = df.find();   if (!device) {     throw new Exception("Unable to find asset with id "+;   }   AlarmFinder af = new AlarmFinder(ctx);   af.device = device;   // generate the XML   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.Alarms() {     af.findAll().each() { Alarm alarm ->       xml.Alarm('id' {         xml.DataItemName(alarm.dataItemName);         xml.DataItemValue(alarm.dataItemValue);         xml.Date(;         xml.Description(alarm.description);         xml.MobileLocation() {           MobileLocation ml = alarm.mobileLocation;           if (ml) {             xml.BeginTimeStamp(ml.beginTimeStamp);             xml.EndTimeStamp(ml.endTimeStamp);             xml.Lat(;             xml.Lng(ml.lng);             xml.Alt(ml.alt);             xml.IsCurrentLocation(ml.isCurrentLocation());           }         }         xml.Name(;         xml.Note(alarm.note);         xml.Severity(alarm.severity);         xml.State(alarm.state);       }     }   }   // return the results   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] } catch (Exception ex) {   // return the exception   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.error() {     faultcode("ErrorType.Exception");     faultstring(ex.message);   }   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] }
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This Groovy script is called from an Expression Rule of type Location. For example, in an Expression rule ExecuteCustomObject("SendTweetWithLocation","user","password","Asset is on the move")   calls the script "SendTweetWithLocation" with the parameters in order. The twitterStatus is the text to send to twitter. Use the user/password for an actual twitter account.  Also, the script uses the implicit objects context and mobileLocation. Parameters Variable Name      Display Name twitterUser                twitterUser twitterPassword      twitterPassword twitterStatus            twitterStatus import import static* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.geofence.Geofence twitter = new RESTClient('') twitter.auth.basic parameters.twitterUser, parameters.twitterPassword twitter.client.params.setBooleanParameter 'http.protocol.expect-continue', false def statusText = "'${parameters.twitterStatus}' for device: ${context.device.serialNumber} on ${new Date()}" resp = 'update.xml',         requestContentType: URLENC,         body: [status: statusText, lat:, long: mobileLocation.lng]) resp.status "Posted update $statusText"  
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This Groovy script is called from an ExpressionRule of type Alarm. For example, in an Expression rule IF: Alarm.severity > 500 THEN: ExecuteCustomObject("SMSMe", "[numberToSMS]")    calls the script "SMSMe" with the parameter phoneNumber.  The ExecuteCustomObject provides a way to call from this simple two-line business rule into a modern programming environment with access to the complete Platform SDK, as well as all the features of the Groovy language.  In Groovy, it's straightforward to use the built-in httpclient library to POST an HTTP request to Twilio to send an SMS to the specified cellphone number. Groovy Scripts The groovy script named SMSMe is executed by the Expression Rule above and connects to the Twilio Server passing in a list of parameters. When you register with Twilio, you will be given an ACCOUNT SID (apiID) and an AUTH TOKEN (apiPass). These two strings need to be in the Groovy Script below: String apiID = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'  String apiPass = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'     Parameters Variable Name      Display Name phoneNumber      phoneNumber import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Credentials import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair // "Calling ${parameters.phoneNumber}" String twilioHost = '' String apiID = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' String aipPass = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' HostConfiguration hc = new HostConfiguration() hc.setHost(twilioHost, 443, "https") def url = "/2008-08-01/Accounts/$apiID/SMS/Messages" def client = new HttpClient() Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(apiID, aipPass) client.getState().setCredentials(null, null, defaultcreds) PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url); post.addParameter 'IfMachine', 'Continue' post.addParameter 'Method', 'POST' post.addParameter 'From', '[YourNumber]' post.addParameter 'To', parameters.phoneNumber post.addParameter 'Body', 'This is an SMS from Axeda' client.executeMethod(hc, post); // message = "Status:" + post.getStatusText() // post.getResponseBodyAsString() post.releaseConnection();   
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When an Expression Rule of type MobileLocation calls a Groovy script, the script is provided with the implicit object mobileLocation.  This example shows how the mobileLocation object can be used. This Expression Rule calls the Groovy script 'getAddress' to retrieve the location and translate it into a street address: Type:  MobileLocation IF:      some condition e.g. true THEN:  SetDataItem("location", str(ExecuteCustomObject("getAddress"))) The 'getAddress' script uses the mobileLocation object to retrieve the asset's reported location, and then calls a REST service to translate a given latitude and longitude to a street address.  The street address is returned. import String rmdHostname =  ""; if (mobileLocation != null) { rmd = new RESTClient(rmdHostname); try {       def resp = rmd.get( path: 'findNearestAddress',                       query:[ , lng:mobileLocation.lng] )        streetnum =        street =        town =        state =        postalcode =            return streetnum + " " + street + " " +  town + " " + state + " " + postalcode } catch ( e) {     e.printStackTrace();     } }
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When an Expression Rule of type File calls a Groovy script, the script is provided with the implicit object compressedFile.  This example shows how the compressedFile object can be used. This Expression Rule uses the Groovy script 'LastLine' to return the last line of the file, and sets the dataItem 'lastLine' to the returned value: Type:  File IF:      some condition e.g. File.hint=="hint" THEN:  SetDataItem("lastline", str(ExecuteCustomObject("LastLine"))) The LastLine script uses the implicit object 'compressedFile': import com.axeda.drm.sdk.scm.CompressedFile if (compressedFile != null) {     File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile()     def result =  file.eachLine { line ->         return line     } }
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